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How to write a quality Professional Development Plan. Winnebagoland UniServ October 13, 2009. A PDP is NOT a portfolio, a PDP is a plan!. Portfolio : collection of materials that represent a person’s work Contents determined by IHE, NBPTS, WIME Evidence for ALL standards Assessed
How to write a quality Professional DevelopmentPlan Winnebagoland UniServ October 13, 2009
A PDP is NOT a portfolio,a PDP is a plan! Portfolio: collection of materials that represent a person’s work • Contents determined by IHE, NBPTS, WIME • Evidence for ALL standards • Assessed Plan : Method for achieving an end with a procedure and a goal • YOU decide the contents • Evidence for 2 or more standards • Verified
A PDP is NOT assessed,a PDP is verified. Assess: to examine something in order to judge or evaluate it • Your performance is judged on the basis of the evidence in your portfolio. Verify: to prove that something is true • The completion of your plan is verified by the evidence you provide. • “Is it there or is it not there?”
Standards Integrated into License Stages Portfolio Pre-service Portfolio Master Educator Portfolio Professional Educator PDP Initial Educator PDP • Mandatory • Shows proficiency in all 10 standards • Assessed by IHE • Optional • Shows mastery in all 10 standards • Assessed by DPI • 2 or more standards • Verified by IE PDP Team • 2 or more standards • Verified by PE PDP Team *National Board by NBPTS
Wisconsin Educator Standards • 10 Teacher Standards • 7 Administrator Standards • 7 Pupil Service Standards
Wisconsin Standards Professional Educator Options Initial Educator Program Exit Student teaching/ Internship Pre-student Teaching Education Foundation Program Entry
WI Educator Standards Activity • Carefully read over all Wisconsin Educator Standards for Administrators, Teachers, and Pupil Services. • Pick the two most important standards to you as a teacher/ administrator/ pupil service. • Write down your criteria for picking two?
Three License Stages • Initial Educator • Professional Educator • Master Educator
Options for Licensure Obtained After 8/31/04 *15-20 year possible timeline shown
School District Requirements for supporting Initial Educator • Provide ongoing orientation that is collaboratively developed and delivered by school boards, administrators, teachers, support staff, and parents/families; • Provide support seminars which reflect the appropriate standards (teacher, pupil services personnel, administrator), and the mission and goals of the school district; • Provide a qualified mentor; • Designate an administrator who may serve, subject to school board approval, on the initial educator’s Professional Development Plan (PDP) team.
Initial Educator License Cycle Guidelines • Year 1: Reflect and work with mentor • Year 2: Submit plan with checklist by January 1st to PDP Team for goal approval (verified) • Years 2-4: Document an annual review. [If IE makes major revisions their goal they must submit changes to the PDP Team be reviewed by April 1st of that year.] • Year 5: Submit completed PDP with 3-5 pieces of evidence to the PDP Team by January 15th. The PDP Team has until April 1st to verify the PDP. If there are clarification issues or discrepancies the IE has until June 1st to make revisions to their PDP. Then the completed application with PDP verification form is sent to DPI (with $100) to advance to a Professional Educator License. *IE may get their PDP verified after three year, if they choose.
PDP Team for Initial Educator • Members of the Initial Educator Team: an educator (not the mentor), an administrator, and a higher education representative. • All members have to be DPI PDP Team Trained • Two-thirds majority needed for goal approval • Team members may change from year two to year five so keep your documentation that a PDP Team verified your goals and objectives.
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR • Anyone who has an educator license issued before August 31, 2004. OR • Initial Educator who was completed PDP Verification.
Professional Educator License Cycle and Team License Cycle: • Same as Initial Educator Cycle, but without Goal Approval. PDP Team: • Three licensed classroom educators (whom have completed the WI DPI PDP Training) selected by their peers. • Two-thirds majority needed for verification.
MASTER EDUCATOR There are two ways to become a master educator: • Successfully complete National Board Certification. http://www.nbpts.org • Submit a portfolio (only developed for categories not cover by NBPTS) to show mastery in all WI Educator Standards. http://dpi.wi.gov/tepdl/wmeapsumm.html
Portfolio Route Requirements Continued For a educator who has gone through the Initial Educator Stage… • Educator must successfully complete one cycle at the professional educator stage, • Educator must complete a related masters degree.
Teaching Adaptive Education Adaptive PE Assistive Technology Speech & Lang Pathology Computer Science Psychology Dance Theater Pupil Services School Counselor School Nurse School Psychologist School Social Worker Administration Portfolio Areas
National Board Certification Requirements • Three years of successful experience in the classroom • Must be currently teaching • Must have the time and resources to complete
National Board Certification Requirements • Areas of Certification (age): Generalist(3-8/7-12), Art(3-12/11-18+), Career and Technical(11-18+), English as a New Language(3-12/11-18+), English(11-15/14-18+), Exceptional Needs(birth-21+), Library Media(3-18+), Literacy(3-12), Math(11-15/14-18+), Music(3-12/11-18+), Physical Education(3-12/11-18+), Counseling(3-18+), Science(11-15/14-18+), Social Studies(11-15/14-18+), World Languages(11-18+)
Why Master Educator? • 10 year renewable license ($250) • Show professionalism • Demonstrate mastery • Challenge • In WI $2500/year for 10 years after passing the National Boards
PI-34 • Any other lingering questions on PI-34? http://dpi.state.wi.us/tepdl/fqlpi34.html • Look up your license https://www2.dpi.wi.gov/lic-tll/home.do
Step I and II of the PDP • Step I: Self-reflection • Step II: Goal II A Description of school and teaching situation II B Description of Goal to be achieved II C Rationale and link to self reflection II D Plan for assessing and documenting your goal II E Plan to meet your goal
Step I: Self -Reflection Optional! Examples of Reflection: • Rubrics documenting components of effective teaching • Journal • Feedback from students, peers, board, and/or community • Collection of student work/data over time • Analysis of classroom observations • Analysis of district professional growth plans • Examination of critical incidents
Step II A Description of school and teaching situation MUST include: • Description of current grade level and content area • Number of years taught • Whether the school is an urban, suburban, or rural setting • The ethnic, cultural, special needs, and socioeconomics diversity of the school population • Description of their building and/or district goals
Veronica’s Example • Teaching Situation: This is my tenth year as a high school teacher in the School District of Hudson. I currently teach physics to 11th and 12th graders. • District/School Location: Hudson is located on the border of Wisconsin and Minnesota and is considered a suburb of the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul). The Hudson area is a very desirable location to learn, work, and live. These factors contribute to Hudson being one the fastest growing districts in Wisconsin. Our five (six in 2008) elementary schools (K-5), middle school (6-8) and high school (9-12) serve a growing population of more than 5200 students. • Student Population: There are 1700 high school students. The student population is 94% White, 2.5 % Asian, 2% Hispanic, 1% Black, ½% American Indian/Alaskan. 13% of the high school population qualifies for special education services. At the high school only 8% of the population qualifies for free/reduced lunch.
District Goal: Educational excellence will be achieved by: • Creating a safe and respectful environment • Setting high expectations • Providing a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum • Developing quality instructional staff • Supporting class sizes that meet the needs of all students • Providing appropriate facilities • Communicating effectively among all parties
Scott’s Example Teaching Situation:I have been an educator for 1 ½ years. Currently I am teaching 1st grade in a SAGE classroom, which has a 15:1 ratio teaching all general education subjects. I have been able to draw on my experiences as a Four Year Old Kindergarten and 3rd Grade classroom teacher that have prepared me for this teaching position. District School Location:Milwaukee is located in southeastern Wisconsin. Milwaukee Public Schools is the largest school district in the state of Wisconsin. Hi-Mount Community School is located on the cities north side in an urban environment. The school is one of the many K-4 – 8th grade schools in the district.Student Population: During the 2006 – 2007 school year had an enrollment of 539 students. The student population is 90.2% Black, 4.6% White, 3.2% Asian, 1.9% Hispanic, 0.2% American Indian. 16.7 % of the school population qualifies for special education services. At High-Mount Community School 90.9% qualify for Subsidized Lunch.
Step II, A: Student Population Information • For data on your school, check out Wisconsin's Information Network for Successful Schools (WINSS) from DPI. • http://data.dpi.state.wi.us/data/selschool.asp
Step II B: Description of Goal to be Addressed • Verifiable • Relevant to self-reflections • Aligned with WI Teaching Standard • Goal: I will..(research, study, learn, apply, develop, integrate, etc.) so that students will..(learn, apply, create, etc.)
What to think about… • Patterns • Areas on interest • Compelling student or professional needs • Effectiveness of teaching based on student learning results
Goal Writing • Begins as an idea based on reflection • Gains structure and clarity by writing a PDP • Becomes achievable when action is planned and taken by completing you PDP Think It - Write It - Do It
The Goal • What do you desire to learn that would be so compelling as to inspire your professional growth AND • Have a positive effect on student learning?
Writing a goal • Part 1: “I will (research, study, learn, apply, develop, integrate, etc.) _____________... • Part 2: “…. so that students will (learn, apply, create, etc.) ________.”
Veronica’s Example • I will develop inquiry based physics labs/activities so that students will increase their engagement, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills to learn science.
Ashley’s Example • I will learn how to integrate technology into my classroom so that students will learn and apply technological skills to complete classroom activities and assignments.
Elementary Examples… • Pre-K: I will learn and implement different components of Everyday Math so that my students will increase individual performance in math skills. • 4 K: I will learn and implement differentiation teaching strategies in to my 4-K classroom, so that students with all learning styles experience successful learning in all subject areas. • Kindergarten: I will learn about the different components in balanced literacy so that my students will increase their individual performance in reading and writing skills. • First Grade: I will increase my knowledge and skills in both instruction and assessment of the new reading series my school district has adopted so that my first grade students will achieve the first grade benchmarks in reading and writing.
More Elementary Examples… • First Grade: I will research and implement a variety of vocabulary development strategies in my classroom so that students will apply the vocabulary to increase their individual performance in both reading and writing. • Reading Specialist: I will learn about and implement balanced literacy components with my struggling readers so that students will gain the skills to read and comprehend at grade level. • Reading Specialist: I will research and implement proven reading strategies so that my students use these strategies to become better readers. • Elem Music: I will incorporate the Kodaly method into my teaching so that my students will improve in the areas of reading and writing music.
Secondary Examples… • HS English: I will research and implement a variety of assessment strategies so that my students will improve their performance on unit tasks and enhance their learning of the required English literature and composition materials. • HS Social Studies: I will learn and develop new techniques in differentiated instruction to meet the needs of students with varying abilities so that all students will be motivated and engaged in the content. • HS FACE: I will improve my sewing skills and expand my sewing repertoire so that my students will be able to successfully construct more challenging projects. • HS Art: I will learn the digital video editing program Final Cut Pro so that students will be more organized and efficient in their approach to the medium.
More Secondary Examples: • MS Language Arts: I will increase my knowledge in formative and summative assessment so that students will receive informative instruction to best fit their learning needs • HS English: I will learn about recent research in brain-based learning and then structure the physical environment of my classroom and design a variety of lesson plans to reflect what I learn so that my students will experience academic success as measured by various student achievement assessments. • HS PE & Health: I will learn and integrate new sports and physical activities into my lessons so that students are able to try and learn new activities that will enhance their knowledge about physical fitness. • HS Spanish: I will learn how to integrate the current events of Spanish speaking countries into my classroom so that students will be aware of what is happening in the Spanish speaking world and how that world interconnects with theirs.
Special Ed. Examples… • Elem Spec Ed: I will develop collaborative teaching practices within an early childhood general education inclusive setting so that students will become academically and socially included and accepted in the general education setting. • Elem EBD: I will implement sensory motor activities in the classroom (regular and special education) so that students will begin to independently self-manage their behavior to enhance their learning and their peer and adult interaction. • 7-12 Spec Ed: I will implement motivation strategies into my classroom, so that students will be actively engaged in class and therefore complete more quality assignments. • HS CDMS: I will learn and apply assessment strategies so that student achievement is consistently documented in order to promote progress toward the students individual IEP goals. • HS Spec. Ed: I will research and examine classroom management and motivation techniques so that I may improve my own strategies that meet the specific needs of students with exceptional needs so academic success can be achieved.
Pupil Service Examples… • Elem Counselor: I will increase my knowledge of violence prevention and intervention techniques and apply appropriate programs so that my pupils learn and apply strategies to avoid using violence and bullying. • MS Counselor: I will develop and provide classroom career developmental guidance instruction to middle school students so that students will increase their understanding of the relationship between academic and career planning. • MS Counselor: I will develop and provide classroom developmental guidance instruction on harassment so that students will increase their social skills in empathy and assertiveness to improve student self-confidence and school climate. • HS Counselor: I will design and implement an alternative education programs/options so that nontraditional students will improve their academic success.
Step II C: Rationale for the Goal • Include how you related your self-reflection (Step I) to your goal. • Tell how your goal connects to you school situation.
Step II C: Rationale continued • Pick two or more standards that are addressed in your goal. • List the number and the standard.
Veronica’s Example • Rationale based upon Self Reflection: I have been teaching physics for several years with a hands-on learning environment. I know through assessments that students didn’t naturally grasp all information by hands-on experiments. The reason, I believe, is that the experiments where “cook book” style. Students just had to follow directs and plug in information. They did have calculations and follow up questions, but they didn’t get to direct their learning. They also didn’t get to do critical thinking. They didn’t have to solve a situation problem. Inquiry based gets students to ask the challenging questions and the think critically to solve a problem. • Rationale based upon Teaching Situation: I am a physics teacher and the best way for students to learn physics is by doing experiment and labs. This gets students actively engaged, but with inquiry based labs they will be doing more critical thinking.
Veronica’s Example Cont. (GOAL: I will develop inquiry based physics labs/activities so that students will increase their engagement, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, and self-motivation to learn science.) STANDARDS: • 4 Methods:variety of instructional strategies (... of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.) • 5 Classroom management and motivation:individual and group motivation (… active engagement in learning, and self-motivation) • 6 Communication Technology:verbal and nonverbal communication (… active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.)
Ashley’s Example Rationale based upon Self Reflection:I have used technology in many areas of my teaching. Through observations I have noticed that students become more engaged with lessons involving different forms of technology. Students who did not have an interest in a content area being taught took a different view of an activity because it involved technology. In past experiences, many students found it much easier to participate in class discussions that were led by PowerPoint or Internet sites. Also, I have seen students ‘light up' when given the opportunity to use the computer lab more than the weekly scheduled computer time that is set aside. Rationale based upon Teaching Situation:As a fourth grade teacher, I know lessons that engage students promote a better learning environment. Using technology to present lessons and also having the students work hands-on with a variety of technology will create an environment where students are more active and able to use technical skills to complete activities and assignments.
Ashley’s Example Cont. • (GOAL: I will learn how to integrate technology into my classroom so that students will learn and apply technological skills to complete classroom activities and assignments.) STANDARDS: • 4 Methods: The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the user of technology to encourage children's development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. • 6 Communication Technology: The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration and support interaction in the classroom.
Skip to Step II E • Highly recommend doing Step II E before Step II D because, Step II D is the evidence you did the objectives/activities in Step II E.
Step II E: Plan to Meet Your Goal • Objectives: Break down your goal into at least one objective for professional growth and at least one objective for student learning. • Objectives must be observable and verifiable
Example of making the goal into objectives. • HS English Teacher’s Goal: I will research and implement a variety of assessment strategies so that my students will improve their performance on unit tasks and enhance their learning of the required English literature and composition materials. • Objective 1: I will increase my knowledge of the various types of assessment strategies and what they entail. • Objective 2: I will incorporate more student checklists and checkpoints to increase "assessment for learning," and I will involve my students with the rubric development process to increase "assessment as learning.” • Objective 3: Students will enhance their learning of English literature and composition through assessment for learning.