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The CERN international study of Future Circular Colliders. Philippe Lebrun CERN, G eneva, Switzerland IOP Day on TLEP University College London, 29 October 2013. European Strategy Update on Particle Physics Exploit the full potential of the LHC.
The CERN international studyof Future Circular Colliders Philippe Lebrun CERN, Geneva, Switzerland IOP Day on TLEP University College London, 29 October 2013
EuropeanStrategy Updateon ParticlePhysicsExploit the full potential of the LHC c) Europe’s top priority should be the exploitation of the full potential of the LHC, including the high-luminosity upgrade of the machine and detectors with a view to collecting ten times more data than in the initial design, by around 2030. This upgrade programme will also provide further exciting opportunities for the study of flavour physics and the quark-gluon plasma. HL-LHC from a study to a PROJECT 300 fb-1 → 3000 fb-1 by 2035 including LHC injectors upgrade LIU (Linac 4, Booster 2GeV, PS and SPS upgrade) IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
Technology for the HL-LHC project • New IR-quads Nb3Sn (inner triplets) • New 11 T Nb3Sn (short) dipoles • Collimation upgrade • Cryogenics upgrade • Crab Cavities • Cold powering • Machine protection Major intervention on more than 1.2 km of the LHC Project leadership: L. Rossi and O. Brüning IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
HL-LHC projectmilestones today Kick-off meeting: 11th Nov. 2013 (Daresbury) http://cern.ch/hilumilhc IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
EuropeanStrategy Updateon ParticlePhysicsDesign studies and R&D at the energyfrontier d)CERN should undertake design studies for accelerator projects in a global context, with emphasis on proton-proton and electron-positronhigh-energy frontier machines. These design studies should be coupled to a vigorous accelerator R&D programme, including high-field magnets and high-gradient accelerating structures, in collaboration with national institutes, laboratories and universities worldwide. HGA HFM + R&D on Proton-Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (AWAKE Expt at CERN) IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
CLIC CDR and coststudy (2012) • 3 volumes: physics & detectors, acceleratorcomplex, strategy, cost & schedule • Collaborative effort: 40+ institutes worldwide IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
First approach to HE-LHC @ 33 TeVc.m.Malta Workshop 14-16 October 2010 Magnet design (20 T): very challenging but not impossible. 300 mm inter-beam Multiple powering in the same magnet (and more sectioning for energy) Work for 4 years to assess HTS for 2X20T to open the way to 16.5 T/beam . Otherwise limit field to 15.5 T for 2x13TeV Higher INJ energy is desirable (2xSPS) The synchrotron light is not a stopper by operating the beam screen at 60 K. The beam stability looks « easier » than LHC thanks to dumping time. Collimation is possibly not more difficult than HL-LHC. Reaching 2x1034 appears reasonable. The big challenge, after main magnet technology, is beam handling for INJ & beam dump: new kicker technology is needed since we cannot make twice more room for LHC kickers. IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
Exploratorystudies for VHE-LHC First studies on a new 80 km tunnel in the Geneva area • 42 TeV with 8.3 T using present Nb-Ti LHC dipoles • 80 TeV with 16 T based on Nb-Ti + Nb3Sn dipoles • 100 TeV with 20 T based on Nb-Ti + Nb3Sn + HTS dipoles IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
The Future CircularColliders (FCC) design studyAiming for CDR and CostReview for the next ESU (2018) • 80-100 km tunnel infrastructurein Geneva area • design driven by pp-collider requirements • with possibility of e+-e- (TLEP) and p-e (VLHeC) • CERN-hosted study performed in international collaboration 15 T 100 TeV in 100 km 20 T 100 TeV in 80 km IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
Preliminarysitingstudieshave started • Project only in its very initial stage • To continue further the following steps are required • Define project requirements • Detector cavern requirements, dump caverns, surface service areas,shielding requirements, access, safety • Optimization studies for the tunnel configuration • E.g. circumference, ringgeometry, tunnel inclination, sector length, shaft locations • Create preliminary technical civil engineering designs • Continue feasibility studies • Continue environmental impact studies John Osborne IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
Organization of FCC studyLeader Michael Benedikt, Deputy Frank Zimmermann Future Circular Colliders- Conceptual Design Study for next European Strategy Update (2018) Infrastructure tunnels, surface buildings, transport (access roads), civil engineering, cooling ventilation, electricity, cryogenics, communication & IT, fabrication and installation processes, maintenance, environmental impact and monitoring, safety e+ e- collider Optics and beam dynamics Functional specifications Performance specs Critical technical systems Related R+D programs Injector (Booster) Operation concept Detector concept Physics requirements Hadron injectors Beam optics and dynamics Functional specs Performance specs Critical technical systems Operation concept Hadron collider Optics and beam dynamics Functional specifications Performance specs Critical technical systems Related R+D programs HE-LHC comparison Operation concept Detector concept Physics requirements e- p option: Physics, Integration, additional requirements IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
Main areas of FCC design study Machine and infrastructure conceptual designs Technologies R&D activities Planning Physics experiments detectors Infrastructure High-field magnets Hadron physics experiments interface, integration Hadron collider conceptual design Superconducting RF systems e+ e- coll. physics experiments interface, integration Hadron injectors Cryogenics e- - p physics and integration aspects Lepton collider conceptual design Specific technologies Safety, operation, energy management environmental aspects Planning Michael Benedikt IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
Main parameters for FHC • PRELIMINARY • Energy 100 TeVc.m. • Dipole field 15 T (baseline) • [20 T option] (design limit) • Circumference ~ 100 km • #IPs 2+2 • Beam-beam tune shift 0.01 (total) • Bunch spacing 50 ns • [5 ns option] • Peak luminosity 5x1034 cm-2s-1 • b* 1.1 m • [2 m conservative option] • linked to total beam current (~ 0.5-1 A) Frank Zimmermann IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
Main parameters for FLC (TLEP) • PRELIMINARY • Energy 91-Z, 160-W, 240-H, 350-t GeVc.m. • (energy upgrade 500-ZHH/ttH) • Circumference ~ 100 km • Total SR power ≤ 100 MW (design limit) • #IPs 4 • Beam-beam tune shift / IP scaled from LEP • Peak luminosity / IP 5x1034 cm-2s-1 at Higgs • Top-up injection • by* 1 mm ~ sz Frank Zimmermann IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
com-parison with LEP2 IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
Short beamlifetimerequirestop-up injection • short beam lifetime (~tLEP2/40) due to high luminosity supported by top-up injection (used at KEKB, PEP-II, SLS,…) • top-up also avoids ramping & thermal transients, and eases tuning Frank Zimmermann IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
Top-upscheme beam current in collider (15 min. beam lifetime) 100% 99% almost constant current energy of accelerator ring injection into collider 120 GeV injection into accelerator 20 GeV acceleration time = 1.6 s (assuming SPS ramp rate) Frank Zimmermann IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013 10 s
Main parameters of FHLC • PRELIMINARY • Beam energy e- 60, 120, 250 GeV • Beam energy p 50 TeV • Spot size determined by p • e- current from FLC (SR power ≤ 50 MW) • #IPs 1 or 2 Frank Zimmermann IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
FCC studymilestones ESU today FCC Study Kick-off meeting 12th-14th February 2014 CDR and Cost Review 2018 Michael Benedikt IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
Summary • CERN is undertaking an international study for the design of future circular colliders (FCC) in the 100 km range • Deliverables are a CDR and cost review for the next ESU (2018) • Main emphasis is on a hadron collider with a c.m. energy of about 100 TeV at the energy frontier, largely determining the infrastructure • The study will also contain an e+e-collider as potential intermediate step, and look at an e-p option • FCC kick-off meeting 12-14 February 2014 in Geneva area • - Establish international collaborations • Define WPs and set-up study groups • International Advisory Committee (IAC) • Collaborators welcome! IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013
TLEP energy upgrade IOP Day on TLEP, UCL, 29 October 2013