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Future work of the Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling. Henning Wuester Secretariat of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe http://www.unece.org/env/lrtap (for information on the Convention) http://www.emep.int (for EMEP). Main Tasks for IAM (1).
Future work of the Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling Henning Wuester Secretariat of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe http://www.unece.org/env/lrtap (for information on the Convention) http://www.emep.int (for EMEP)
Main Tasks for IAM (1) Analyse scenarios on cost-effective reduction of acidification, eutrophication, tropospheric ozone, particulate matter (PM) pollution and related phenomena, including POPs and heavy metals pollution. • Modelling will draw upon the results from other subsidiary bodies. • The Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling, led by the Netherlands, will guide the work of CIAM at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). • All activities will be conducted in close collaboration with related work led by the European Commission.
Main Tasks for IAM (2) Modelling will cover: • Abatement options for reducing sulphur, nitrogen oxides, ammonia, VOCs and primary particulate matter, including structural measures in energy, transport and agriculture, and their costs; • Projections of emissions; • Assessments of the atmospheric transport of substances (including global transport); and • Analyses and quantification of environmental and health effects and benefits of emission reductions.
Main tasks for 2002 - work plan adopted by the Executive Body (1) • Task Force will: • Continue to discuss modelling work by CIAM and other national and international initiatives • Review progress in the preparation of model inputs covering all model elements and liaise with the responsible bodies under the Convention • Encourage and support national modelling activities carried out by National Focal Points and enhance the sharing of data and experience with integrated assessment modelling work outside the EMEP region
Main tasks for 2002 - work plan adopted by the Executive Body (2) • CIAM will: • Continue work on uncertainty • Evaluate effects of control strategies for ozone and PM at different scales (with MSC-W) • Further develop PM modelling (with MSC-W and TF on Health) • CCC/CIAM will develop criteria for POPs and HM scenarios • CIAM and TFIAM will explore extension of work to whole northern hemisphere
Budgeted resource requirements of CIAM covered by the Convention