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A Life-Course Approach to MCH Epidemiology

Background. The Life Course Perspective is a new paradigm in MCHChallenge is to make it concrete for the MCH fieldWe have been meeting via phone for over a year to plan a national conference on this topic. MCH Life Course Topic Areas. TheoryResearchPracticePolicyEducation and Training. Session Objectives.

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A Life-Course Approach to MCH Epidemiology

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    1. A Life-Course Approach to MCH Epidemiology Michael Lu, MD, MPH Milton Kotelchuck, PhD, MPH Cheri Pies, DrPH, MSW Padmini Parthasarathy, MPH MCH Epidemiology Conference December 13, 2007

    2. Background The Life Course Perspective is a new paradigm in MCH Challenge is to make it concrete for the MCH field We have been meeting via phone for over a year to plan a national conference on this topic

    3. MCH Life Course Topic Areas Theory Research Practice Policy Education and Training

    4. Session Objectives To present the theoretical framework and supportive evidence for the Life Course Perspective – ML To assess current MCH data needs and analytic applications in the MCH epidemiology field that would be needed for a shift to a Life Course approach – MK To discuss the application of the Life Course Perspective to local MCH practice and policy – CP & PP

    5. This session is a workshop. Please join with us and share your ideas. Session Format

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