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COURSE 900 Day 2 - Property Descriptions

Welcome to the International Right of Way Association ’ s. COURSE 900 Day 2 - Property Descriptions. Property Descriptions. Overview Discuss Background. Learn Systems & Methods. Objectives Understand and Describe. Identify and Write. Property Descriptions.

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COURSE 900 Day 2 - Property Descriptions

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  1. Welcome to the International Right of Way Association’s COURSE 900 Day 2 - PropertyDescriptions

  2. Property Descriptions • Overview • Discuss Background • Learn Systems & Methods • Objectives • Understand and Describe • Identify and Write

  3. Property Descriptions • Follow Participant’s Manual • Exam at End

  4. Background Information • Land is Commodity • Unit is ‘Parcel” or ‘Tract ’ • Purpose & Use of Property Descriptions • Precisely Describe Land • Enable Location of Property Boundariesin Future • Transfer Title

  5. Methods • Public Land Survey System • State Plane Coordinates • Metes & Bounds • Point & Centerline • Subdivision

  6. Property Description Format • Caption/Preamble • Identifies General Area • Body • Unique Description of Specific Tract • Reservations/Exceptions • Areas or Rights Reserved or Excluded

  7. Property Description Objectives • Define Intent • Location • Unique Position of Specific Tract • Shape • Size • 1 acre =43,560 square feet =208.7 feet square = 0.4047 hectare

  8. Public Land Survey System • Established by Continental Congress • 35 Separate Systems • Each Designated by Name or Number • Used in 30 States

  9. Public Land Survey System

  10. Public Land Survey System • Initial Point (I.P.) - Origin • One for Each System • Marked and Monumented • Referenced by Latitude & Longitude

  11. Public Land Survey System P.M. • Principal Meridian (P.M.) N • North–South Line thru I.P. I.P. o B.L. • Base Line (B.L.) • East – West line thru I.P.

  12. Standard Parallels P.M. • Lines Parallel to BL 3RD S.P.N. 24 MI. • At 24 Mile Intervals 2ND S.P.N. 24 MI. 1ST S.P.N. 24 MI. I.P. o • Also CalledCorrection Lines B.L. 24 MI. 1ST S.P.S. 24 MI. 2ND S.P.S. 24 MI. 3RD S.P.S.

  13. Guide Meridians • Due North Lines 2ND G.M.W. 3RD G.M.W. 1ST G.M.W. 2ND G.M.E. 3RD G.M.E. 1SR G.M.E. • 24 Mile Intervals, Along Each S. P. 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 • Converge to North Pole

  14. Quadrangle • Formed by Standard Parallelsand Guide Meridians Less Than 24 Miles • East, West & South Lines are 24 Miles Long 24 Miles 24 Miles • North Line is 24 Miles Long,Less Convergence in 24 Miles 24 Miles • Approximately 24 M.S.,576 S.M.

  15. Townships, Tiers and Ranges • Townships Lines - 6 Mile Intervals Parallel to B. L. Less than 24 Miles 6 • Range Lines - Due North Lines from S.P. at 6 Mile Intervals 6 24 Miles 24 Miles 6 • 16 Townships per Quadrangle 6 6 6 6 6 24 Miles

  16. Quadrangle = 16 Townships • 16 Per Quadrangle T4N R3W • Approximately 6 Miles Square, 36 Square Miles • Townships Tiers NumberedNorth & South of Base Line • Ranges Numbered East and West of Principal Meridian

  17. Townships, Tiers and Ranges • Township Location Designated by: • Township Number North or South of Base Line • Range Number East or West of Principal Meridian • Name or Number of Specific System

  18. TownshipIdentification Exercise #11 T12N R4E T11N R11E T11N R6W T 7 N R2W T 7 N R6E T 2 N R4E T 3 N R12E T 3 N R7W T 3 S R3W T 2 S R8E T 7 S R7W T 7 S R11E

  19. Sections • 36 Sections in each Township • Numbered 1 - 36 33 1 • Begin with 1 @ NE Corner 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 • Going Serpentine, W and E 18 17 16 15 14 13 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 • Ending with 36 @ SE 30 29 28 27 26 25 • One mile square, One square mile 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 • Contains 640 Ac

  20. Section Description • Property Description of Section • Section Number, • Township Number, • Range Number, • Name of Principal Meridian

  21. Section Identification Exercise #12 (Top)

  22. Section Identification Exercise #12 (Bottom) 22 24 23 19 20 21 27 26 25 30 29 28 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 2 1 6 5 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 13 18 17 16

  23. Half Sections • West ½; East ½; North ½; South ½ • 5280’ X 2640’ = 320 Ac. N½ S½ W½ E½

  24. Quarter Sections • NW ¼; NE ¼; SW ¼; SE ¼ • 2640’ X 2640’ = 160 Ac. NW¼ NE¼ SW¼ SE¼

  25. Quarter-Quarter Sections Smallest Statutory Unit NW1/4 NE1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 1320’ X 1320’ = 40 Ac. NW 1/4 NE 1/4 1 Mile NW1/4 NE1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 1 Mile

  26. Aliquot Parts • Further Partitioning Quarter-Quarter Sections • Property Descriptions • Describe by Letters and Numbers • Identify Aliquot Part of Section, • Section Number, Township Number, Range Number, and Name of Principal Meridian

  27. Multiple Parcels • Multiple Parcels Separated by a Comma • Example: • N½ NW¼, NE¼ NE¼, SW¼ of Section 14 • Describes 3 Parcels in Section 14 • To Locate or Plot a Parcel, Work in Reverse Order

  28. Distance Unit Conversions • 1 Chain = 66 Feet = 100 Links = 4 Rods • 1 Link = 7.92 Inches • 1 Mile = 5,280 Feet = 80 Chains • 1 Rod = 1 Pole = 1 Perch = 16.5 Feet

  29. Area Calculations • 1 Section = 1 Square mile = 640 Acres • 10 Chains x 10 Chains = 10 Acres 10 Chains 10 Acres 10 Chains

  30. Area Calculations • Multiply Fractions in Description by 640 • Example: Area of SE¼ NE¼: ¼ x ¼ x 640 = 40 Ac

  31. Monuments • Some Monuments Imprecisely Set • Original Set Corners Stand as True Corners

  32. Exercise #13 – Aliquot Parts ACRES SW 1/4 OF SECTION 16 160 1. ___________________________ _______ 2 4 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 OF SEC. 16 40 2. ___________________________ _______ 5 SE1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 OF SEC. 16 10 3. ___________________________ _______ S1/2 N1/2 NW ¼ NW1/4 OF SEC. 16 10 4. ______________________________ _____ 1 E1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 NW1/4 OF SEC. 16 5 5. ________________________________ ___ 3

  33. Exercise #14 – Aliquot Parts # 6 # 7 & # 9 # 8

  34. Summary Public Land Survey System • 35 Initial Points & P.M. • Standard Lines • Quadrangle - 16 Townships • Township - 36 Sections • Sections & Aliquot Parts of Sections • Descriptions • Distance Units & Area Calculations

  35. State Plane Coordinate System • Based on Separate Grid For Each State • Considers Shape of Earth • Point Located by “X” & “Y” Coordinate: • “X” Coordinate, East Direction - Easting • “Y” Coordinate, North Direction - Northing

  36. State Plane Coordinate System • Advantage: • High Accuracy Over Long Distances • Description: Specify Coordinates of Each Corner

  37. Metes and Bounds • Courses or Calls • Measurements & Boundaries of Parcel • Metes - Direction and Distance • Bounds - Call to Adjoiner • Monuments - Natural & Artificial

  38. Metes and Bounds - Directions • Compass Bearings • Deflection from North or South • Degrees (°), Minutes (’), Seconds (”) • Deflection Angle From Preceding Line • Azimuths • Total Clockwise Angle From True South or North

  39. Metes & Bounds • Must Have a Known Point of Beginning • May Start at Point of Commencement • Lengths & Bearings Sequentially Given & Corners Described • Completely Encircle Property, Usually Clockwise • Must Close Back to POB • Error of Closure

  40. Example P.O.C.

  41. Definitions of North • True North • Origin at Geographic North Pole • True North Lines Not Parallel - Converge

  42. Definitions of North • Magnetic North • Indicated by Magnetic Compass • Points to Magnetic North Pole • Magnetic Declination - Angle Between True North& Magnetic North • Varies with Location , Time and Date • Local Magnetic Attraction - Caused by Conditionsin local Area

  43. Definitions of North • Datum North • Bearings Established by Previous Survey or Map

  44. Summary Metes & Bounds • Begins With General Location • Describe POB or POC • Give Detailed Description of Parcel • Include Direction & Length of Calls • Return to POB (Error of Closure) • Include Statement of Area

  45. Exercise #15 – Writing Metes & Bounds S 73-00 E - 72’ N 16-30 E - 114’ S 8-30 E - 96’ N 87-05 W - 116’

  46. Exercise #16 – Plotting Metes & Bounds

  47. Point Description • Acquisition of Strip Parcels for Highways • Right of Way - Irregular Shape • Property Description • Centerline Divided into Stations • Centerline Fully Described, Referenced,and Recorded • Station & Offset Established to Each Point

  48. Exercise#17 – Station & Offset 211+50 65’ LT o o 211+05 54’ LT 212+07 57’ LT o 210+98 25’ LT 57’ 212+13 25’ LT 65’ 55’ 54’ N 87°05’ W R/W LINE 50’ 25’ 25’ +98 +05 S 87°05’ E +07 +13 +20 +90 +50 211+00 212+00

  49. Centerline Description • Description of Centerline Path • Usually by Metes and Bounds • Calibrated in “Stations” • Must be Defined, Described, Referenced, and Recorded • R/W Width Specified With Referenceto Centerline Stations • Area = Centerline Length x Width of R/W

  50. Exercise #18 – Centerline

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