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Snow Fighting Equipment Across the Pacific Northwest

Explore snow fighting equipment such as spreaders, controllers, plows, and more used in various regions of the Pacific Northwest, presented by Joe Stinton of Washington State Department of Transportation.

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Snow Fighting Equipment Across the Pacific Northwest

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Pacific Northwest Snow fighter and their Equipment Presented ByJoe StintonWashington State Department of Transportation

  2. Old Corps Anti Icing

  3. NS 200 Spreader Controller

  4. Dickey John Controller

  5. Parker IQAN controller

  6. Force America 5100 Electronic Controller .

  7. Force America Stainless Steel Hyd. Oil Tank and Valve Body Enclosure

  8. SchmidtStratus Cow Patty Machine 45K

  9. Hi-Way Xzalt

  10. XZALT vs. Schmidt

  11. South West Region Vancouver Snow fighter Henderson First Response V Hopper American Snow Plow Front/Rear Tipper 12 Foot Front Funnel Plow Force America Controller Preco GPS System $225K

  12. Monroe 10/12 Yard V-Hopper 3 Lane Boom 750 Gallons of Liquid

  13. Eastern Region Snow Fighter Spokane 5/6 Yard Monroe Duzmor with Pre Wet and Conveyor $174K

  14. Olympic Region Snow Fighter American Snow Plow Front and Rear Tipping Body 12 Foot Straight Plow $165K

  15. South Central Region YakimaSnow Fighter Tenco Side Tipping Body Cab Guard Mounted 135 Gallon Pre Wet System Left Side Front Wing 12 Foot front straight Plow $185K

  16. Tenco Side Tipping Body

  17. North Central Region WenatcheeSnow Fighter INT. 5000i Cummins 450 1650 Torque Henderson Hopper Front Plow/Wing plow Underbody Plow Parker IQAN Laser for the Wing $245K

  18. Eaton Fuller Auto Shift

  19. Wing Plow Safety An unsafe position to be in

  20. Wing Plow Safety An unsafe position to be in

  21. Wing plow safety chain… • To hook or unhook the chain the operator has to walk up to and stand under the raised plow to hook or unhook the chain.

  22. Pink Hat Not a Pink Hat

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