1. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 1 California Early Learning Quality Improvement System Advisory CommitteeDesign Ideas for Finance and Incentives Subcommittee Cliff Marcussen, Chair
Jeannie Oropeza, Vice-Chair
July 22, 2009
3. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 3 Advisory Committee Members Gavin Payne, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction
Glen Thomas, Secretary of Education
Dave Gordon, Superintendent, Sacramento County Office
Joan Buchanan, Assembly Member
Jeannie Oropeza, Dept. of Finance
Venus Garth, Social Services
Kris Perry, First 5 California
Celia Ayala, Los Angeles Universal Preschool
Dennis Vicars, Human Management Corporation
Cliff Marcussen, Options
Consuelo Espinosa, West Ed
Yolie Flores Aguilar, Los Angeles Unified School District
Toby Boyd, Elk Grove Unified School District
4. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 4 Purpose Improve outcomes for children and reduce California’s school readiness gap by improving the quality of our early learning and care programs.
5. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 5 CA Early Learning Recommendations State Superintendent’s P-16 Council Report, “Closing the Achievement Gap” (2008)
Governor’s Committee on Education Excellence Report, “Students First – Renewing Hope for California’s Future” (2008)
California Joint Committee’s Master Plan for Education (2002)
6. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 6 Authorized through SB 1629 – Steinberg 2008 State Superintendent
Children Now
Preschool California
CA Child Development Administrators Assoc.
Senators Steinberg and Romero
Assembly Members Jones, Arambula, Brownley, Coto, Huffman, Karnette, Laird, Mullin, Nunez
7. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 7 California’s Early Learning Quality Improvement System Assessment and analysis of existing ECE infrastructure
Development of early learning quality rating scale for birth to 5 programs
Development of a funding model aligned with the quality rating scale
Make recommendations on local, state, federal, and private resources
8. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 8 California’s Early Learning Quality Improvement System Intended for all children including:
dual language learners
children with disabilities and other special needs.
The preschool foundations are for all children and reflect the diversity found in California. Experts in preschool English-language development and special education were consulted to ensure the foundations are appropriate for all of California’s children.
A universal design review was conducted to ensure that the foundations apply to children with disabilities as well as typically developing children. For example, “communicates” was used in place of “says” in some cases.
The preschool foundations are for all children and reflect the diversity found in California. Experts in preschool English-language development and special education were consulted to ensure the foundations are appropriate for all of California’s children.
A universal design review was conducted to ensure that the foundations apply to children with disabilities as well as typically developing children. For example, “communicates” was used in place of “says” in some cases.
9. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 9 Planned Advisory Committee Meeting Process Advisory Committee meeting with videoconference connection to regional meeting sites
Post meeting materials on website and enable comments via website
10. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 10 Advisory Committee Meetings Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public. Broad outreach is encouraged. Bagley-Keene open meeting requirements will be met.
2009 quarterly meeting dates are: March 23, June 10, August 26, October 29, and December 2 (half day)
2010 quarterly meeting dates are tentatively scheduled for: March, May, August, and November.
11. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 11 Principles of the CAEL QIS CAEL QIS will:
be responsive to the cultural and linguistic diversity of California’s children, families, and practitioners,
be fully inclusive,
improve public awareness that ECE investments are vital resources,
build on research, data, evidence-based projects, and promising practices,
improve systems of support and build on effective infrastructure,
be accountable and connect to child outcomes.
12. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 12 Principles of the CAEL QIS… continued All children deserve access to high quality early learning.
CAEL QIS is designed to support systemic efforts to improve quality.
Appropriate incentives are provided to encourage and support higher quality.
CAEL QIS will be statewide.
13. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 13 Timeline for the ELQIS Advisory Committee Two Years:
Interim report to Legislature and Governor by 12/09
Final report to Legislature and Governor by 12/10
14. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 14 Funding for the ELQIS Advisory Committee Provided through the leadership and commitment to high quality early learning programs of the First 5 California Children and Families Commission and the Packard Foundation.
15. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 15 Purpose of Subcommittees Subcommittees are included in the enabling legislation (SB 1629-2009). They are intended to be a major strategy for public input and vetting of early learning quality improvement system options. Broad outreach is encouraged.
16. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 16 Subcommittees Advisory Committee will receive Subcommittee analysis and information about issues for consideration and discussion; not as a requirement for approval.
Subcommittee agendas will be based on requests by Advisory Committee and will be developed by staff.
Subcommittees will begin with discussion of attributes and development of workplans.
Designated Advisory Committee members will be the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Subcommittees.
17. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 17 Subcommittees… continued Subcommittees are open to all interested participants who are responsible for accessing available information from previous meetings.
Subcommittee meetings are open to the public. Broad outreach is encouraged. Bagley-Keene open meeting requirements will be met.
Subcommittees will meet 1-2 times between Advisory Committee meetings.
18. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 18 Subcommittees… continued
Subcommittees will distill information by:
clarifying issues with research, data, evidence-based projects, and promising practices;
outlining possible alternatives including pros/cons, timeline, and funding; and
presenting likely results of each alternative.
19. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 19 Subcommittees… continued Subcommittee meetings and materials will be posted on the CDE – CAEL QIS website.
To the extent possible, the Subcommittee meetings will be available through video conference, other web-based process, and conference calls.
Plan to connect with Water Cooler Work Groups, Statewide groups, and Projects/Programs that are relevant to the Committee’s purpose.
20. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 20 Model for CA’s Early LearningQuality Improvement System
21. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 21 CAEL QIS Subcommittees Design ideas for licensing, quality rating, and improvement systems
Workforce and professional development and quality incentives
Engagement and outreach for families, practitioners/providers, and public
Finance and incentives, including funding model
Data systems for program improvement and research
22. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 22 Subcommittee Finance and Incentives, including funding models
23. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 23 Key Elements for “Finance” Investments needed for administration and accountability
Investments needed for systems of workforce development, data, and engagement
Analysis of current resources and funding streams at federal, state, and local levels – public and private
Analysis of new federal policy directions and resources
24. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 24 Advisory Committee Liaisons to Subcommittee Finance and incentives, including funding model:
Cliff Marcussen, Chair, and Jeannie Oropeza, Vice-Chair
Other Advisory Committee Members:
Venus Garth and Dennis Vicars
CDD Team:
Greg Hudson, Mike Zito, and Cecelia Fisher-Dahms
25. CAEL QIS Subcommittees 7-09 25 EL QIS Webpage – CDEhttp://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/ sb1629committee.asp Includes:
Co-Chairs Welcome
Enabling Legislation
Committee Members’ Bios and Photos
Committee and Subcommittee Meeting Agendas and Materials
Quality Resources and Websites
Public Comments and Ideas