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Study on Carboxyhaemoglobin Levels | Bhilai Steel Plant

This study conducted by Dr. A.K. Verma at Bhilai Steel Plant evaluates carboxyhaemoglobin levels among employees exposed to carbon monoxide. It explores health hazards, symptoms, and control measures related to CO exposure.

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Study on Carboxyhaemoglobin Levels | Bhilai Steel Plant

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  1. National Occupational Health Service Centre Bhilai Steel Plant A Study on Carboxy Haemoglobin Level Among Employees Exposed to CO in Bhilai Steel Plant Dr. A.K.Verma Sr. Manager National OHS Centre Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai

  2. Introduction Bhilai Steel Plant • CO is the most significant health hazard in Steel Plant. • There is a large network (62892 mtr.) of mixed gas line throughout the plant. • CO is produced due to carbonization in Coke over battery smelting of iron in BF and maintenance of vehicle in ARS. • Study was conducted on 111 employees (61 exposed & 50 non-exposed) • Work zone CO concentration, exhaled air CO concentration, COHb%, Personal habits were evaluated for study group.

  3. CO - Some Facts Bhilai Steel Plant • CO is a colorless, odorless, non-irritant gas lighter than air but when mixed with other gases density may change. • It is formed by combustion of carbon and organic matter. • CO affinity to human Hb is 210 times more than its affinity to O2. • Small quantities of CO is produced within the human body from the catabolism of heamogolbin leading to an endogenous formation of 0.3-0.8% COHb in blood . Cont…

  4. CO - Some Facts Bhilai Steel Plant • The appearance of CO affected symptoms depends on the CO concentration in the work zone air, duration of exposure, degree of exertion and individual susceptibility. • CO causes headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, chest tightness. • Reduces O2 supply in vital organ like Brain, Lungs and Heart. • Exposure to concentration of 10,000-40,000 ppm leads to death. • TLV 50 ppm for 8 Hrs. • STEL 400 ppm within 15 mts.

  5. Gas Dynamics in CO Poisoning Bhilai Steel Plant Heart Normal Health O2 Air (O2) Oxyhemoglobin Muscle O2 Heart X CO Poisoning O2 O2Hb+CO Carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb ) Muscle X O2

  6. Health Effects at Various CO Saturations Bhilai Steel Plant SYMPTOMS % SATURATION 10-30 % Headache, Drowsiness, Nausea, Vomiting, Increased Respiration and Pulse rate , ECG ST segment depression 30-40 %Increased Pulse rate, Decreased Blood Pressure, Cardiac Arrhythmias , Muscular incoordination 40-60 %Mental confusion, Marked Weakness, Increases pulse rate even victim may collapse > 60 % Unconsciousness, Convulsions and Death

  7. Relation between Exposure & Health effects Bhilai Steel Plant Source – ILO encyclopedia of OHS

  8. Reasons for undertaking this study Bhilai Steel Plant • There were no spectrophotometric method in use for COHb estimation in blood, although there is a probability of CO poisoning cases in steel plant. • CO in exhaled air (PPM) & COHb% in blood are comparable but this is a rough guide & does not give accurate COHb estimation. • spectrophotometric method is accurate, color formed is stable and gives correct estimation of CO saturation in blood. • CO poison cases are very often reported in MMP.

  9. Objective Bhilai Steel Plant • To evaluate the work place CO concentration. • To assess carbon monoxide related subjective symptoms with the level of exhaled air CO(ppm) and COHb% among study group. • To suggest control measures to mitigate the associated health problems.

  10. Method Bhilai Steel Plant • Measurement of CO concentration in work zone by using CO monitor & aspirator (66 locations) • Exhaled air CO estimation by smokerlyzer (BEDFONT).

  11. Method Bhilai Steel Plant • COHb estimation in blood samples by using HACH spectrophotometer at EnMD laboratory. • Structured questionnaire survey, data compilation, analysis, comparison with non-exposed group.

  12. Method Bhilai Steel Plant • Precision of spectrophotometric method by replicate analysis • SD - ± 0.25 & RSD - 0.89 % • Study period May’2014 to Nov’2014.

  13. Study Profile Bhilai Steel Plant Pie diagram Exposed (n=61) group like BF, CO battery, ARS Non Exposed (n=50) group like Medical, Education, Personnel

  14. Observation Bhilai Steel Plant Table - 1 Level of CO at different locations

  15. Observation Bhilai Steel Plant Table - 2 Working Environment CO & COHb levels among Exposed & Non-exposed

  16. Observation Bhilai Steel Plant Table - 3 Comparison of Smoker & Nonsmoker Subjects among Exposed Group

  17. Observation Bhilai Steel Plant Table - 4 Health Symptoms among Exposed & Non exposed

  18. Inference Bhilai Steel Plant • Work zone mean CO concentration in coke oven 22.0(5.4), BF 16.0(4.2), ARS 27.0(3.6). • The above concentration were influenced by the process in the respective sections. • In Coke Oven - Cellar/Heating section, BF - Dust Catcher, Stove, Cast House, ARS – Vehicle service station covered under the study. • Mean COHb level among non-exposed group observed to be (3.82 ±(1.22) less than NIOSH recommendation of 5% COHb Cont…

  19. Inference Bhilai Steel Plant • Exposed employees had higher COHb% comparing to non-exposed (p<0.01). • No significant difference in COHb% among smoker & non-smoker in exposed group. • Increase in CO concentration in work place results into increasing COHb among employees. • Headache, Dizziness were the prevalent symptoms. • These symptoms significantly correlate with the presence of CO in the work place.

  20. Recommendations Bhilai Steel Plant • Use of approved respirator & pocket CO monitor. • Provision of online CO monitor in all the probable hazardous locations. • Periodical Medical Examination of the CO exposed workers to include exhaled air CO estimation on regular basis. • Health education communication, Gas danger caution board. • Follow up of employees having history of COHb level.

  21. Conclusion Bhilai Steel Plant • There is a need to implement effective engineering control measures in the work place. • Spectrophotometric method for COHb estimation is best and accurate to be practiced in Steel Plant.

  22. References Bhilai Steel Plant • Methylene chloride exposure and Corboxyheamoglobin levels in cabinet maker, sunny O.Banjoko,K.C. Sridhar, In.J. of Env.Med. • p-56-60 Vol.-II, May-Aug:2007. • Van Kampen E.J., Zijlstra W.G., Determination of Heamoglobin & its derivatives , Clinical Chemistry Vol. 8, p 141-47 : 1965 • Forbes W.H; Sargent F; The role of CO uptake by normal man. Am.J.Phy.sc.,143 p 594-608 :1995


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