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ISTE is more than meet ups, and <br>social media is more than tools. It is a series of W.O.W. moments that take your breath away, and I am honored to share mine with you.
! WOW MOMENTS worthy of the world TOP10TEN #ISTE2014 @angelamaiers
Why do I, and over 20,000 of the best and brightest educators from around the world travel to ISTE each year? Is it the new tools and strategies, the chance to attending great sessions that improve our practice, or finally meeting our “internet friends”, taking selfless and proving to our families they are real?
Yes. Yes. And Yes! But wait, there is more!
There were so many moments that took my breath away. Moments that made my laugh, made me cry, made me proud. Moments that reminded me why I do this work. Moments that I will always treasure and cherish. My Top 10 W.O.W. Moments @angelamaiers These are what I call W.O.W moments; so Worthy of the World, they must be shared! #ISTE2014
Honored to be sharing with you my ! ! TOP10TEN 8
Text Human Connections. Real Connections. Incredible People. Authentic Friendships. New Relationships and Partnerships. Each and Every One aW.O.WMoment! 1
Watching my friends genius shine! So honored to learn and lead with these people. Special thanks to my “panel mates”. You inspire me and help me to be a better human being. 2
No better way to kick things off than watching the human spirit of teachers and leaders come alive. There was no better way to kick things off than watching the human spirit of teachers and leaders come alive. 3 We kicked off the conference with a standing room only session talking about the importance of these two words as an essential component in our learning, lives and world.
A special gift from one of our session participants. Every staff and student will be getting a YOU MATTER T-Shirt to start the new school year off just right! How W.O.W is that? 8
#BeBrave #PresentNaked Look Ma...No Slides!!” I gave my first “naked” keynote. And it was sooooo liberating. 4
Could not have done it without a little (a lot) of help from my friends! Thank you for pushing my brave!
#GeniusHour TRENDING!!! Not only did we have a full house for our panel, but honoring student passion and genius was one of the most talked about topics throughout the conference. WOW! 5
6 My 1st Selfie --Woo Hoo! (Didn’t say I was any good - still a W.O.W!)
FOOD THE 7 If you have never had chicken and waffles, I highly recommend it. (Extra syrup a MUST!) Right @andrewko and @teachakid?
8 Watching US blow up the Twitter Stream! (This was after just one hour!!!) Look at us go!
8THIS! 9
keeping Whether you were there in Atlanta or tuning in just now, you did not miss a thing. What really WOW’s me, is the effort our community puts in to keeping the learning alive. 10
Resources #ISTE2014 Teacher Cast Live Interviews keeping ISTE14 Live Binder (He has a page for everything!) Check out all that was captured and being shared!
So friends, ISTE is indeed more than meet ups and social media is more than tools. It is a series of W.O.W. moments that take your breath away!
Lisa Thumann @lthumann Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher Lee Kolbert @teachakid 8 Special love and thanks to my roomies, workout buddies and forever friends! You ladies are a W.O.W!!
So, what was your W.O.W. Ican’twaittohearaboutit! 8 moment this year?