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MISSOURI 4-H WHEP Contest Components 2010. MISSOURI 4-H WHEP INDIVIDUAL Scoring . MISSOURI 4-H WHEP Team Scoring Sum of 3 Individual Scores . Featured Region: Southeast Mixed

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Presentation Transcript

    1. MO 4-H WHEP MANUAL WHEP ACTIVITY MANUAL developed by Tim Hicks modified by Gerry Snapp

    2. MISSOURI 4-H WHEP Contest Components 2010

    3. MISSOURI 4-H WHEP Team Scoring Sum of 3 Individual Scores

    4. Featured Region: Southeast Mixed & Outer Costal Plain Forest Species Identification: any of the 47 species listed in the following Regions: Great Plains Grassland – Tallgrass/ Mixed Prairie Eastern Deciduous Forest Southeast Mixed & Outer Costal Plain Forest Urban Wetlands 2010 Missouri WHEP Contest

    7. 25 Species will be presented as a Powerpoint. Slides will be selected from the 47 species found in the 3 regions of Missouri (Eastern deciduous Forest, Southeast Mixed & Outer Coastal Plain Forest, and the Grasslands-Tallgrass/Mixed Prairie) Urban and Wetlands are also included in the identification list. Animals will be shown from Species Listed in this booklet. Students and 4-H leaders are encouraged to use the Internet to create study slides for those species. May be male, female , adult or juvenile species example. Scoring – 1 point for each correct answer. Must be complete common name as listed in the manual to receive full credit. Reference: National WHEP manual - pages 69-117 MO Activity III Species IDENTIFICATION (25 pts)

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