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How to Build a Truly Effective Website

... with Niki Hignett. How to Build a Truly Effective Website. Does Your Website Convert Like This Guy?. The Promise.

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How to Build a Truly Effective Website

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  1. ... with Niki Hignett How to Build a Truly Effective Website

  2. Does Your Website Convert Like This Guy?

  3. The Promise... “In this rare evening, Niki Hignett (co-founder of this business) will step from behind the scenes and show you how, In the last two years, we've engineered our website to grow our database of prospects from 6,000 to over 20,000 names and e-mail addresses...” “... he'll explain why we chose the structure we did, and why it converts. You'll learn the simple structural changes that you can make to your website that could ultimately help you to achieve similar results”

  4. Two Most Important Words?

  5. Two Most Important Words? DIRECT

  6. Two Most Important Words? DIRECT RESPONSE

  7. Two Most Important Words? DIRECT RESPONSE

  8. Two Most Important Words? DIRECT RESPONSE

  9. Direct Response, Baby! •  The 1% Rule • ­ Why people aren't ready to buy from you in their first visit. • ­ Why you need to build a mailing list. • Your list is probably the biggest asset your business owns. • Bigger list = Bigger Business. • Unless you're Amazon.com: building an tribe is priority number one. • Increasing visitors & increasing opt-in rate • Opt-in Rate (%) = Number of Signups / Number of New Visitors • 100 visitors per day at a 10% opt-in rate = 3650 leads per year. • 100 visitors per day at a 30% opt-in rate = 10950 new leads per year. • This is critical – we've engineered our website to maximise our opt-in rate. • Now, let’s look at how we maximise the growth of our list...

  10. Step 1: Create a Compelling Incentive... • Nobody cares about your newsletter! • What do they care about? • The problem or opportunity that brought them to you in the first place! • So why not offer a world class information product that keys into the conversation that’s already going on in the mind of your visitor as they land on your site? • You want them to be chomping at the bit to get their hands on your freebie! • Create an attention grabbing name for your freebie • Free E-Learning Programme:Discover The Work You Were Born To Do. • Free E-Course:How To Double Your Coaching Business In 18 Months. • Free Tip-Sheet:10 Ways To Create a Celebrity Wedding On a Budget. • Special Report:The 6 Success Strategies of In-Demand Freelancers. • Design your freebie and create the content (LEARNING OUTCOMES!)... • http://www.inspired-entrepreneur.com/Inspired-Teaching.aspx • http://www.inspirational-learning.com/ • Choose your format: (e-course, special report, e-book, audio interview, white-paper, e-learning programme, video tutorial, etc...) • Create a graphic to represent your freebie: • http://www.coveractionpro.com

  11. Step 2: Write a Killer Headline • The 5 Second Rule • If you can’t command attention - you can’t build your list. • Write a big red headline that keys directly into the concerns that drove them to you. • This opening statement should stop a visitor dead in their tracks! • Jump into the conversation that's already going on in their mind. • You need to capture their attention and keep them reading. • More Examples - • “Discover how you could realistically double the profitability of your coaching, writing or speaking business in just 18 months.” • “Discover the five simple strategies that this super-nanny used to get the most disobedient children in the UK to gleefully behave.” • “How much does your career success hinge on your speaking skills?” • Headlines writing is a skill you need to master. • Advertising Headlines that Make You Rich – by David Garfinkle, • The Ultimate Sales Letter - by Dan S. Kennedy.

  12. Step 3: Create Compelling Body Copy • The job of your headline is to capture attention... • Then – you need to give your visitors enough reasons to... • ... justify to themselves why they should commit to staying on your website. • One way of doing this is to create a “Yes Chain”. • Begin by asking a series of bullet-point questions. • Aim is to get a mental “yes!” (or nod of the head) for each. • Know your audience and understand their fears, challenges and concerns. • Then establish YOUR credibility. • And finally instruct them to sign-up • Reiterating the benefits they’ll receive when they do. • Lots of sexy bullet-points... • Tell them what’s in it for them! Reasons why...

  13. Step 4: Audio and Video are A Must! • If you can get your visitors to know, like and trust you – you’ll stand a better chance of getting them to SIGN-UP... • You need to use every tool to create a feeling of personal connection with them. You want them to warm to you fast! • The quickest way to bridge this gap is with audio / video. • Why not record / film a 2 / 3 minute introduction for your site? • Recording audio / video is easy. • Goldwave(free)/ Sound Forge • Many digital video cameras come with video editing software. • Streaming audio / video is easy (ask your web-developer) • http://www.wimpyplayer.com/ • http://flowplayer.org/ • But what on earth do I say? • Welcome your listener. • Reassure them that if they have problem XYZ – they’re in the right place. • Establish your credibility and position yourself as the expert. • Then verbally instruct them to sign-up (and tell them why they should bother!).

  14. Online Selling: A Quick Intro... • You’re always selling something... • When you’re writing an online advertisement - you’re usually selling a click. • When someone comes to your site for the first time - you’re usually selling a sign-up. • When you send a messge - you’re usually selling them of clicking back to your sales pages. • When people are reading your sales pages - you’re selling a product / service. • Essential Skills • Headline writing. • General Copywriting. • Study Online Selling! • The Ultimate Sales Letterby Dan Kennedy. • The Copywriter's HandbookBy Robert Bly. • Hot Button Marketingby Barry Feig. • Influence: The Psychology of PersuasionbyRobert Cialdini. • Write To Sell by Andy Maslen. • Ogilvy on Advertisingby David Ogilvy. • Advertising Headlines that Make You Richby David Garfinkle. • Words that Sellby Richard Bayan. • ... and visit http://bencivengabullets.com/.

  15. Web Analytics • So how do track your progress? • Sign up for free analytics at analytics.google.com. • Install tracking, measure your opt-in rate. • Install a “Goal” on your sign-up “thank-you” page. • Tweak your content to improve your opt-in rate. • See your top traffic sources and nurture those relationships.

  16. Multivariate Testing • How do you improve your opt-in rate? • Split vs. Multivariate Testing. • Google Website Optimiser – it's FREE! • What to test? • Website headline. • Introductory copy / bullets • Product title • Product format • Sales imagery • Introductory audio / video • Social Proof. • Calls to action.

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