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University of Brighton Pilot Area Report: The Pevensey Levels, UK. Dave Diston, School of Environment and Technology, University of Brighton. Assessment of the current trophic status of the Pevensey Levels SSSI/Ramsar site Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (SRP) Identification of chemical trends
University of Brighton Pilot Area Report: The Pevensey Levels, UK Dave Diston, School of Environment and Technology, University of Brighton
Assessment of the current trophic status of the Pevensey Levels SSSI/Ramsar site Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (SRP) Identification of chemical trends long-term temporal/spatial To conduct a nutrient source apportionment study (1) examination of seasonal determinand fluctuations (2) employing boron as a chemically conservative tracer of STW effluent, (3) relationship of determinand with flow and (4) mass balances Pilot study objectives OECD trophic status (1982) Decreasing water quality 2
Q P N C and T A O R HNSTW D HSSTW B W L F K S G H E and U I and V M J Pevensey Haven (PH) 23 sites - 16 on PH; 7 on WH Wallers Haven (WH)
Pevensey Levels hydrology • 9 sub-catchments • Little freshwater input • PH • Numerous retention • structures
Methodology • Two data sets utilised in the study: • Data set A (Environment Agency) • 19 sites (A-S) • Weekly from January 1994 to March 2007 • Wide spectrum of chemical determinands • Spectrophotometry and ICP-MS used for analysis • Data set B (University of Brighton) • 4 sites (T-W) • Bi -monthly monitoring from April 2005 – August 2006 • SRP and B analysis (as borate) • Spectrophotometer (Model: Hach DR/2400) used for analysis 5
Results: Trophic status (SRP only) Median SRP at sites T-W Classification of sites by SRP concentrations (WH in bold) 1000μg • Majority of sites on PH hyper eutrophic; WH tends to be eutrophic • Significant difference between Pevensey and Wallers Haven (663 µg-P l-1 (n = 1442) and 122 µg-P l-1 (n = 858) respectively • Large within catchment variance 6
G O H C E R S P B K L M I F N Q D A J Results: Spatial variance (SRP only) Pevensey Haven Wallers Haven WHSTW • SRP concentrations rise significantly downstream of both Hailsham STW and WHSTW (also with N compounds – NH4, NO2 and NO3), generally diluting towards the mouth • Manxey Levels have unique chemical signature – very low nutrient levels and elevated BOD levels
Results: Spatial variance – correlation of sites - All sites appear to be chemically unrelated, the exception being sites E&H and H&J; this is most likely due to close proximity of the sites (<1km). - Influence of water retention structures?
Results: Long term trends Nutrient stripping Median concs increased – Increased nitrification? Less variance, median concs decreased slightly HNSTW HSSTW Less variance, median concs significantly decreased Less variance, median concs decreased Little change within Wallers Haven – no change in background loads
Results: Source apportionment (seasonal analysis) Sites that experience summer determinand peaks Only sites on Wallers Haven are O and R (13 and 11km d/s of small STW Few sites have seasonal patterns -Only site on Pevensey Haven is site E (11.5km d/s of STW) Characteristic of point source pollution
Results: Source apportionment (seasonal analysis) Sites that experience winter determinand peaks Characteristic of diffuse source pollution • - Inversion of pattern at site C in post stripping period • This may indicate that diffuse contributions are being delivered during the winter period, or that P is being abiotically/biotically stripped from the water column during summer • The majority of sites display no discernable relationship (18/23)
Results: Source apportionment (B analysis) THEORY Release 9.5:1 Uptake SRP/B relationship in 7 STW effluents (Neal et al., 1998) SRP/B relationship in STW affected waterbodies (Jarvie et al., 2005) Both determinands are primarily derived from cleaning and bleaching agents BUT vary in bioavailability
A B Results: Source apportionment (B analysis) 9.5:1 1.9:1 High B, low SRP Uptake 1.9:1 • Sites located directly downstream of major STW (T and U) have the strongest correlations (lower than found in other studies; >0.90) suggesting presence of point source pollution • All SRP:B ratios are relatively stable (exception is site T) and significantly below 1.9:1 gradient suggesting significant instream SRP loss
Results: Source apportionment (flow analysis) Sites displaying point source signals • Only two sites (WH data only) showed negative relationships between flow and SRP – these were weak compared to other studies • Indicative of point source pollution (sites O and R are d/s of WHSTW)
Results: Source apportionment (flow analysis) Sites displaying diffuse source signals Only site Q shows a positive relationship between SRP and flow. Possibly representing mobilisation of septic tank/small STW discharges during rainfall events OR diffuse Various other sites in the Wallers Haven catchment display positive relationships between N and flow
Results: Source apportionment (mass balances) Point source pollution is major contributor of SRP Diffuse source pollution is major contributor of NO3
Influence of water retention structures • Encourages SRP assimilation • Distorts SRP:B ratio • Distorts seasonal patterns Conceptual model of Pevensey Levels drainage system 12
Summer Influence of water retention structures Water retained Pevensey Levels ditch management 13
Conclusions • The two catchments exhibit significantly different levels of eutrophication; the PH catchment has higher nutrient/BOD concentrations, whilst having lower DO levels; • Results from source apportionment studies indicate that the cause of elevated nutrient levels is likely to be Hailsham STW; WHSTW has a limited effect in the WH catchment; • Water retention gates appear to disrupt seasonal nutrient patterns, inhibit connectivity between sites and retard SRP-B relationship; • Boron appears to act a suitable tracer of STW effluent within wet grasslands; • Further work is required to fully understand nutrient patterns (i.e. boron isotope study). 14
Thank you for your attention! Selected references JARVIE, H.P., NEAL, C., and WITHERS, P.J.A., 2005. Sewage-effluent phosphorus: A greater risk to river eutrophication than agricultural phosphorus? The Science of the Total Environment, vol 360, issues 1-3, pp. 246-253. NEAL, C., FOX, K.K., HARROW, M., and NEAL, M., 1998. Boron in the major UK rivers entering the North Sea. The Science of the Total Environment, vol 210 211, pp. 41-51