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Learn about stimulants and their impact on the body, including common drugs like amphetamine, methamphetamine, and ecstasy. Discover the risks, signs of use, and long-term effects of these substances.
Stimulants • Stimulants make the heart beat faster, increase breathing rate, and raise blood pressure. High doses of strong stimulants may cause blurred vision, dizziness, anxiety, loss of coordination, collapse, or even death • Examples of common stimulant drugs: • Methamphetamine • Amphetamine • Cocaine • Crack • Caffeine • Nicotine • Ecstasy
Amphetamine • Amphetamine - drugs that stimulates the central nervous system. Doctors may prescribe amphetamines to treat hyperactive children. Amphetamines are highly addictive, however. People who use or abuse amphetamines can develop a dependence on the drugs, needing larger and larger doses to get the desired effect. (tolerance) • Examples: Adderall and Benzedrine (both are prescription medicines)
Methamphetamine • Methamphetamine is a very addictive stimulant that is closely related to amphetamine. It is long lasting and toxic to dopamine nerve terminals in the central nervous system. • It is a white, odorless, bitter-tasting powder taken orally or by snorting or injecting (HIV risk), or a rock "crystal" that is heated and smoked. • Slang names: speed, meth, crystal, crank, tweak, ice, glass, uppers, black beauties. • Effects on the body: • - meth causes mind and mood changes such as anxiety, euphoria, depression, paranoia, delusional thinking, and permanent psychological damage. • - meth is as addictive as crack and more powerful • - can cause heart attack and strokes – even for first time users • - meth permanently damage the heart, liver, kidney, and the brain • Signs of use: Inability to sleep, nervous, dizziness, confusion, convulsions, increased HR, presence of inhaling paraphernalia or injecting paraphernalia.
Facts about Meth • Meth destroys calcium in teeth resulting in “meth mouth” • Meth destroys short term memory • Meth users can suffer brain damage and are often unable to complete schooling • Meth can cause violent behavior • Meth is made illegally and often contains other toxic substances • Meth stimulates the limbic system, an area of the brain connected to experiencing pleasure. • 80% of teens think using meth is unacceptable
Ecstasy • Ecstasy is known as a club drug – a wide variety of drugs often used at dance parties (raves), nightclubs, and concerts. It is a synthetic drug with stimulant and hallucinogenic effects • Slang: Ecstasy: E, X, XTC. • Effects on the body: • - Ecstasy increase HR and BP and can lead to heart or kidney failure. • - Depression • - Sleep problems, chills or sweating, slurred speech. • - Can be fatal when mixed with alcohol. • - Breaks down ones barriers and interferes with the ability to make good decisions • - Can cause permanent damage resulting in problems with memory, attention span, and learning ability • - Affects certain brain chemicals that regulate mood and personality.
Ecstasy • Ecstasy is ILLEGAL to buy or sell • Ecstasy is not always what it seems…it is often produced in laboratories and it is impossible to know exactly what is in it. How strong or dangerous it is varies each time • Ecstasy comes in tablets that have cartoon characters or logos such as the playboy bunny, Nike swoosh, CK, or Mercedes.
Cocaine and Crack • Cocaine is a powerfully addictive central nervous system stimulant that is snorted, injected, or smoked. • Crack is cocaine hydrochloride powder that has been processed to form a rock crystal that is then usually smoked. • Street Names – coke, dust, toot, snow, blow, powder, lines, rock (crack) • Cocaine usually makes the user feel euphoric and energetic, but also increases body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate. • Users risk heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, seizures, abdominal pain, and nausea. In rare cases, sudden death can occur on the first use of cocaine or unexpectedly afterwards. • 98% of teens are NOT cocaine users
Caffeine • Caffeine – A powerful central nervous system stimulant • Caffeine only takes 15 to 20 minutes to get into your blood and the caffeine effect lasts for 3 1/2 hours. • Caffeine is naturally found in certain leaves, seeds, and fruits of over 60 plants worldwide. The most common sources in our diet are coffee, tea leaves, cocoa beans, cola, and energy drinks. • Caffeine has been shown to affect mood, stamina, the cerebral vascular system, and gastric and colonic activity