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Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015: Punching Above its Weight

Advocating for local governments worldwide, increasing their influence, and promoting democratic values. Collaborating with top policymakers and international bodies. Strengthening decentralization and sharing policy knowledge globally. Building a strong network with diversified funding. Aiming for long-term sustainability and supporting Sustainable Development Goals.

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Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015: Punching Above its Weight

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  1. Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015 ‘Punching above its weight’ 1. Promoting democratic values and good governance I Advocacy for LG within the Commonwealth • CHOGM 1995 recognition; AO 2002; 2014 partnership • CHOGM -1997/1999/2003/2005/2007/2009/2011/2013 • Direct access to top government policy makers/officals • Collaboration, Secretariat & 60+ Commonwealth bodies • Input, CMAG + Foreign Ministers; LG election observers • Aberdeen endorsed 2005; incorporated in 2013 Charter • Focus- Fiji/Maldives/Malawi/ Nigeria/Pakistan/Sri Lanka

  2. Commonwealth Local Government Forum1995-2015 - Punching above its weight’ II Advocacy for LG at the UN, the EU and regionally • Participation/collaboration with UN: Un-Habitat/Habitat II 1996/WUF; UNDF; UNDESA; signed UNDP MOU 2012 • Global Task Force post-2015/Habitat III - since 2013 • Strategic link DeLOG, DFID, NZ & development partners • EU/ACP inputs; EC strategic partnership 2015-20 • Regional engagement- PFS, EAC, CARICOM, SAARC • MOU, International IDEA 2014; Cities Alliance 2015 • LG partnerships- UCLG, AIMF, PLATFORMA, Africities

  3. 2. Strengthening decentralisation & LG Promotion of central-local government dialogue Technical expertise, national decentralisation strategies Technical advice/support to LG members LGA capacity-building-national/regional eg ARIAL 2012 Regional sharing, good practice policy; RIC Harare 1999 Practitioner exchange Good Practice Scheme 1998-2011 Small states: Pacific; CALGA/CLGFM/ CARILED; SIDS Focus, Local economic development & private sector Reaching out: Zimbabwe, South Sudan LG projects Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015 ‘Punching above its weight’

  4. 3. Sharing policy/ knowledge globally CLGC: 2000/2003/2005/2007/2009/2011/2013/2015 Key LG policy event- Aberdeen (2005) Cardiff (2011) Outcomes taken up by members; CHOGM endorsement Regular policy symposia in all Commonwealth regions Policy-led study visits: Pakistan-Canada & S Africa 2011 Research Advisory Group/biennial research colloquia Handbook 2002/ejournal 2007; Aberdeen; LED; gender ICN/new sustainable city focus 2015-SDG11;Habitat III Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015 ‘Punching above its weight’

  5. 4. Creating a strong LG Network From c 50 in 1995 to c 200 in most 53 member states Prestigious Board of senior mayors/ministers; EC 2011 Patrons- Ghana/Uganda/Jamaica/Tuvalu/T+T/ UNDP Regional offices- Africa/Asia/Pacific (Caribbean); London Communications- website/e-news/bulletin/social media Funding base diversified; corporate partners Staff from 2 in 1995 to 25 in 2015; Annual budget c US $5m + in-kind member support Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015 ‘Punching above its weight’

  6. 5. My CLGF Vision for 2030 Strong democratic LG in all Commonwealth countries Aberdeen Principles fully implemented & monitored LG engaged in realisation/monitoring of SDGs LG has capacity/resources to fulfil its mandates/tasks Integrated CLGF/international LG knowledge hub +Strategic partners development agencies/corporates CLGF capacity/funding has long-term sustainability CLGF Sustainable Cities network addressing inequalities Commonwealth Local Government Forum 1995-2015 ‘Punching above its weight’

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