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Prevent Information and Overview

Prevent Information and Overview. Updated March 2016 by the Central Secretariat. Context. The College has a duty of care to its students and staff. As members of the College, we all share in this .

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Prevent Information and Overview

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  1. PreventInformation and Overview Updated March 2016 by the Central Secretariat

  2. Context The College has a duty of care to its students and staff. As members of the College, we all share in this. An important aspect of this involves the provision of support to vulnerable individuals who may be at risk of radicalisation or being drawn into terrorism. The College now has a legal duty under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (CTSA) 2015 which places a specific responsibility on the College: in the exercise of [its] functions, to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. (CTSA, Section 26(i)) This is known as the Preventduty(previously the ‘Prevent Strategy’). This training session explains how you as a member of the College, can play a successful part in fulfilling the College’s Prevent duty.

  3. Raising Concerns There is no single route to becoming radicalised or drawn into terrorism, nor is there a common profile of those who become involved. Concerns may be valid if an individual displays possible Engagement with a radical group, cause or ideology, Intentto cause harm, and Capabilityto cause harm. Concerns should be raised initially via discussion with a student’s personal tutor or a member of staff’s line manager. Where it is agreed that concerns may be legitimate, supervisors/line managers should contact a Local Advisor. An informal meeting should be arranged with an Advisor to consider the concern, to determine whether further information is required, and to decide how to proceed. The success of Prevent depends on local engagement at every level.

  4. College protocol If it is considered appropriate to escalate a Prevent-related concern, the College has developed a protocol for doing this. The Prevent Protocol outlines who should be contacted at each stage, and which group of senior officers is collectively responsible for deciding whether to take external advice and/or refer an individual to a local ‘Channel Panel’. Channel is a multi-agency approach to supporting vulnerable individuals – it is led by local authorities and supported by local police assigned to the Prevent Strategy. External referral to Channel will normally involve an individual being asked to receive tailored support from relevant external individuals or organisations on a voluntary basis. If the situation is sensitive, an anonymised set of notes gathered by the Local Advisor will be discussed with the Local Authority contact.

  5. Freedom of Speech The Education (no. 2) Act 1986 requires that universities ensure that Freedom of Speech is secured for its staff and students and for visiting speakers. The Imperial College Freedom of Speech: Code of Practice covers the following types of event: • Any event where there is a real likelihood that the speaker may not be able to enter or leave the premises safely and/or deliver his or her speech or that a breach of the peace may occur ... The full code of practice is available online: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/admin-services/secretariat/college-governance/charters-statutes-ordinances-and-regulations/policies-regulations-and-codes-of-practice/freedom-of-speech/ The College fully upholds the right to freedom of speech within the law; it must balance this with the need under the CTSA 2015 Prevent duty to challenge extremistideas, such as those which promote racial or religious hatred, which can form part of a terrorist ideology. The College and Imperial College Union have clear room booking policies and procedures in place to support this. Campus Services’ Conferences & Events Team operate on behalf of the College.

  6. Students’ Union policy • Imperial College Union has a policy which covers all events, including those organised by Clubs, Societies & Projects. Each Club, Society or Project is a constituent part of the Union, and therefore subject to the Union’s governance. • The policy extends to all events, whether they take place on campus or elsewhere • All spaces for student events must be requested via the Union’s systems – this ensures the correct approvals are carried out, which includes approval of any speakers • Staff in departments must not book spaces directly for student groups which are part of the Union • The policy is designed to enable student-led events to happen and very few restrictions have been put in place in the past • The policy is available at https://www.imperialcollegeunion.org/your-union/policies/16/file

  7. Further training and information The College’s Deterring Terrorist Activities Websitecontains information and links to relevant processes and information. The UUK Safe Campus Communities contains further information and case studies relating to Prevent and Higher Education: http://www.safecampuscommunities.ac.uk/the-prevent-agenda Further Training If you, or your team, wish to receive further training or information relating to Prevent then this can be provided by external partners: • WRAP (Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent) • JISC online training The College has links with the local Metropolitan Police Prevent Team and London HE and FE Prevent co-ordinators (government funded), who can deliver tailored interactive training sessions on request. For further information or if you would like request training please contact Riccardo Feasey in Central Secretariat: riccardo.feasey@imperial.ac.uk

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