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Advocating for local governments worldwide, increasing their influence, and promoting democratic values. Collaborating with top policymakers and international bodies. Strengthening decentralization and sharing policy knowledge globally. Building a strong network with diversified funding. Aiming for long-term sustainability and supporting Sustainable Development Goals.
Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015 ‘Punching above its weight’ 1. Promoting democratic values and good governance I Advocacy for LG within the Commonwealth • CHOGM 1995 recognition; AO 2002; 2014 partnership • CHOGM -1997/1999/2003/2005/2007/2009/2011/2013 • Direct access to top government policy makers/officals • Collaboration, Secretariat & 60+ Commonwealth bodies • Input, CMAG + Foreign Ministers; LG election observers • Aberdeen endorsed 2005; incorporated in 2013 Charter • Focus- Fiji/Maldives/Malawi/ Nigeria/Pakistan/Sri Lanka
Commonwealth Local Government Forum1995-2015 - Punching above its weight’ II Advocacy for LG at the UN, the EU and regionally • Participation/collaboration with UN: Un-Habitat/Habitat II 1996/WUF; UNDF; UNDESA; signed UNDP MOU 2012 • Global Task Force post-2015/Habitat III - since 2013 • Strategic link DeLOG, DFID, NZ & development partners • EU/ACP inputs; EC strategic partnership 2015-20 • Regional engagement- PFS, EAC, CARICOM, SAARC • MOU, International IDEA 2014; Cities Alliance 2015 • LG partnerships- UCLG, AIMF, PLATFORMA, Africities
2. Strengthening decentralisation & LG Promotion of central-local government dialogue Technical expertise, national decentralisation strategies Technical advice/support to LG members LGA capacity-building-national/regional eg ARIAL 2012 Regional sharing, good practice policy; RIC Harare 1999 Practitioner exchange Good Practice Scheme 1998-2011 Small states: Pacific; CALGA/CLGFM/ CARILED; SIDS Focus, Local economic development & private sector Reaching out: Zimbabwe, South Sudan LG projects Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015 ‘Punching above its weight’
3. Sharing policy/ knowledge globally CLGC: 2000/2003/2005/2007/2009/2011/2013/2015 Key LG policy event- Aberdeen (2005) Cardiff (2011) Outcomes taken up by members; CHOGM endorsement Regular policy symposia in all Commonwealth regions Policy-led study visits: Pakistan-Canada & S Africa 2011 Research Advisory Group/biennial research colloquia Handbook 2002/ejournal 2007; Aberdeen; LED; gender ICN/new sustainable city focus 2015-SDG11;Habitat III Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015 ‘Punching above its weight’
4. Creating a strong LG Network From c 50 in 1995 to c 200 in most 53 member states Prestigious Board of senior mayors/ministers; EC 2011 Patrons- Ghana/Uganda/Jamaica/Tuvalu/T+T/ UNDP Regional offices- Africa/Asia/Pacific (Caribbean); London Communications- website/e-news/bulletin/social media Funding base diversified; corporate partners Staff from 2 in 1995 to 25 in 2015; Annual budget c US $5m + in-kind member support Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015 ‘Punching above its weight’
5. My CLGF Vision for 2030 Strong democratic LG in all Commonwealth countries Aberdeen Principles fully implemented & monitored LG engaged in realisation/monitoring of SDGs LG has capacity/resources to fulfil its mandates/tasks Integrated CLGF/international LG knowledge hub +Strategic partners development agencies/corporates CLGF capacity/funding has long-term sustainability CLGF Sustainable Cities network addressing inequalities Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015 ‘Punching above its weight’