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Philippe Gavillet CETA-CIEMAT (Spain) & CERN (Switzerland) GISELA KOM, 21 th -24 th Sep. 2010

Objectives (DoW) Description Initial status Evolution in time Assessment of results. Philippe Gavillet CETA-CIEMAT (Spain) & CERN (Switzerland) GISELA KOM, 21 th -24 th Sep. 2010 San Luis Potosi (Mexico). Outline. Objective 1: Sustainability of the e-Infrastructure

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Philippe Gavillet CETA-CIEMAT (Spain) & CERN (Switzerland) GISELA KOM, 21 th -24 th Sep. 2010

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  1. Objectives (DoW) Description Initial status Evolution in time Assessment of results Philippe Gavillet CETA-CIEMAT (Spain) & CERN (Switzerland) GISELA KOM, 21th -24th Sep. 2010 San Luis Potosi (Mexico)

  2. Outline • Objective 1: Sustainability of the e-Infrastructure • Objective 2: Support Virtual Research Communities GISELA KoM - 21-24 September 2010 - San Luis Potosi (Mexico) 2

  3. Objective 1: Sustainabilityof the e-Infrastructure (1/6) Sub-objective 1.1: Establish a powerful e-Infrastructure facility built on the EELA-2 e-Infrastructure legacy • Description and Activities responsible: • WP4 (NGI will establish a self-sustainable Grid infrastructure from the one inherited from EELA-2, providing and supporting the basic (CORE) operation services. • WP5 (Network Resource Provision) will afford network support by coordinating the networking related tasks inside GISELA, developing inter-operation agreements consolidating the relationship with GÉANT2, CLARA, the NRENs and the NGIs in Europe and Latin America; • Initial Status: The initial GISELA e-Infrastructure will be based on the computing and storage resources committed by the Partners as depicted in Table 21. It will benefit of the baseline network services and support provided by RedCLARA and its associated NRENs; • Evolution in time: A growth of 30% of the computing resources is expected over the duration of the project. In practice, the partners will be encouraged to commit more resources with advanced notice when the WP4 monitoring of the use of the e-Infrastructure will indicate a risk of steady saturation. • Assessment of results: • WP4: fulfilment of yearly metrics: Success Threshold for WP4 (Table 9); • WP5: fulfilment of yearly metrics: Success Threshold for WP5 (Table 11). GISELA KoM - 21-24 September 2010 - San Luis Potosi (Mexico)

  4. Objective 1: Sustainabilityof the e-Infrastructure (2/6) Table 21: GISELA: Summary of committed Computing and Storage Resources GISELA KoM - 21-24 September 2010 - San Luis Potosi (Mexico)

  5. Objective 1: Sustainabilityof the e-Infrastructure (3/6) GISELA KoM - 21-24 September 2010 - San Luis Potosi (Mexico)

  6. Objective 1: Sustainabilityof the e-Infrastructure (4/6) GISELA KoM - 21-24 September 2010 - San Luis Potosi (Mexico)

  7. Objective 1: Sustainabilityof the e-Infrastructure (5/6) Sub-objective 1.2: Work out a sustainability model for the e-Infrastructure • Description and Activities responsible: TWP1.2 (Long-Term Sustainability – Policy and International Cooperation) will work out, with the CLARA Transition Team, the model of sustainability for the e-Infrastructure best adapted to the CLARA and LA NRENs environment. • Initial status: • A Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) model has been defined in the EELA-2 context: • A 1st estimation of the manpower effort to operate and support the LA part of e-Infrastructure has been provided; • The implementation of the model and its evolution have been anticipated, considering its adaptation to ALICE2 / CLARA future governance • Evolution over the first year: • Within the first 6 months of GISELA, the CLARA Transition Team will become acquainted with all GISELA WPs • The final sustainability model will be elaborated by TWP1.2, in the framework of the current CLARA Network Services, by creating a new Grid Service Structure; • CLARA, in collaboration with TWP1.3, will work out the deployment process of the e-Infrastructure Services, using a Life Cycle Product Management (LCPM) process; • CLARA will develop a business plan to ensure the sustainability of the e-Infrastructure Service Offering. • Assessments of results: The progress to arrive at THE sustainability solution largely depends on the future fruitful Collaboration of NRENS and on Institutions accepting to fund it. • Internal Quarterly Reports (M03, M06, etc.) of the CLARA Transition Team will allow the GISELA Management to monitor the progress of its competence in e-Infrastructures services; • The CLARA Software Manager and the Technical Working Groups will evaluate and endorse the e-Infrastructure Service Offering. The GISELA Management will agree on its conformity to the Project objectives. Deadline: Internal Quarterly Report at M09; • The business plan will be assessed by the CLARA Marketing Manager and approved by the CLARA Management and the LA NRENs. The GISELA Management will agree on its conformity to the Project objectives. Deadline: Internal Quarterly Report at M12 The actual assessment will be the existence of a sustainability model and subsequent business plan endorsed by the GISELA Management, CLARA and the 5 NRENS partners of GISELA. GISELA KoM - 21-24 September 2010 - San Luis Potosi (Mexico)

  8. Objective 1: Sustainabilityof the e-Infrastructure (6/6) Sub-objective 1.3: Implement the sustainability model • Description and Activities responsible: Under the TWP1.3 supervision, CLARA will identify the NREN(s) that will be in charge of the Operation and Support of the e-Infrastructure, applying the business plan. WP4 will handover them the e-Infrastructure Operation and Support. • Starting date: M13 • Evolution in time: • CLARA launches a survey over the LA NRENS for operating and supporting the e-Infrastructure Services. Survey deadline: M14; • By M15, CLARA outsources the e-Infrastructure Operation and Support Services to the NREN(s) presenting the most cost effective offer, in agreement with the GISELA Management; • From M15 on, WP4 handovers the whole e-Infrastructure Operation and Support to the selected NREN(s). • Assessment of results: The progress to implement the CLARA sustainability model rely on the technical competence acquired by the NREN(s) chosen as Business plan sub-contractor and on the necessary Latin American resources found over the course of the project At the start of GISELA it is arduous to anticipate how the progress roadmap will develop as a function of time. This is why we limit ourselves to quarterly status reports at which any corrective action, if required, could be engaged. • The Internal Quarterly Reports (M15, M18) will allow to closely follow up the realisation of the survey and the delegation of e-Infrastructure Services to the chosen NREN(s), and to monitor the progress of the handover of the e-Infrastructures Services by WP4. The actual assessment of this sub-objective will be the full operation and support of the e- Infrastructure and the VRC support handed over to CLARA and to the 5 NRENS partners of GISELA. GISELA KoM - 21-24 September 2010 - San Luis Potosi (Mexico)

  9. Objective 2: Support Virtual Research Communities(1/2) • Description and Activities responsible: WP4, WP3 and WP6 will collaborate in the following tasks: • WP4 will ensure the proper access of GISELA users to the e-Infrastructure resources; • WP3 will care of supporting Application developers and users over the whole process from deploying an Application up to running it in production; • WP3 will organise the training best adapted to each VRC. This translates into: • Coordinating the GISELA training activities, profiting from the person-power previously trained with EELA and EELA-2 frameworks; • Collaborating to the VRC training with EGI; • Providing training targeted to each supported VRC in the suited form (e.g. Tutorials, Workshop, Gridification Weeks, etc.); • Creating and maintaining a repository of self-training materials; • WP6 will support the use of the e-Infrastructure and Application-related Services already developed in EELA-2. WP3 will help the users in the validation of these services in the context of their Application; • WP6 will participate in the development of new services requested by the VRCs. WP3 will help in the test and validation of these services for user’s Applications. • Initial status • User Communities and Applications with a satisfactory level of engagement will be initially preferred • GISELA will follow the cost-effective strategy towards User Communities inherited from EELA-2 • Evolution in time • WP3 will interact with new VRCs to evaluate the technical requirements and impact of their Applications and to support their deployment. WP6 will contribute to the dissemination and use of the services it developed in EELA-2; • WP6 will interact with the VRCs to collaborate to the identification, development and deployment of integrated services (e.g. gateways) • Assessment of results • WP3: fulfilment of yearly metrics: Success Threshold table for WP3 (Table 7); • WP6: fulfilment of yearly metrics: Success Threshold table for WP6 (Table 13). GISELA KoM - 21-24 September 2010 - San Luis Potosi (Mexico)

  10. Objective 2: Support Virtual Research Communities(2/2) GISELA KoM - 21-24 September 2010 - San Luis Potosi (Mexico)

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