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Today. 9:10 AM Prayer Warriors 9:30 AM Worship Service 10:45 AM Kid’s Activities 5:40 PM Prayer Warriors 6:00 PM Worship Service. Monday. 7:00 PM Worship Committee Meeting. Wednesday. 7:00 PM Quilting for a Cause. Coming Soon…. Sunday , August 25
Today 9:10 AM Prayer Warriors 9:30 AM Worship Service 10:45 AM Kid’s Activities 5:40 PM Prayer Warriors 6:00 PM Worship Service
Monday 7:00 PM WorshipCommittee Meeting
Wednesday 7:00 PM Quilting for a Cause
Coming Soon… Sunday, August 25 Church Activities Kick-off and Potluck Monday, August 26Council Meeting Wednesday, August 28 Quilting for a Cause
CEC Money Wall You can help raise money for Calvin’s fair share for Christian Education. Check out the money wall in the fellowship hall for more information.
Waffle Breakfast Mark your calendars for the annual CEC Waffle Breakfast! Monday, September 2 at the Rock Valley Christian School Gym from 7:30-10:30AM. Free will offering.
Volunteers needed! Many volunteers are needed to help serve at The Banquet on September 4. A sign-up sheet is available at the information center.
Kid’s Activities There will be Kid’s activities following the morning service today for a short activity and a snack.
Worship Committee The worship committee will be meeting on Monday, August 19. If you have a contributions, please contact worship@calvincrcrv.org or Grant, chair person. Contributions include special music, power point, and videos.
Sunday School Mark your calendars for the first day of Sunday School and Catechism September 8
Church Potluck Mark your calendars for a Church Potluck on Sunday, August 25 in the fellowship hall. There will be an introduction of opportunities offered at Calvin during the new church calendar year, Catechism and Sunday School teachers will be introduced, and materials will be handed out.
Welcome Visitors! Welcome to Calvin! There are visitor mailboxes in the fellowship hall, please feel free to take their contents. Also, please fill out a visitor information card off the podium in the fellowship hall and put it in the offering plate. We would love to get to know you better.