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The Shrine Christian Center of Houston of the Pan African Orthodox Christian Church

The Shrine Christian Center of Houston of the Pan African Orthodox Christian Church. Upper MLK Revitalization Project. Community Forum & Grand Re-opening June 12-13, 2010.

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The Shrine Christian Center of Houston of the Pan African Orthodox Christian Church

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  1. The Shrine Christian Center of Houston of the Pan African Orthodox Christian Church Upper MLK Revitalization Project Community Forum & Grand Re-opening June 12-13, 2010 The 2010 Community Forum announcing the Upper MLK Revitalization Project and the Grand Re-Opening of the Shrine Christian Center (due to delayed renovations from Hurricane Ike) marked what Jaramogi Menelik Kimathi termed, The Year of Restoration for the Pan African Orthodox Christian Church. The Year of Restoration would mark the emphasis of the entireCentennial Year of our Founder’s birth.

  2. The Year of Restoration…. Jaramogi Kimathi said that we would not simply honor Jaramogi Abebe Agyeman’s Centenary Year with fond memories, words of tribute, and celebrations, we would So, began the Training Center Restoration, the Cultural Center Restoration, Programmatic Restoration, Ministerial Restoration, and, of course, Spiritual Restoration. The first collaborative project with The Awakenings Movement is Restoration of the ShrineTraining Center. work to present ourselves worthy of his legacy.

  3. The Shrine Training Center is purposed as an institution which supports the church and the community it serves by providing quality, affordable, and in some cases, free/barter access to:

  4. computer lab

  5. meeting rooms

  6. Event Center

  7. … and more .

  8. The Shrine Training Center is purposed as an institution for promoting Self Determination where programs, organizations, and emerging businesses designed to service the community might make their home or where they might find a springboard from which to securely launch. Such as: • Day Care, Pre-School & Kindergarten • Career College • Life Skills Program • Community Theatre • Continuing Education • Mentoring Initiatives • Ministry & Outreach • Arts Conservatory

  9. Training Center West Wing Future home of our first TC Community Business Partner, Scape Holistic Academy (Day Care, Pre-School, & Kindergarten)

  10. The Shrine Training Center is purposed with an emphasis on ! Youth developing the next generation of everything!

  11. For the 2010 Upper MLK Revitalization Community Forum, Jaramogi Kimathi penned a letter to the Community. In this letter he said, “We can do more together than we can do apart….and as a community church, the Shrine Christian Center is called to avail ourselves to that process, providing whatever support possible… … We realize that what we are restoring is not simply a church building, but commitment to a Christianity that is most closely akin to the vision and ministry of Jesus—a Christianity rooted in personal spirituality and social service”. Inthis letter Jaramogi shared an African saying, when spider webs unite they can tie up a lion

  12. … cordially invites, you… WHO? : The Awakenings Movement WHAT?: TC Paint Party!! WHEN?: Saturday, Sept. 10, 8am- Until! bring high energy & spirit; paint supplies welcome; refreshments will be provided by the Shrine Christian Center and our first TC business partner, Scape Holistic Academy For more info about The Year of Restoration, visit www.theyearofrestoration.org

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