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Text Messages and Mobile Browsing in Distance Education

Text Messages and Mobile Browsing in Distance Education. Marguerite Koole Research Assistant: Janice Letkemen McQuilkin Research Associate: Dr. Mohamed Ally. Utility or Futility?. Introduction. Purpose Background Theory Methodology Results & discussion Conclusion. Purpose.

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Text Messages and Mobile Browsing in Distance Education

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  1. Text Messages and Mobile Browsing in Distance Education Marguerite Koole Research Assistant: Janice Letkemen McQuilkin Research Associate: Dr. Mohamed Ally Utility or Futility?

  2. Introduction • Purpose • Background • Theory • Methodology • Results & discussion • Conclusion

  3. Purpose • Preliminary exploration of controls and constraints of mobile learning • Perceived usefulness • Attitudes • Potential impact • Study patterns • Social effects • Pedagogical effects • Usability

  4. Background • Conducted at a post-secondary, distance-education institution in Canada • Master of Education students • Moodle LMS • MobiGlam • University of Glamorgan • Cellular or WiFi devices

  5. Theory • The Frame model (Koole, 2006)

  6. Theory • Transactional Control Theory (TC) • Dron, 2007 • Based on Transactional Distance Theory (TD) • The more structure, the less the freedom of choice • The more structure, the less the dialogue • The more autonomous the learner, the less need for structure and dialogue • TC theory • The learner must adapt to aspects in the environment that potentially constrain his/her choices.

  7. Methodology • Phase 1 • 4 respondents (26-56 years) • Pilot software, training materials, questionnaires • Phase 2 • 16 respondents (26-56 years) • 12 = high computing skills • 3 = advanced computing skills • 1 = low computing skills • Weekly activities • Pre- and post-questionnaires • Based on FRAME model

  8. Results: Interaction Learning • Frequency of interaction per week

  9. Comments: Interaction Learning • Current frequency of interaction is fairly low, yet learners report feel very “connected” • Mobile would not increase their sense of “connectedness”

  10. Results: Social Technology • Flexibity & networking

  11. Comments: Social Technology • Rated need for flexible access to LMS high • Rated need for flexible mobile access low • Respondents recognize that mobile access is advantageous for travellers

  12. Results: Device Usability • Device usability ratings

  13. Comments: Device Usability • One learner felt that mobile access was only useful for checking on activity, but would not encourage “learning” • Others felt mobile access was intrusive • Low understanding of technology • Training was not effective

  14. Results: Study Patterns & Attitudes • Control, organization & preferences

  15. Comments: Study Patterns & Attitudes • Email remained preferred method of communication • Ratings low, but comments indicated that they would adapt • Possible correlation with demographics

  16. Respondents’ Recommendations • University-wide implementation of mobile technology

  17. Conclusion • Control-constraint-need threshold had not been met in this trial = motivation to use or adapt remained low

  18. Thank you • Questions? • Marguerite Koole mkoole@athabascau.ca

  19. References Ally, M. (2005). Multimedia information design for mobile devices. In M. Pagani (Ed.), Encyclopedia of multimedia technology and networking. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Inc. Dron, J. (2007). Control and constraint in e-learning: Choosing when to choose (1st ed.). London: Idea Group Publishing. Elsayed Meawad, F., & G. Stubbs. (2007). A service oriented approach towards large scale deployment of mobile learning. Unpublished manuscript. Koole, M. (2006). The framework for the rational analysis of mobile education (FRAME) model: An evaluation of mobile devices for distance education. Unpublished Thesis. Athabasca University, Athabasca. Koole, M. (2009). Chapter 2: A model for framing mobile learning. In M. Ally (Ed.), Mobile learning: Transforming the delivery of education and training (1st ed., pp. 25-47). Edmonton, Alberta: AU Press. Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Traxler, J. (Eds.). (2005). Mobile learning: A handbook for educators and trainers (1st ed.). London: RoutledgeFalmer Taylor & Francis Group. Moore, M. G. (1973). Towards a theory of independent learning and teaching. Journal of Higher Education, 44(12), 661-679.

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