1. Cyber Bullying& E-Safety Assembly This Powerpoint is designed to be used during National Anti-bullying Week 2009 (16th to 20th of November).
Useful websites to look at are:
www.beyondbullying.com – Leicestershire’s Anti-bullying Website
www.thinkuknow.co.uk – check out Hector’s World; great videos for children
www.kidsmart.org.uk – find out about the SMART rules
This Powerpoint is designed to be used during National Anti-bullying Week 2009 (16th to 20th of November).
Useful websites to look at are:
www.beyondbullying.com – Leicestershire’s Anti-bullying Website
www.thinkuknow.co.uk – check out Hector’s World; great videos for children
www.kidsmart.org.uk – find out about the SMART rules
2. Computers and mobile phones are fun to useDo you use a computer?Do you use a mobile phone? If there is time and it is conducive, this can be interactive; perhaps can children can be asked to raise their hands and name one activity they do online or with other technologies.
Further answers on the next slide…
Important to focus on the positive uses and benefits of technology; you can do lots of fun things, contact friends and family etc
If there is time and it is conducive, this can be interactive; perhaps can children can be asked to raise their hands and name one activity they do online or with other technologies.
Further answers on the next slide…
Important to focus on the positive uses and benefits of technology; you can do lots of fun things, contact friends and family etc
3. What do you use computers and mobile phones for?
Children may say what they like doing such as chatting, texting, emails, playing and downloading music, watching videos or programmes and many more…Children may say what they like doing such as chatting, texting, emails, playing and downloading music, watching videos or programmes and many more…
4. It’s important to stay safe while you have fun Children should be encouraged to take responsibility for using technology safely and so need to know how to do this.
Safety tips might be: Netiquette Tips, stay safe online being aware of consequences of misuse
Children should be encouraged to take responsibility for using technology safely and so need to know how to do this.
Safety tips might be: Netiquette Tips, stay safe online being aware of consequences of misuse
5. Mouse is learning how to stay safe Introduce Mouse, a young person like yourselves, aged 5 or 6, learning to use technology and trying to stay safe but things do not always go to plan.
Introduce Mouse, a young person like yourselves, aged 5 or 6, learning to use technology and trying to stay safe but things do not always go to plan.
6. Mouse is looking at a website about cheese Mouse knows how to use the computer and look at websites
Mouse knows how to use the computer and look at websites
7. He wants to fill in his name, address, age and his favourite type of cheese Is that OK? Audience interaction.
Is that OK? Audience interaction.
8. But wait Mouse! Here’s your friend CAT Note that CAT is in capitals as this forms an acronym which is part of the message
Note that CAT is in capitals as this forms an acronym which is part of the message
9. 3 simple words for positive reinforcement, relating to trusted grown ups; parents, carer, teacher, activity leader and so on
3 simple words for positive reinforcement, relating to trusted grown ups; parents, carer, teacher, activity leader and so on
10. Check with your Mum, Dad or carer that it’s OK to use the computer Perhaps the parent or carer would like to join in and use the computer together.Perhaps the parent or carer would like to join in and use the computer together.
11. Ask a grown up if you’re not sure about something you’re looking at, or if you want to do something on the computer. May be something that is scary or grown up, embarrassing
May be something that is scary or grown up, embarrassing
12. Tell someone if you’re upset about something you see on the computer or mobile phone Always tell someone; a trusted adult like a teacher or parent or carer.Always tell someone; a trusted adult like a teacher or parent or carer.
13. The next day Mouse sends a photo of himself to the Marvellous Mouse website
He’s looking very handsome!
14. But look!
15. The next day he sees the photo on another website – the Rotten Rat site
16. Here comes CAT!
17. Perhaps Mouse could have Asked his parent or carer before posting a photo. Don’t send any pictures to strangers.
Perhaps Mouse could have Asked his parent or carer before posting a photo. Don’t send any pictures to strangers.
19. Sad, upset, bullied
Sad, upset, bullied
20. Sometimes people pretend to be someone else.
Most importantly Tell Someone; a parent or teacher or even Childline 0800 1111
When you get a phone or if you have one think about who you give your mobile number to
Save the evidence; don’t delete the text.
Sometimes people pretend to be someone else.
Most importantly Tell Someone; a parent or teacher or even Childline 0800 1111
When you get a phone or if you have one think about who you give your mobile number to
Save the evidence; don’t delete the text.
22. If someone is being horrible to you or makes you feel unhappy you must tell someone so that they can help you and make it stopIf someone is being horrible to you or makes you feel unhappy you must tell someone so that they can help you and make it stop
23. Be kind and thoughtful towards others when using the internet because even though you can’t see them horrible words can still upset them.
Be kind and thoughtful towards others when using the internet because even though you can’t see them horrible words can still upset them.