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PROTIST KINGDOM. What type of organisms are in this kingdom?Any organism that does not fit into the Fungus, Plant,

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    1. THE PROTIST KINGDOM SB3 Kingdoms Miley

    2. PROTIST KINGDOM What type of organisms are in this kingdom? Any organism that does not fit into the Fungus, Plant, & Animal Kingdom These organisms have some traits of the above kingdoms but not enough

    3. TRAITS OF THE PROTIST KINGDOM ALL organisms in this kingdom are: UNICELLULAR EUKARYOTES (have a nucleus) AUTOTROPHS & HETEROTROPHS (Producers) (Consumers)

    4. 3 main groups of PROTISTS These are NOT Phylums but groups: 1. animal-like protists = PROTOZOANS 2. plant-like protists = ALGAE 3. fungus-like protists = SLIME-MOLDS

    5. PROTOZOAN GROUP Means “1st animal” All organisms in this group are: 1. unicellular 2. eukaryote 3. heterotrophs? engulf their food 4. reproduce by FISSION? asexual reproduction

    6. PHYLA in GROUP PROTOZOAN PHYLUM: SARCODINA ( or RHIZOPODS) Move by changing shape Have psuedopods ? “false feet” Sometimes harmful: cause disease amoebic dysentery EX: AMOEBA

    7. PHYLA in GROUP PROTOZOAN PHYLUM: FLAGELLATES (Mastigophora) Move by using their flagellum Heterotrophs EX. Trypanosome Cause sleeping sickness Attacks nervous system Can cause death Trypanosomes attacking RBCs

    8. PHYLA in GROUP PROTOZOAN PHYLUM: CILIOPHORA Move by cilia—tiny hair-like structures Food is swept into mouth by CILIA EX. PARAMECIUM

    9. PHYLA in GROUP PROTOZOAN PHYLUM = SPOROZOA Cannot move so they live as PARASITES Reproduce by forming spores EX. Plasmodium Harmful—cause malaria that is carried by mosquitoes

    10. RECAP of PHYLUMS that are ANIMAL-LIKE PROTISTS 1. SARCODINA ( or RHIZOPODS) Examples: Amoeba 2. FLAGELLATES (Mastigophora) Examples: Trypanosomes 3. CILIOPHORA Examples: Cilia 4. SPOROZOA Examples: Plasmodium

    11. ALGAE GROUP All organisms that are in this group are: PRODUCERS Have chlorophyll Do NOT have a cell wall Unicellular or multi-cellular Live in: Fresh or salt water Soil Bark of trees

    12. ALGAE VERY IMPORTANT TO US: 1. Produce a large amount of OXYGEN 2. the base (or start) of the aquatic food chain

    13. PHYLA of ALGAE 4 main ones: 1. EUGLENADOIDS 2. DINOFLAGELLATES 3. DIATOMS 4. ALGAE (red, green, and brown)

    14. EUGLENADOIDS Found mostly in FRESH water UNICELLUALR Moves by its FLAGELLUM Have chloroplast = PRODUCERS

    15. DIATOMS UNICELLULAR PRODUCERS One of the most IMPORTANT food sources for other aquatic animals! Helpful: Used in toothpastes, scouring products, & filters

    16. DINOFLAGELLATES UNICELLULAR Found in SALT Water PRODUCERS Red or Brown in color Move by beating 2 FLAGELLUM together

    17. DINOFLAGELLATES Harmful: if reproduce to fast you get a “red tide”— too many chemicals are produced and fish die If we eat these fish we get VERY sick!

    18. GREEN ALGAE Unicellular OR live in COLONIES Green in color Live in: Fresh water Salt water On land

    19. RED ALGAE MULTICELLULAR Live in SALT water HELPFUL: Used in ice-cream Used in some hair-conditioners

    20. BROWN ALGAE MULTICELLULAR Known as: SEA WEED Live in SALT water HELPFUL: Used to make dressings Used to make pudding Used to make jelly

    21. FUNGUS-LIKE PROTISTS Heterotrophs Have CELL WALLS Reproduce by forming SPORES 3 types: Water Molds Downy Mildews Slime Molds

    22. SLIME-MOLDS Consumers Live in cool, damp places—FOREST FLOORS 3 stages of life: 1. slimy mass moves like an amoeba 2. stops growing & moving/produces spores 3. Spores develop into amoeba-like organisms with flagellum. Lose flagellum and turn into slimy mass

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