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Classroom Management

Classroom Management. “In an effective classroom students should not only know what they are doing, they should also know why and how.” -Harry K. Wong. Shanna M Christopherson. What is Classroom Management? How will I use it?. Communication Rules and Procedures Consequences

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Classroom Management

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  1. Classroom Management “In an effective classroom students should not only know what they are doing, they should also know why and how.” -Harry K. Wong Shanna M Christopherson

  2. What is Classroom Management? How will I use it? • Communication • Rules and Procedures • Consequences • Social Skills • Classroom organization • Floor plan

  3. What is Classroom Management? How will I use it? • Communication • Rules and Procedures • Consequences • Social Skills • Classroom organization • Floor plan

  4. Communication Communication is an important element in the classroom, starting before the first day of school! Student letter -Introduces you to the student -Give students insight of what is ahead of them this year field trips, activities, and curriculum -Good up beat feel for the upcoming year Parent letter -Introduce yourself to the parents -Give parents an idea how you run the classroom and what you expect from them (add attachment)

  5. Read to your child EVERYDAY! (At least 15 minutes!) • You MUST inform the office of any changes in dismissal, you must call the office otherwise for safety your child will be sent home the usual way! Your children need that concrete reminder. This greatly eases your child’s mind and reduces stress at dismissal. • Send a large t-shirt or smock for art (Wednesday). • Have your child wear sneakers on Mondays and Thursdays (Physical Education). • Dress your child for the weather. Make sure they have what they need. Label your child’s belongings. • Set up your child’s lunch account as soon as possible. • Birthdays: A special snack is always welcome! Please drop it off first thing in the morning so I can best decide when to serve it. • Book orders: Make check payable to Scholastic Book Clubs. DO NOT SEND CASH! • Snack: Send one each day please. Our lunch is at 12:45 pm and your child will need it! • Donations: All are WELCOME! In the past parents have contributed coffee cans, shaving cream, egg cartons, paper plates, paper lunch bags, old newspapers or magazines. • Parent homework: Please go over all work sent home in your child’s folder. Discuss the work. Take time to notice the things.

  6. Communication Classroom newsletter School wide newsletter Open door policy Parents and students always welcome at anytime!

  7. What is Classroom Management? How will I use it? • Communication • Rules and Procedures • Social Skills • Consequences • Classroom Organization • Floor Plan

  8. Classroom rules • Listen while others are speaking • Follow directions the first time given • Show respect for school, property, and others • Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself • Be kind with words and actions • Come to class prepared with a positive attitude • Work and play in a safe manner

  9. Fire Drill Procedure • 1. Immediately stop what you are doing. • 2. Quietly, exit the classroom, and walk in orderly lines. • 3. Evacuate the building by designated routes to designated safe place. • 4. We then wait, quietly, for further instructions.

  10. What is Classroom Management? How will I use it? • Communication • Rules and Procedures • Social Skills • Consequences • First Day of School Check List • Substitute Folder

  11. Consequence Continuum • Eye contact • Non-verbal recognition • Verbal warning • Change seat or location of student • Move away from peers • Private discussion with student • Think Sheet • Move to “buddy” room • Loss of involvement in desired activities (grade appropriate) • Recess • Line order • Class job • Call home to parent or guardian • Student “contract” • Peer mediation • Office referral

  12. What is Classroom Management? How will I use it? • Communication • Rules and Procedures • Social Skills • Consequences • Classroom Organization • Floor Plan

  13. Social Skills • Social Skills are important because they promote a collaborative community in the classroom. • Listening • How to apologize • Address person by proper name

  14. What is Classroom Management? How will I use it? • Communication • Rules and Procedures • Social Skills • Consequences • Classroom Organization • Floor Plan

  15. Classroom Organization • If the teacher is not organized how will the student be able to learn? • If the teacher is not organized, how will the students be able to learn? • Supplies • First Day of School Check List • Clean and clutter free? • All needed materials available? • Substitute folder

  16. What is Classroom Management? How will I use it? • Communication • Rules and Procedures • Social Skills • Consequences • Classroom Organization • Floor Plan

  17. Floor Plan • Provide a safe accommodating classroom to enhance students achievement • Be realistic with what you have • Consider common items (desks, table, etc.) • Seating • What will accommodate students better? • Switch it up once in a while • Accommodate students with needs and disabilities

  18. What is Classroom Management? How will I use it? • Communication • Rules and Procedures • Consequences • Social Skills • Classroom organization • Floor plan

  19. Classroom Management “School is not a place, it is a concept.” -Harry K. Wong Shanna M Christopherson

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