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Detonation Spraying (DS) is an explosive technology used for powder coatings deposition onto various substrates, particularly metallic surfaces. Developed in the 1950s, DS is effective for WC-based alloy coatings. The Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics in Russia has pioneered Computer Controlled Detonation Spraying (CCDS), allowing precise parameter control and coating versatility. The equipment's technical characteristics include varied fuel options, high productivity, and exceptional coating strength. DS offers efficient and precise coating application, ideal for diverse industrial applications.
EPNM-2010 USE OF GAS DETONATION FOR COATING DEPOSITION: DETONATION SPRAYING V. Yu. Ulianitsky, A.A. Shtertser*, S.B. Zlobin Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RAS Lavrentyev avenue, 15, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia *asterzer@mail.ru
Detonation Spraying EPNM-2010 Detonation Spraying (DS)is one of explosive technologies and can be attributed to Explosive Working of Materials. It is based on gas detonationphenomenon. DS is used for deposition of powder coatings (metal, ceramic, composite and etc.) onto different substrates, mainly on metallic surfaces. At first DS was employed in 1950s in USA [1, 2], and later on in 1960s in USSR [3]. Comprehensive review of technological application of gas detonation is done in [4]. DS is particularly effective in deposition of WC-based hard alloy coatings [5] 1) R. M. Poorman, H. B. Sargent, and H. Lamprey. Method and Apparatus Utilizing Detonation Waves for Spraying and other Purposes. US Patent No. 2714563, Aug. 2, 1955. 2) John F. Pelton. Flame Plating Using Detonation Reactants. US Patent No. 2972550, May 28, 1958. 3) Bartenev S.S., Fedko Yu.P., Grigorov A.I. Detonation Coatings in Machinery Building. – Leningrad: Mashinostroenie, Leningrad section, 1982. 4) Yu.A. Nikolaev, A.A. Vasiliev, V.Yu. Ulianitsky. Gas Detonation and its Application in Engineering and Technologies (Review) // Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves. 2003, vol 39, No. 4. P. 382-410. 5) S.B. Zlobin, V.Yu. Ulianitsky, A.A. Shtertser. Comparative Analysis of Nanostructured and Microstructured Cermet Detonation Coatings // Uprochnayushie Technologii I Pokrytia. 2009, No. 3. P. 3-11.
Gaseous and Liquefied Fuels EPNM-2010 H2 - hydrogen CH4 – methane C2H2 – acetylene C2H4 – ethylene C2H6 – ethane C3H6 – propylene C3H8 – propane C4H10 – butane Liquefied hydrocarbons -propane + butane (70/30, 60/40, 50/50) MAPP – liquefied petroleum gas mixed with methylacetylene (propyne)-propadiene (allene) system. For example 30% propane (propylene, butane, etc.) + 70% C3H4. MAPP is more safe than acetylene and it is more and more used in gas welding and cutting in recent years. Research by European space concerns into using light hydrocarbons with liquid oxygen as a relatively high performing propellant combination which would also be less toxic than the commonly used MMH/NTO (monomethylhydrazine/nitrogen tetroxide) systems, showed that propyne (C3H4) would be highly advantageous as a rocket fuel for craft intended for low Earth orbital operations.
Detonation Spraying EPNM-2010 Investigation of spraying process and development of DS equipment was carried out in a number of organizations all over the world including Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RAS (LIH SB RAS). In recent years the new technology and equipment for detonation spraying was developed in LIH SB RAS - Computer Controlled Detonation Spraying (CCDS). In CCDS transverse injection of powder into the barrel is made using a powder feeder fixed on the said barrel. The System can work with any detonating gaseous mixture, but acetylene (or MAPP) + oxygen mixture is preferable for spraying of refractory composites such as WC/Co. CCDS permits to vary spraying parameters in a wide diapason, and to deposit coatings from refractory alloys, high-temperature ceramic, and fusible metals onto different substrates including plastic.
Gun with 3-D manipulator Control unit Chiller Detonation Spray equipment: CCDS 2000 EPNM-2010
1- barrel (length 800мм) 2- powder feeder (shuttle design) 3- mixing and ignition chamber 4- ignition plug 5- stand Mass of gun is about 15 kg. It can be mounted on industrial robot. CCDS Gun EPNM-2010 4 3 1 2 5
EPNM-2010 Gun control program (view of computer monitor)
CCDS in operation EPNM-2010
CCDS Technical Characteristics EPNM-2010 • Computer Control- based on computerIC610H • Power consumption - not more than 1 kW • Fuel- acetylene, propane, propylene, etc. • Окислитель - oxygen • Inert gas for barrel purging - nitrogen, air • Barrel length - up to 1 m • Barrel diameter - up to 30 mm • Coating thickness per shot - up to 10 μm • Coating maximal thickness - not limited • Rate of shots - up to 15 shots per second • Productivity - up to 2 kgpowder per hour • Efficiency of powder deposition - up to 70% • Coating strength - up to 300 Mpa • Coating porosity - possible to achieve less than 1 % • Microhardness ofWC/Co coatings - up to 1300 Hv • Cooling System (closed cycle): • Mass - less than 20 кг • Volume of cooling water - less than 5 litre • Heat Exchange Power - up to 6 kW • Manipulator Drive Gear: • provides rotation and linear move along two coordinates. Parts with mass up to 300 kg and surface area 500 x 500 mm can be treated by CCDS
EPNM-2010 Heating and Acceleration of Powder Particle in the Barrel The theoretical procedure and computer software were elaborated in LIH for calculation of velocity and temperature of powder particles accelerated in CCDS barrel*. Example of calculation for WC/Co (88/12 wt%) particles: The data on acceleration and heating of the particles is displayed on computer monitor in the form of diagram. On pictures calculation results are presented for WC/Co (88/12 wt%) particles sprayed using 50% explosive charge. Particles can be heated up to melting point and accelerated up to 500 m/s. *Gavrilenko T.P., Nikolaev Yu.A., Ulianitsky V.Yu., Kim, M.Ch., Hong J.W., Computational Code for Detonation Spraying Process, Proc. of the 15th Intern. Thermal Spray Conf., 25-29 May, 1998. – Nice, France. – 1998, p. 1475-1483.
velocity temperature Co binder melting EPNM-2010 Heating and acceleration of WC/Co particle in the barrel Particle composition WC/Co-88/12, particle diameter d=30мкм, barrel length 800 mm, barrel diameter 20 mm, explosive mixture C2H2 + O2, explosive mixture length 440 mm (barrel filling), powder injection point – 300 mm from barrel end. Particle velocity is 317 m/s, particle temperature 2266 K. Cobalt melting point TmCo = 1765 K, vaporization temperature TvCo = 3373 K; WC melting point TmWC = 3248 K, vaporization temperature TvWC = 6273 K.
EPNM-2010 Experimental measurements of particle velocity Last time in collaboration with researches from Ecole Nationale d’Ingenieurs de Saint-Etienne (France) measurements of particle velocities were performed using CCD-camera-based diagnostic*. In this method tracks of particles are registered in a form of digital images. A CCD camera converts optical brightness into electrical amplitude signals using charge coupled device (CCD) image sensor. Typical CCD-camera image with 10 µs time exposition.Tracks of 30µm WC/Co particles are registered in a window of 30x22 mm. Powder flux cross-section is 20 mm. Depth of resolution is about 5 mm. Measurement results are in good agreement with calculated values of velocity. *I. Smurov, D. Pervushin , Yu. Chivel , B. Laget ,V. Ulianitsky, S. Zlobin. Presentation at ITSC-2010, Singapure, May 3-5
Wear resistant hard-alloy coating on anti -vibration ledges of gas turbine compressor blade. Hard alloy WC/Co – 75/25 is sprayed on a ledge butt-end (shown by arrows). Applications of DS(aircraft motor-building) EPNM-2010
Parts of hydraulic devices (plunger) hardened by aluminum oxide coating. Microhardness HV300 1600 Applications of DS(wear resistant and electro-insulating coatings) EPNM-2010
Applications of DS (heat-proofing coating) EPNM-2010 Ceramic coating on work surface of rocket nozzle made of aluminum. Layer thickness of 500 μm increases manyfoldnozzle service life
Applications of DS EPNM-2010 High-voltage insulation for extreme conditions (radiation) Elements of electro-physical apparatus coated with aluminum oxide (insulation up to 5 kV) Hydrogen energy and ecology Catalytic system for neutralization of automobile exhaust Catalyst supporter for conversion reactor transforming liquid fuel into synthesis gas (H2+CO)
Applications of DS(wear resistant coatings) EPNM-2010 WC/Co-75/25 coating between teeth on a boring bit
Applications of DSplastic metallization (“delicate”modes of spraying) EPNM-2010 Correctly chosen mode of spraying provides adhesion up to 8 MPa for zinc or aluminum coating on polystyrene or fluoroplastic (teflon) substrate
CCDS with two powder feeders EPNM-2010 At present investigations on deposition of composite and gradient coatings with use of two powder feeders are under performing. Two feeders provide possibility to alternate shots with different powders in defined order. Gradient coatings permit, for example, to adjust properties of metal substrate and ceramic layer by introducing of interlayer gradient coating.
CONCLUSION EPNM -2010 CCDS provides wide opportunities for deposition of metal, ceramic and composite coatings on components of machines and mechanisms Thank you foryour attention