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A Violent Breakup: How has Bangladesh fared since it became independent of (West) Pakistan?

A Violent Breakup: How has Bangladesh fared since it became independent of (West) Pakistan?. By: Sarah Schwarze. A Declaration of Independence.

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A Violent Breakup: How has Bangladesh fared since it became independent of (West) Pakistan?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Violent Breakup: How has Bangladesh fared since it became independent of (West) Pakistan? By: Sarah Schwarze

  2. A Declaration of Independence "On behalf of our great national leader, the supreme commander of Bangladesh Sheikh MujiburRahmando hereby proclaim the independenceof Bangladesh." March 26, 1971

  3. December 3, 1971- Indian Intervention January 11, 1972- Bangladesh Simla Agreement

  4. Constitution Strong Executive Prime Minister Ceremonial Presidency Independent Judiciary Unicameral legislature

  5. March 7, 1973- AWAMI LEAGUE First Elections Goals

  6. Some economic improvement during 1975 Slow implementation of political reforms Success? Criticism of government policies

  7. Military Coups ZiaurRahman 1975-1981 President Chief Justice Sayem Martial Law Retires

  8. MartialLaw Hussain Muhammad Ershad President and Army Chief 1982-1988 Pro-government candidates Parliamentary Election in May

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