1. Duval County Title I Parent Involvement Plan 2009 - 2010
2. 2008 – 2009 Barriers to Parent Participation and How They will be Addressed Transportation: All Title I Schools will reserve at least 2% of PI Budget
Translators/Translations: Schools with 2 or more languages will reserve at least 5% of PI Budget
Child-care: All elementary schools will reserve at least 5% of PI Budget
Schools will identify a parent volunteer or hire a parent liaison
Schools will plan flexible hours for parent programs
Schools will use the “Parent Link” to promote parent participation
Schools will promote the services provided by the Center for Language and Culture
Elementary Schools will promote information about the Voluntary Pre-K year-round and summer programs
Provide info to parents about services at the War on Poverty- Parent Academy
3. Mission Statement To empower families to support their child’s cognitive development, healthy behaviors and their success in life. We will accomplish our mission by increasing and strengthening school partnerships, Title I Family Involvement Center, parents and community agencies working cooperatively to ensure that students become productive and responsible citizens.
4. How were Parents Involved in the District’s Parent Involvement Plan? District Parent Advisory Council
S.A.C. Parent Representation
School Parent Representation
(Non DCPS Employees)
5. How will the District involve parents in the process of school review and improvement? Principal’s training (pre-planning)
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meetings (Oct/Nov, Jan 27th, March and May)
District Web-page: Title I – Parent Inv.
Parent Surveys and Evaluations
Technical support from District Core Team
Technical support from the Florida Institute of Education
On-going Monitoring
6. Title I Parent Involvement with Other District Federal Programs Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (recruitment)
Summer Voluntary Pre-K in public schools
Head Start Centers
Even Start Family Literacy for Teen Parents (A. P. Randolph)
Refugee Grant – Center for Language and Culture (Kings Trail Elementary)
Title I Pre-Kindergarten
I.D.E.A. ESE Pre-Kindergarten
McKinney-Veto Act for Homeless Students
7. How will the district involve parents on the effectiveness of the district and their school’s Parent Involvement Plan? District Family Inv Center Evaluations
January 27, 2010 PAC Forum
Zoomerang Survey for District Advisory Council
Zoomerang Survey for District PTA Membership
PIRC of Family Network on Disabilities in Florida Evaluations
PIRC at Univ. of South Florida Evaluations
Florida Institute of Education Evaluations
School Surveys
8. January 27th PAC Forum:Parent Involvement: Effective Programs and Solutions to Overcome Barriers to Parent Participation Participants: Principals, Parents, PTSA reps, District Advisory Council reps, Neighborhood Learning Network Partners, Title I Parent Liaisons, Title I Parent Inv Staff, Title I District Office Staff
The Work: Review Schools’ Most Effective and Least Effective Parent Inv Activities and Share Best Practices
9. What are the District-wide Parent Involvement Activities? Academic Content Area Workshops
Workshops about Assessments
Adult Literacy Workshops
Computer Training
Parenting Workshops
* Refer to Parent Inv Web Page Monthly
10. How will the District’s Parent Involvement Plan be shared with parents and the community? Oct/Nov Parent Advisory Council Meeting
November District Advisory Council Meeting
District Title I Web-page “Parent Inv”
School Web-pages
All Title I Family Involvement Centers
11. How will the district communicate with parents in an understandable and uniform format? District Plan translated in top 10 languages
District web-site
Translators at District-wide Parent Programs
Communications Department
Exceptional Student Education (ESE)
Top Ten: Spanish, Serbo-Croatian, Haitian-Creole, Tagalog, Russian, Burmese, Arabic, Kirundi, Albanian and Vietnamese
12. How will district and schools communicate with parents in an understandable and uniform format? Written Translations can be made with use of TransACT
District Translators can be obtained by contacting: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Department at 390-2202 and/or The Center for Language & Culture (CLC) at 739-4891
13. What are the LEA’s discretionary activities that will build parents’ capacity for involvement in the school and school system? Paying reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parent involvement activities (transportation and child care)
Adopting and implement model approaches to improving parent involvement: Success by Design
Maintaining a LEA-wide Parent Advisory Council
Developing appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses, including faith-based organizations in parent involvement activities
14. Your School Parent Involvement Plans Reviewed for accountability/compliance
Requested revisions in process
Final approvals in process
Release of P Inv budget allocations will be after the final approval of each school’s PIP
All Plans are submitted to state and on file in the Title I District Office
All schools should keep one copy of their plan in the audit box and have available for parents at the front office and in parent resource centers or family involvement centers. A summary of the school plan must be distributed to all parents.
15. “When parents are involved in children's learning, at school and at home, schools work better and students learn more.”-Project Appleseed