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‘ SIS goes MaD ’ Oct. 7-11, 2013 Activity Booklet Years 8-10. ‘ SIS goes MaD ’ Oct 2013. MaD Making a Difference to self or others in a local or global context. The World. Sustaining our Planet. Using initiative to make a difference. ‘ SIS goes MaD ’ Oct 2013. Hong Kong.
‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct. 7-11, 2013 Activity Booklet Years 8-10
‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 MaD Making a Difference to selforothers in a local or global context
The World Sustaining our Planet Using initiative to make a difference ‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 Hong Kong Working with and relating to others Sustaining our Societies SIS Managing myself and my learning Sustaining Ourselves Our Learning Contexts Our Learning Filters Our Skills Framework
What is Making a Difference? We aim to develop an awareness and compassionate mindset in our students and school community. We aim to change ourselves, other peoples’ lives, and the environment for the better. This begins with the school community, and widens to include the local and global community. Why Make A Difference at SIS? We believe it is an important aspect of learning that should permeate all areas of the school community. It is our responsibility as members of society to raise social awareness and to demonstrate this in all aspects of our work.
Making A Difference Activities & Trips Our ‘Making a Difference’ Goal: We aim to develop an awareness and compassionate mindset in our students and school community. We aim to change ourselves, other peoples’ lives, and the environment for the better. This begins within the school community, and widens to include the local and global community. • Planning • Factors to consider: • Enhancement of learning • Cost Effectiveness • Carbon Footprint • Non-Elitist • Encourage sustainability • Environmental projects • Learning Principles • Learners construct new understanding by activating prior knowledge & experiences • Learners use timely & goal directed feedback • Learners collaborate • Learners are challenged • Learners feel secure & supported • Learners construct meaning by seeing patterns & making connections • Learners actively process & reflect • Learners apply metacognitive skills • Learners understand the purpose of the learning • Learners have ownership of their learning • Philosophy & Values • Make a Difference to self, school, community or world • Encourage respect within the community, local interaction & a spirit of empathy • Encourage initiative, independence & responsibility within students • Challenge students through an active task & teach resilience • Be authentic & link to learning • Be rewarding for students • Provide opportunities for student inclusion & teamwork MAD ACTIVITY Possible further discussions Reflection Initial Reflection
‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 Important Dates March 8‘SIS goes MaD’ Booklet available on SIS web site March 13, 1:00pmCurrent Y7-9 Student enrolment via Gateway commences March 21, 9:00pm Student Enrolment via Gateway closed. March 22 Deadline for submission of: • Parent Consent Form • Copy of travel document: Passport or “China Home Return Permit Card” (回鄉卡) • Deposit Week after Easter Break Allocation of student announced. June 14 Balance payment deadline. August 30 Allocation of student announced.
Q: What is “CAS”? A: Students can choose from a range of activities that will make a difference to themselves or others through the lens of either in Creativity, Action or Service: A Creativity activity is interpreted broadly to include a wide range of arts activities and experience that involve creative thinking and implementing personal initiative. An Action activity is defined as one in which offers personal challenge. A Service activity is one in which the students perform some aspect of assistance for the community either locally or globally or as part of a voluntary exchange. Q: Why do students need to complete all “CAS”? A: Students may not opt for an individual category of activity more than once so that over their three years (Y8-10) they have a variety of experiences. ‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 FAQs General - 1
Q: What do parents need to do for ‘SIS goes MaD’? A: Parents need to review carefully their children’s three choices, and to be sure that their children are capable of participating in each. For example, if they choose an activity that is physically demanding – are they able to endure the rigour? PLEASE be careful in the selection process. Parents are financially responsible for the trips that their children take on. Q: What are parents financial responsibilities? A: All ‘SIS goes MaD’ activities have been costed as well as possible. Final costs may change in some cases because, for example, airlines are unwilling to give firm prices well in advance. As sometimes happens in Asia, natural or political difficulties can lead to a decision to reroute a particular activity. It may be necessary to cancel an activity entirely, in which case alternative arrangements will be made. Whilst the school will do all that is possible to prevent any losses, parents do have to assume the financial risk involved with the Week. Neither SIS nor its travel agents guarantee to underwrite costs of activities cancelled for safety or other reasons. ‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 FAQs Parents
Q: We have forgotten our Gateway parent login password. What can we do? A: Parents can reset their Gateway password by following these steps: Go to SIS website (www.sis.edu.hk) and click the orange GATEWAY icon on the right. At the Login window, click on "forgot password or login name?" and then type the email address registered with SIS. An email with Gateway login credentials will be sent to the registered address. When parents login to the Gateway for the first time login using the new auto-generated password, they will be asked to confirm the DOB(s) of their child(ren) currently with SIS first before being prompted to change to a new password. Otherwise, for security reason, parents would only have limited view of the Gateway.If parents can successfully log in to the Gateway, but cannot see the registration page or child(ren)'s information, click on "Account" at the top right corner to confirm child(ren)'s DOB. Try logging out, then log in again, if the first attempt is unsuccessful. ‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 FAQs Parent Gateway Login
Q: What should students do before they enrol on the Gateway? A: Students should discuss thoroughly their intentions with their parents. If they want to choose an activity that involves a high cost must ensure that their parents are fully in agreement with this. Q: Can a student skip ‘SIS goes MaD’? A: All students are expected to participate in ‘SIS goes MaD’ activities. Only under very special circumstances can a student skip MaD. In such case, student MUST seek prior approval from MaD Co-ordinator in charge of ‘SIS goes MaD”. Q: Are students free to do anything they want during their trips? A: All groups will be under the supervision and direction of at least one SIS teacher. The teachers-in-charge of activities will not allow the students to engage in any activity that is not covered under the parameters of the description written on the website without consultation with the school or supporting external organisation. All school conduct and discipline codes will be adhered to throughout the activity. In addition, if travelling abroad we expect students to obey the laws of the host country and to be sensitive to the culture of the people. We expect all students to refrain from any involvement with alcohol or drugs. In some countries, indulging in such activities carries very severe penalties. Violations of school rules will be reported to the Head of House for follow-up. Consequences of breaking rules are similar to in-school violations of those rules. ‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 FAQs Students
Q: What do activity costs include? A: Unless specified, activity costs should have included transportation, activity package, insurance and administration. For overseas activities, costs DO NOT include: inoculation fees, physician consultation fees or visa fees. Q: Why is deposit necessary? A: Deposits, non-refundable and non-transferrable, are needed for some trips to secure places. This is stated on each activity in this booklet. SIS also needs funds to secure bookings with airlines and tour operators in order for the trips to go ahead. Q: If we want special attention for our children during the trip, is there additional cost involved? A: Although we are committed to an equal opportunity policy, some of the activities are very physically demanding which may mean that some students will need one-to-one support for them to be able to participate. Parents should be aware that this can be provided, but only at additional cost. They may also want to consult with activity leaders about the demand involved. ‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 FAQs Costs
Q: Should we pay by cheque or cash? A: We accept both cash and cheques.Please make cheques payable to “South Island School”. Make sure student name, roll group and activity are written on the back of the cheque. Q: When is deposit due? Where can we submit them? A: Deposits, together with Parent Consent Form and copy of travel document are due on March 22. Please either send by post to school, with ‘SIS goes MaD’ marked on the envelope, or put them them in the drop box at the Main School Reception from March 13 onwards. Q: How much deposit do we need to pay if we have both local and overseas choices? A: One deposit of HKD2,000 is necessary if students have chosen both local and overseas options. Q: Can we get any refund if we cancel the trip? A: If payment has already been made on student’s behalf, there will be no refund. If is all down to when cancellation is made. For overseas trips, there will be no refund once bookings have been made. ‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 FAQs Payment & Refunds
Q: Why do parents need to complete a separate ‘Parent Consent Form’ for ‘SIS goes MaD’? A: The 'SIS goes MaD’ Parent Consent Form is specific to the Week and MUST be submitted in order for students to take part in activities during the week. Due to some higher risk activities involved, the general consent parent form does not serve the purpose. Q: Where can we find the ‘SIS goes MaD’ Parent Consent Form? A: The form can be downloaded at the school web site. The form can also be collected at the school main reception from March 13 onwards. Completed forms MUST be returned by March 22. Q: We haven’t seen the Student Medical Form. How can we inform the school of our children’s latest medical information? A: To ensure up-to-date student medical and contact information, parents are highly recommended to use their Gateway parent login to update any information of their children. ‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 FAQs Forms
Q: Why is a copy of travel document necessary? A: A copy of student’s travel document (most likely the passport) is ONLY necessary if student has chosen at least one overseas option. The copy of travel document is for name checks. For security reason, airlines are stringent in matching names on air ticket and passport. Different names may result in students being refused to boarding, not to mention the potential penalties involved. Q: My child has more than one passport. Which one should we submit? A: Students holding more than one passport should submit a copy of the one they plan to use. Names on passport MUST match name of air ticket issued. Difference in names will result in students being refused to board the plane. Q: Can students use their HKID Card or the "China Home Return Permit Card”(回鄉卡) instead of their passports? A: The HKID card is NOT a recognised travel document for overseas countries. Holders of the “China Home Return Permit Card” (回鄉卡) must use their Card to travel to China, not with their passports. Q: Does SIS arrange travel visa for students? A: Parents/Students are responsible to arrange their own visas, if travel visas are required. SIS can provide necessary supporting documents such as school letter, travel itinerary and travel insurance for visa applications. As visa applications take time, parents and students are recommended to arrange for visa once the activity allocation is announced. ‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 FAQs Travel Document
Q: How can students enrol to activities? A: Enrolment is ONLY accepted via the Gateway. Students should use their Gateway login to enrol. Detailed procedures can be found in this booklet. Q: Can student make changes after the Gateway enrolment is closed? A: Once enrolment is submitted via the Gateway, students can only make changes with special permission from the MaD Co-ordinator in charge of ‘SIS goes MaD’. Students are HIGHLY recommended to think through their choices and discuss with their parents before enrolling. Q: What is the consequence if students do not enrol by the enrolment deadline of March 21? A: Once the system is closed, no more electronic enrolment will be accepted. Students need to write to the MaD Co-ordinator in charge of ‘SIS goes MaD’ for enrolment. Students should also realise that if they wish to be allocated one of their choices, enrolling late or submitting after March 21 may affect the chance of getting those choices. Q: My son/daughter may be leaving SIS next school year. Do they need to enrol for ‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013? A: If students are definitely not returning next school year, enrolment is not necessary. If departure is unsure, enrolment is still recommended. ‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 FAQs Enrolment
Q: My child chose 3 options, but didn’t get assigned to any one of them. What should we do? A: If, when all applications have been received, an activity is undersubscribed then it will be cancelled. Every effort will then be made to allocate the student to one of his/her other choices. Whereas every effort will be made to assign students to one of their three choices, this may not always be possible. Should this happen, the student(s) concerned will be invited to make three additional selections. Q: How are students allocated to their activities? A: Allocations are on a first-come-first-served basis, per date & time of student enrolment recorded on the Gateway. Students are considered first for their 1st choices. If 1st choices are full/cancelled, their 2nd/3rd choices will then be considered. Q: When can students find out about their allocated activities? A: Upon closing of enrolment on March 21, 9pm, student records on the Gateway will be taken for allocations. The Head of Family, Heads of House and teachers-in-charge of each activity, will approve the final group lists. Any student who has a record of poor behaviour may be excluded from certain trips. Announcement will be made in the first week of school upon return after Easter break. ‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 FAQs Allocation
‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 How to Enrol - 1 • After reading the activity details in the booklet with parents, students MUST choose 3 activities, nominating 1st, 2nd & 3rd choices in order of preference. • Students MUST enrol choices through their Gateway account, using the ‘Activities’ module and choosing the ‘SIS goes MaD’ tab from March 13, 1:00pm, to March 21, 9:00pm. Follow the same procedures as enrolling for other school activities. BUT…. • At the Gateway “Activities” module: • Click “Activity”. • Select “SIS goes MaD 2013”
‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 How to Enrol - 2 Select chosen activities – A maximum of 3 only. Click “Register Now”. At “My Activity”, students can select the sequence of their choices: 1st, 2nd & 3rd, by moving the up/ down arrows.
‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 LOCAL LA01 Amazing Race LA02 Badminton for a Week LA03 Outward Bound LA04 Pony Camp LA05 Sports Camp LA06 Team BMX in Action LAS01 Artificial Reef @ Sai Kung LAS02 Sea & Sun Adventures LC01 Dance Around the World LC02 Drama @ Faust LCS01 A Taste of HK – Culinary Adventures LCS02 Digital Photography LCS03 Film Pro LCS04 Operation Christmas Card LCS05 Y Rock LS01 Crossroads LS02 Teach English in Primary School LS03 Work with Charity Activities are to be finalised.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LA01 Amazing Race This is an adaptation of the TV show using Hong Kong as the destination and students as planners and racers. This 5-day challenge will focus on initiative skills, budgeting, teamwork and independent travel around Hong Kong on all forms of transportation. In teams, students will complete an Amazing Race event around Hong Kong, having a budget and clues to act on. After this one-day event, students will then, as a team, design their own course which could have groups travelling from Stanley to Shatin or Cheung Chau, and visiting historical or cultural places of interest. After the design process is complete, the team will test it out for cost and duration and make amendments. On the fifth day, all the teams will have a brand new challenge to complete. Activity Code: LA01 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 20 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Students should expect a lot of walking Special equipment: To be advised at a later stage Meals: Students to pack own lunch and drinks Transportation: To be arranged Estimated cost per student*: HKD500 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LA02 Badminton for a Week This course focuses on participant’s badminton game play, knowledge towards the sport and physical training. With coaching and systematic training, students can work on their stroke techniques, footwork, shuttle cock control and tactics. The course will be held in the School Sports Hall, which has six badminton courts. Each day will include warm-up / cool-down, stretching and intensive physical training. Activity Code: LA02 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 24 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Students should expect a lot of physical activities Special equipment: Students should bring along their own badminton racket if available. Meals: Students to pack own lunch and drinks Transportation: Students to make own way to SIS every day. Estimated cost per student*: HKD300 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LA03 Outward Bound Outward Bound is renowned for the challenging experience to participants!Based in at Wong Wan Chau, this course is true to Outward Bound’s core values of: Responsibility • Commitment and respect for self, others & the environment • Ability to own your decisions, choices, acions & consequences Integrity • To act with honesty • To be true to your values (say what you do, do what you say) Excellence • To dream to be and do your best. • The initiative & courage to follow your dream. • The perseverance to continually strive to be your best. Diversity • To be humble • To respect different people, cultures, beliefs and opinions. The 4 Pillars • Self Reliance • Physical Fitness • Compassion • Craftsmanship
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LA03 Outward Bound The Week’s programme: Activity Code: LA03 2013-14 Year group: Year 10 who are aged 14 or above Group size: Min – 10 Max – 12 Duration: 5D/4N Physical/Skill requirements: Students should expect a lot of physical activities Special equipment: To be advised at a later date. Meals: Included Transportation: Bus from SIS to Outward Bound at Sai Kung on Day 1, return on Day 5. Estimated cost per student*: HKD4,600 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LA04 Pony Camp This one week camp is aimed at all levels of riding, catering groups from beginner level to advanced. Participating students will be involved in taking care of one horse or pony all week, including mucking out, grooming, farrier visit, work with a HKJC vet, and stable management. Students will also take part in a quiz, games and learn a lot about animal welfare and care. Students will be assessed all week and there are very special awards at the end of the week plus a riding competition on the last day. Activity Code: LA04 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 18 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Nil Special equipment: Nil Meals: Students to pack own lunch and drinks Transportation: Included between SIS and riding school Estimated cost per student*: HKD5,000 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LA05 Sports Camp ESF Sporting Experience – 5 action-packed days, allowing students to develop skills with experts in various sports games. Boys and girls are welcome! Taking place at SIS, student will work with qualified coaches on basic skills leading into team games towards the end of the week. The focus will be on engaging students in port with an aim to develop their knowledge and sills on the court/field and in the swimming pool. The different sports will ensure that students are challenged in a number of different areas such as agility, co-coordination, balance and fitness. Coaches will emphasize good technique, teamwork and encourage tactical awareness during game/play competition. Activity Code: LA05 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 25 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Nil Special equipment: Nil Meals: Students to pack own lunch and drinks Transportation: Students to make own way to SIS Estimated cost per student*: HKD1,600 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LA06 Team BMX in Action Students will spend 5 days both outdoor and indoor at the world- standard 'HKJC International BMX Park' - where the East Asian Game and BMX Asian Championship were held. A wide range of activities around sports of BMX will help them to develop their personal growth and team effectiveness. BMX skills will be the main focus, with the build-up activities enhancing the horizon of the whole learning journey. <Inquire & Involve > Students will learn to work as a team to build their own team bicycle. They will then move on to the field and start to acquire BMX skills, from level ground to Training Track. <Innovate & Inspire> Students will personalise their own team bicycle by tailor-making the bicycle number plate as a booster to reflect their team uniqueness. The course will conclude with a Moto Relay Race at the Racing Track, which they will put into practice the skills they learnt throughout to reach their ultimate goals. The course is jointly run by The Hong Kong Cycling Association with all sessions will be taught by experienced and certified BMX coaches and trainers. With the world-class BMX venue and finest gears at the disposal, it will be safe, exciting and fun outdoor activities. At all times, participants are encouraged to choose their own level of participation.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LA06 Team BMX in Action Highlights of the week include: • 'Build-a-Bike' Workshop – Students learn to work together, set priorities and match resources to opportunities, through fun-filled activities. • BMX 101 – Through acquiring BMX skills and overcoming challenges, students can bolster their self-esteem. • BMX Intermediate – After acquiring basic skills, students will progress to the Racing Track, to experience the battlefield of international riders. • “The Number Play” for Charity – Students will design a BMX number plate for charity auction for Athletes Recovery Fund. • BMX Team Moto Relay - The ultimate test for students to help each other and communicate effectively with people of different styles. • Track User License – With the License, students can participate in the BMX Inter-school League & Age Race at the HKJC International BMX Park throughout the year. Activity Code: LA06 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 25 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Basic cycling skills are preferred. Special equipment: Nil. Gears will be provided, including BMX bikes, helmets, gloves and shields. Venue: HKJC International BMX Park, Kwai Chung Meals: Students to pack own lunch and drinks Transportation: Students to make own way to SIS Estimated cost per student*: HKD4,400 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased. n.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LAS01 Artificial Reef @ Sai Kung Designed and run by SIS teachers, this Artificial Reef project at Sai Kung/Clearwater Bay aims to make a difference to the Hong Kong marine environment. The project provides tremendous opportunity for student leadership! Students are expected to play a significant role in the design and research of the artificial reefs as well as the sourcing of materials and costings. There is a huge potential for scientific research in this project! Before the actual MaD Week, students are expected to make preparations, including: • Cost planning of artificial reefs • Sourcing of equipment • Research of possible design • Organising teams • Confirmation of schedule and timeline During the Week, students will spend two days in school designing the project. Three days will be spent “on board” when students will work togehr on the different parts of the project: • SCUBA diving (if properly qualified) • Snorkeling • Surface support, planning and mapping
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LAS01 Artificial Reef @ Sai Kung Activity Code: LAS01 2013-14 Year group: Years 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 6 Max – 12 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Physically fit. Must be qualified, if students plan to SCUBA dive. Special equipment: To be advised. Meals: Students to pack own lunch and drinks Transportation: Students to make own way to SIS. Bus to and fro Sai Kung included. Estimated cost per student*: HKD3,500 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LAS02 Sea & Sun Adventures Sai Kung, on the north-east corner of the territory, is a 'mini-Hawaii' with dramatic mountains dropping to white sand beaches. Based in Sai Kung, the Sea & Sun course provides a variety of activities for students, like: kayaking, snorkeling, the 'Great Race', rock climbing and abseiling, overnight camping, camp craft, night activities.The group will spend four nights in tents at the government campsite on the Wan Tsai Peninsula in Sai Kung Country Park. Sample schedule (subject to final confirmation)
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LAS02 Sea & Sun Adventures Activity Code: LAS02 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 30 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Nil Special equipment: Nil Meals: Included. All other snacks and water refills will be provided by activity organiser. Transportation: Included between SIS and Sai Kung Estimated cost per student*: HKD4,550 Deposit: HKD300 (non-refundable/non-transferrable) * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LC01 Dance Around the World In five explosively exciting and energetic days of dance, performers and teachers provide a non-stop programme of extraordinary variety. Students will be able to learn from styles as varied as Flamenco from Spain, Bollywood from India, Broadway J azz from New York, Belly Dance from Middle East, Chinese Dance from China and much, much more! Dance Around The World is for everyone – whether you're an experienced dancer or a novice. If you've ever danced, wanted to dance or wondered why people dance then this activity is for you. At the end of the week, students will perform in a musical extravaganza “Explore the World of Music”, in celebrating and praising cultures with movements and expression, or just have a lot of fun! On the last day, we will arrange a cultural exchange session with a local primary school where students can lead and exchange what they have learned throughout the week and “dance and jam” with local students. They need to demonstrate leadership and passion in order to engage everyone. The finale will be their showtime! Students will showcase their performance for the local students.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LC01 Dance Around the World The Week’s programme: Day 1: Broadway JazzNew York BollywoodIndia Rocks! Day 2: Street Dance North America Chinese Dance China Day 3: The Centre Stage Contemporary Ballet / Europe Immerse in the magical world of FlamencoVisit to a professional flamenco studio and experience extravagant costume & expressive requirements of the rhythmic dance steps Day 4: Belly Dance Middle East Explore the World of MusicLearn a dance routine to mix all the cultural dances Day 5: Explore the World of Music Rehearsal & PresentationCommunity Cultural Exchange Session Activity Code: LC01 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 8 Max – 25 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Good physical capability among participants are preferred. Special equipment: Nil Meals: Students to bring own drinks and lunch Transportation: Students to make own way to studio where lessons are held Estimated cost per student*: HKD3,700 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LC02 Drama @ Faust This 5-day workshop will be run by Faust, which has been bringing the wonderful world of theatre and performing arts to the young people of Hong Kong since it was founded in 1999.The workshop will be based at South Island School where students would culminate in a production in the afternoon of the last day. Choice of performance will aim to support the aims and values of our ‘SIS goes MaD’ philosophy.Planned itinerary:
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LC02 Drama @ Faust Activity Code: LC02 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 40 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Nil. Special equipment: Nil Meals: Students to bring own drinks and lunch Transportation: Students to make own way to SIS. Estimated cost per student*: HKD3,000 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LCS 01 A Taste of HK – Culinary Adventures Almost every major international cuisine can be found in Hong Kong. With numerous restaurants dotted around the city you will never have to look far for that wood-fired pizza or aromatic South Asian curry.This adventure is inviting a group of food lovers of all abilities to discover and explore an ultimate assortment of international cuisine. The 5-day culinary experience will focus on hands-on sessions with the culinary experts in Hong Kong. Classes also include behind-the-scenes kitchen tour, product knowledge and tips, explanation of tools and techniques, traditional and cutting-edge preparation methods, artistic display and tasting sessions to sample the dishes taught.Exact programme will be designed by trip leader Activity Code: LCS01 2012-13 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 20 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Nil Special equipment: Nil Meals: Included, but students are recommended to bring drinks for the day. Transportation: Between SIS & venue included Estimated cost per student*: HKD2,400 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LCS02 Digital Photography This activity is designed for students with an interest in digital photography and aims to help improve their understanding about how to consistently take good photographs. Students will create a portfolio of their week’s work. At the same time, it is a chance to experience some of the culture, tourist destinations, etc. of Hong Kong. Students will spend the week travelling around Hong Kong and the outlying islands experiencing different opportunities to capture 'Hong Kong' through pictures. They will have the opportunity to take photos under different circumstances. The fifth day will be used in school to develop and complete a portfolio of their work, which can be printed into postcards/calendars for sale to raise funds for charities. Activity Code: LCS02 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 20 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Nil, but some days there will be quite a lot of walking Special equipment: Students must bring their own digital camera. Meals: Students to pack own lunch and drinks Transportation: Students to make own way to SIS or other meeting points during the week. Estimated cost per student*: HKD1,500 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LCS03 Film Pro After the success of MaD Week 2011 & 2012, The Film/Media Department will once again team up with professional filmmakers in order to produce a short film on-set at South Island School. The script will be developed by our very own scriptwriter Mr Humphrey and directed by Mr Williamson. In 2013, for the first time, our drama will also attempt to raise awareness about a key social issue so that our final product will truly Make a Difference! This is your chance to shadow in the making of a film. You can choose to work in one of the following roles: • Lighting/Cinematography Editing, Special Effects • Sound Design/Sound Composition Talent (The Cast) • Continuity, Costume Design, Make-Up We are also looking for talented drama students to participate as part of the cast and intend to hold auditions closer to the date of MaD Week 2013. This five-day experience caters for Y10 Media students as well as Y9 & Y8 students with an interest in the medium of film or post-production techniques using Final Cut Pro/X, After Effects etc. Activity Code: LCS03 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 20 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Nil. Special equipment: Nil. Meals: Students to pack own lunch and drinks Transportation: Students to make own way to SIS. Estimated cost per student*: HKD1,250 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LCS04 Operation Christmas Card This is a printmaking workshop for students to create Christmas cards, then the market and sell them to raise funds for the needed.Students will spend the week for the creation of the Cards. A commitment to sell the cards during school and at the 2013 Winter Fair. All proceeds will go to Operation Santa Claus. Led by our own arts teachers, students will … • design, create printing plates, and go on to print handmade Christmas Cards. • “finish”the cards professionally by stamping the back of the cards with our own brand stamp.package the cards in gift packs of 10. • market our Christmas Cards using posters. • create an online marketing scheme to advertise in the wider school and local community. • sell the Christmas Cards in the foyer in November 2013. • run a Christmas Card stall at the SIS Winter Fair 2013. Students are expected to follow through and contribute to the marketing and sale of the cards. Activity Code: LCS04 2013-14 Year group: Years 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 20 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Nil. Special equipment: Nil. Meals: Students to pack own lunch and drinks Transportation: Students to make own way to SIS. Estimated cost per student*: HKD1,000 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LCS05 Y Rock Performance Original Music Personality Go behind the scenes with YRock ProfessionalsA workshop for students interested in understanding the creative process of the entertainment industry and development towards industry standard. YRock was launched in 2005 to provide a pop-culture platform for talented teenagers to express themselves through music composition, performance and digital media. Since then, YRock has organised over 40 live events at venues such as The Edge, Hard Rock Café and Hong Kong Cyberport. YRock has produced two original music DVDs sold through HMV and Soundbuzz, 10 demo music recordings, and several awareness videos. All these have received airplay and promotion from local media networks including RTHK, Radio 3 and SCMP.A week with YRock (exact course content to be finalised): Days 1-2 Conceptualise and create original music Day 3 Record in Red Room Studios in Aberdeen & site visit the Digital Media Centre at Cyberport Day 4 Create CD covers and final rehearsals Day 5 Perform live at school For more information, check out:www.yrock.com.hk / www.facebook.com/YRockPOP
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LCS05 Y Rock Sign up if you are: • Musicians who want to develop as recording and performing artists • Media students who want to focus on documentary and music video’s • Creatively minded • Interested in creative camera work and editing • Willing to learn and work hard to produce quality work in a limited time frame. Activity Code: LCS05 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 20 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Nil Special equipment: Nil Meals: Students to pack own lunch and drinks Transportation: Students to make own way to SIS or studio. Should the number of students do not make the minimum of 10, students may choose to attend the same Y Rock workshop at KGV, but will need to make their own way there. Estimated cost per student*: HKD4,700 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LS01 Crossroads This is a good opportunity to carry out community service in Hong Kong. Crossroads, an organisation that collects goods, both new and old, and distributes them locally and internationally, is a charity that tries to help the elderly, the handicapped, refugees and orphans, disaster victims, those with educational, financial or medical needs. Locally, truckloads of items are distributed widely among welfare groups.Students will spend most of the week at Crossroads’ headquarters at Perowne Barracks, Tuen Mun, organising the sorting and distribution of goods donated. They will also assist with the auditing, checking, packaging and international transport of goods, as well as monitoring tracking distribution of welfare goods. Students will be expected to take part in fund-raising activities prior to the Week. Funds raised will be donated to Crossroads. Day 1 – Help clean homes of elderly peopleDay 2-4 – Crossroads at Tuen Mun Activity Code: LS01 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 20 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Nil Special equipment: Nil Meals: Meals and drinks not provided; pack or buy as preferred. Transportation: Between SIS & Crossroads included Estimated cost per student*: HKD680 Deposit: HKD300 * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LS02 Teach English in Primary School What is it like to be a teacher? This is a chance for students to help teachers in primary schools around Hong Kong. The students who opt for this activity will be working with students in local primary schools throughout the week. They will have to pre-plan suitable activities to undertake and be fully prepared for each day. There will be opportunities to work with individuals and small groups. Our students are expected to sort out minor problems and encourage participation in all the activities that the classroom teacher sets for the class. Students will have a chance to develop leadership skills and to utilise, whenever possible, any special skills they have in music, languages, ICT or PE. Activity Code: LS02 2013-14 Year group: Years 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 15 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Speaking Cantonese would be an advantage Special equipment: Nil Meals: Students to bring packed lunch & drinks Transportation: Students to make their way to the designated school. Estimated cost per student*: For bus between SIS and St. Anthony’s School at Mid-Levels: 10 Students – HKD800; 20 students – HKD400. * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 LS03 Work with Charity If you are the kind of person who is willing to give your time to help others, likes children and enjoys working with them, then you will find this activity very rewarding. Charity organisations being approached:SAHK Apleichau Pre-School Centre, provides educational and training services to young children up to six-years old who have special needs.Mother’s ChoiceEbenezer’s School for the Blind Students might be asked to help with administrative tasks and work in one of the centres; they will develop teamwork and organisational skills. Activity Code: LS04 2013-14 Year group: Years 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 10 Max – 20 Duration: 5 Days Physical/Skill requirements: Speaking Cantonese would be an advantage Special equipment: Nil Meals: Students to bring packed lunch & drinks Transportation: To be advised. Estimated cost per student: Nil
‘SIS goes MaD’ Oct 2013 GLOBAL GAS01 Cambodia: Siem Reap Service & Community Insight GAS02 China: Conghua Community Service GAS03 Malaysia: Langkawi Ecofieldtrip GAS04 Malaysia: Sabah Experience GAS05 Thailand: Chiang Mai Cycling Adventure GAS06 Vietnam: Hanoi Service & Community Insight GCS01 France: Paris & Provence GCAS01 China: Chengdu Sanctuary GCAS02 India: Delhi GCAS03 Indonesia: Bali Community Project GCAS04 Thailand: Chiang Rai Experience Activities are to be finalised.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 GAS01 Cambodia: Siem Reap Service & Community Insight This Cambodia service trip is based out of Siem Reap. While Siem Reap itself is a tourist hotspot, the group will work in remote villages to the north of the city, where the impact of tourism has not had the same effect on the economy and lives of the inhabitants. The project will be carefully chosen according to what best serves the community at the time – perhaps assisting in school classrooms with education and mentoring, or providing assistance with other needs such as refurbishing or rebuilding classrooms, physical work in the village, setting up libraries, or similar projects that are required at the time of visit.The opportunity to improve the lives of others and enhance education experiences in impoverished areas is an incredible privilege, and is guaranteed to be a life-changing experience. Students will come back from the trip with new friends, incredible memories and as more mature, socially aware global citizens. The value of the trip will reach into many parts of the students’ livers, and the cross-cultural relationships developed will be a source of happiness and inspiration for many years to come. The days are long and intense, and students will throw themselves into the project. Rather than being there to watch from the sidelines, they are to become actively involved in useful and life-changing projects in the community.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 GAS01 Cambodia: Siem Reap Service & Community Insight Highlights of the trip: • Learning some basic Khmer words and phrases. 3-Day Service project with the local community • The group will work in the villages of Kompheim and Treak, both lie just outside of Siem Reap town and are villages of extreme poverty. Theme of recurrent projects: • Working with a local school. Depending on the need of the local community, this may be based around teaching and mentoring in a school. If so, then students will have prepared lesson plans and ideas in advance and split into groups to work in the classrooms. • Leaving a tangible change. Many of the work involve building important structures such as health clinics and school classrooms from plastic bottles and dry plastic waste from around the village. Groups may also be involved in painting, gardening, building or refurbishing projects which are necessary in the schools or villages as a whole. These would be under the supervision of an appropriately qualified adult to ensure that standard is of a level suitable for long-term benefit. • Play sport and games with the local students. This is a great way of breaking down barriers and an important part of the interaction.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 GAS01 Cambodia: Siem Reap Service & Community Insight • Visit the stunning Ta Prohm Temple, made famous to the larger audience in the Tomb Raider movies. Ta Prohm is overrun with massive trees, their roots intertwined with the temple stones almost as if they are frozen in battle. • Visit a local village to take part in the daybreak Buddhist ritual of giving alms as saffron monks wander through. This ritual dates back thousands of years and is incredibly important in Khmer culture. • Cycling adventure to interact with the locals, to a hidden temple in the forest. • Experience the amazing Tonle Sap Lake and floating villages. Tonle Sap Lake is one of the world’s most amazing eco-systems: producing over half of the fish consumed in Cambodia, while being homes to many Khmer, Vietnamese and Cham Muslim people. • Staggering Angkor Wat. Famed as the jewel of the Khmer Empire, Angkor Wat was built nearly a thousand years ago, and is the largest religious monument ever built. The group will also explore the city of Angkor Thom, and learn about the Angkor culture with the Angkor Amazing Race.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 GAS01 Cambodia: Siem Reap Service & Community Insight Activity Code: GAS01 2013-14 Year group: Years 8, 9 & 10 Group size: Min – 20 Max – 40 Duration: 7D/6N (from departing to arriving Hong Kong) Provisional Dates: Oct 5-11. Students should keep the weekend either side of MaD Week available in case of schedule changes. Physical/Skill requirements: Basic cycling skills. A lot of walking on some days. Special equipment: To be advised at a later stage, if applicable Meals: Included for Siem Reap. Transportation: Included flights between Hong Kong and Siem Reap and local transport while in Cambodia. Passport Validity: 6 months Travel Visa: Students to arrange own travel visa, if applicable. Estimated cost per student*: HKD12,200 (may vary due to factors such as exchange rates, fuel surcharges and group size.) Deposit: HKD2,000 (non-refundable/non-transferrable) * Cost has included administration fees. Final cost subject to number of participants. In case of under-subscription, cost may be increased.
‘SIS goes MaD’ 2013 – Y8-10 GAS02 China: Conghua Community Service This community service programme will be based in Xitou Village, Conghua. The undeveloped villages provide an inspiring landscape for students to engage with nature and the life of rural villages. Most of the male villagers left to work in cities, leaving mostly women and old villagers behind, who would surely appreciate help to improve their living conditions. Sample itinerary: