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Significant Facts Revealed by the EPR Paradox and Bell’s Theorem. Dr. Dan Brasoveanu. Motivation. According to Quantum Mechanics (QM) a wave function provides a complete description of a system. Therefore Beings can be both dead and alive at the same time (Schrodinger’s cat)
Significant Facts Revealed by the EPR Paradoxand Bell’s Theorem Dr. Dan Brasoveanu
Motivation According to Quantum Mechanics (QM) a wave function provides a complete description of a system. Therefore • Beings can be both dead and alive at the same time (Schrodinger’s cat) • Nature is absurd (Feynman) • Quantum particles interact • instantaneously no matter how far apart – spooky interactions (EPR paper) • outside space and time - spookier interactions (S. Groblacher, T. Paterek, et. al ) • Reality is not real until measured. Then why does it not unravel between measurements? • Mono-block objects rotate clockwise and counter-clock-wise at the same time. • Quantum objects are ruled by hazard. • Quantum Mechanics and relativity are incompatible. • Quantum and Classical Mechanics cannot be reconciled
The EPR counter-argument Consider a pair of particles with spin one-half, which • were initially entangled forming a singlet spin state • then moved freely in opposite directions. • have spins σ1 and σ2 . Selected components of particle spins are measured. • If the σ1 ∙ a = +1, (where a is a unit vector along axis a), then σ2 ∙ a must be -1 and vice versa (according to QM). • Being made at very distant locations, these measurement would not influence one the another. • The result of measuring any component of σ2 can bepredicted in advance by measuring the same component of σ1, therefore must be predetermined. • The initial wave function does not determine the result of any individual measurement. Therefore, a more complete state specification is possible
Bohr’s reply • The measurement of a particle triggers the immediate collapse of the wave function because • Quantum particles interact instantaneously regardless of distance (spooky interaction) • Quantum particles violate the laws of relativity
Current consensus: determinism must be rejected • QM is non deterministic • Spooky or spookier interactions are possible • QM prediction, i.e., P(a, b) = <σ1∙aσ2∙b> = - a ∙ b has been confirmed by experiments involving quantum entanglements • Bell’s paper proves that no deterministic model of quantum phenomena can match QM predictions • Therefore, all deterministic models of quantum phenomena have been invalidated by experiments
The flaw in Bell’s demonstration • Bell’s conclusion that all deterministic versions of quantum physics must be rejected relies on an implicit assumption • The implicit assumption: The results of one measurement can be predicted based on the other only if a measurement influences the other • As shown by a simple experiment this assumption proves that Bell and all quantum physicists do not know a basic law of elementary physics - The law of angular momentum conservation
The role of scale models • Scale models are widely used in engineering • Scale models • Reduce development costs • Reduce production times • Provide crucial information that cannot be obtained otherwise
A crucial experiment • Common objects can be used to create a scale model of quantum entanglements • This scale model shows that • Bell did not understand his own paper • Classical Mechanics is the only theory that agrees with both quantum entanglements and relativity • This scale model • Provides crucial information that cannot be obtained otherwise • Clarifies the nature of quantum entanglements • Ends the debate on • the nature of reality • correct version of quantum physics
Apparatus • At time t=0, one gear is forced to rotate clockwise, for example. • Gears are “entangled” - the other gear begins to rotate counter-clockwise. • The pair of gears forms a “singlet” with null angular-momentum. • Probability of clockwise rotation, P = ½ • gears resemble half • spin particles Paired gears forming a singlet at time t=0
Measurements • The gears are displaced by translation in arbitrary directions. • Detector d1 measures the component of spin on arbitrary direction a. • Detector d2 measures the component of spin on arbitrary direction b. • In order to satisfy the complementarity principle, the gear axis of rotation is forcibly aligned with the detector axis during measurement
Results For any type and size of entangled objects • Both QM and Classical Mechanics predict the same probability • This probability was validated by experiments • Additional experimental results are required to identify the correct theory Classical Mechanics: Quantum Mechanics: P(a, b) = <σ1∙aσ2∙b> = - a ∙ b
Summary of experimental results provided by scale model X X X
Analysis of Experimental Results • 2/3 of QM predictions are invalidated by experiment. • The Correspondence Principle requires that Quantum Mechanics should give exactly the same results as Classical Mechanics when applied to a large scale system, for example to the gear ensemble - Bohr • The gear experiment proves that QM violates the Correspondence Principle • Schrodinger’s cat is another violation of the Correspondence Principle • The uncertainty principle is yet another violation of the Correspondence Principle • According even to Bohr’s own teachings QM is invalid.
Designed to Fail • Quantum Mechanics is designed to fail because the result of combining Q. M. with the Correspondence Principle boils down to the following “theorem”: • Hypothesis: nature does not obey deterministic laws. • Conclusion: nature obeys deterministic laws. • Quantum Mechanics and all derivatives will remain a bad joke and until the above hypothesis will be discarded
Q. M. foundation - Concepts • 1) Positivism – eliminate any concept that cannot be experimentally confirmed right away. Therefore • Ancient philosophers who claimed that every object is a mixture of air, fire, earth and water were true scientists • All those who dared to express a different opinion were crackpots because only air, fire, earth and water can be observed with ancient instruments.
Q. M. foundation – Concepts, contd. • 2) A wave function provides a complete description of a system. This means • Nature does not obey deterministic laws • Systems exist in a superposition of states • particles spin clockwise and counterclockwise at the same time • cats are dead and alive at the same time • Experimental results • Quantum particles rotate either clockwise or counterclockwise • Cats are either dead or alive • No experiment has shown a system in a superposition of states This 2nd concept is the result of crackpot ideology buttressed by utter contempt for the results of all state measurements.
Q. M. foundation – Concepts, contd. • 3) “Elementary particles “are the ultimate building blocks of matter. • The Hamiltonian of an “elementary particle” has 2 terms: kinetic energy and energy of interaction with surrounding “particles” • Experimental results – “elementary particles” are made from quarks and other components • Work must be exerted to pull apart or to squeeze together these components. According to the law of energy conservation, this work is accumulated as internal energy of deformation • The Q. M. Hamiltonian ignores this work therefore violates the law of energy conservation. The fundamental equation of Q. M. is trash
Q. M. foundation – Concepts, contd. • “Wise men learn even from mistakes made by other people, fools fail to learn even from their own mistakes” (Romanian proverb) • Physicists assumed atoms are the ultimate building blocks of matter. Then experiments have shown atoms have components. • Physicists called these components “elementary particles”. Then experiments have shown “elementary particles” are made from quarks. • Today physicists assume quarks are the ultimate building blocks of matter… Unfortunately folklore does not specify what kind of people never learn anything from any mistake
The nature of wave function, Ψ Example: consider an ensemble of quantum particles with spin. • Q.M: • Ψ is physical and complete description of the state of any object or system. • Thus, each particle rotates clockwise and counterclockwise at same time. • Ψ provides the probability that a spin measurement will force the particle to collapse into a clockwise or counterclockwise spin-state • The collapse of Ψ is a physical process • Reality: • quantum particles obey Classical Mechanics therefore have a definite state • Ψ is just a statistical tool for predicting what percentage of particles from an ensemble rotate clockwise and what percentage rotate counterclockwise. This is the ensemble interpretation of Ψ. • The collapse of Ψ is an informational process – the collapse of uncertainty.
Functional description of Q. M. - The mother of all landfills Mind affects quantum particles* Uncertainty principle* Mind boggling math Cats are both dead & alive* Reality does not exist until measured* Positivism Quantum teleportation* Particle-wave duality* It has to be mind boggling. Otherwise people might have time to smell the input Etc, etc, etc (Q. M. is the basis of modern physics & philosophy) *Thousands and thousands of trash-filled books and papers written on these subjects
To overhaul or not to overhaul • Hamlet’ s question (“To be or not to be?”) is easy • The tough question is: What to do with Q. M.? • To discard and start anew from Classical Physics ? • To overhaul?
Conclusions • Significant facts revealed by the EPR paradox and Bell’s theorem: • Established Q. M. and all but one deterministic version fail decisive tests. • Only Classical Mechanics agrees with all quantum-entanglement results, satisfies Bell’s and Leggett’s tests and is local. • The uncertainty “principle” can be circumvented using entanglements • Advice for anyone foolhardy enough to try to overhaul Q. M. Start with the following three corrections: • Internal energy of quantum objects must be included in Hamiltonian • The ensemble interpretation of wave function must replace the current interpretation. • The use of labels such as “elementary particle” and “quantum particle” should be strictly prohibited. The proper label is quantum object.
Conclusions, contd. • The future quantum mechanics will merge seamlessly with • Classical Physics • Relativity • A scale model costing pennies, reveals far more than a zillion fancy and expensive quantum experiments. • Use scale models to study quantum phenomena