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Overview. PurposeCongressional ChargeTask Force MembersTask Force ActivitiesPublic Meetings/Site Visits HeldNext Public MeetingUpcoming Milestones. Purpose. Update the Defense Health Board on the status of DoD Future of Military Health Care Task Force efforts as of the end of March 2007. Congressional Charge to Task Force on the Future of Military Health Care.
1. Department of DefenseTask Force on the Future of Military Health Care Col Christine Bader, USAF
Executive Secretary
Task Force on the Future of Military Health Care
2. Overview Purpose
Congressional Charge
Task Force Members
Task Force Activities
Public Meetings/Site Visits Held
Next Public Meeting
Upcoming Milestones
3. Purpose Update the Defense Health Board on the status of DoD Future of Military Health Care Task Force efforts as of the end of March 2007
4. Congressional Charge to Task Force on the Future of Military Health Care FY07 National Defense Authorization Act, § 711 (c)(1)
Submit final report to the SECDEF by December 2007
Make assessments of, and recommendations for, sustaining the military health care services being provided to members of Armed Forces, retirees, and their families
Statute listed 10 elements for study
Provide interim report to SECDEF, SASC and HASC by 31 May 2007
To describe activities of Task Force
Interim findings and recommendations on beneficiary and Government cost-sharing structure, particularly under pharmacy benefits program
10 Key Areas
Wellness and disease management initiatives
Education programs focused on prevention awareness and patient-initiated health care
Ability to account for true and accurate cost of military health care
Alternative health care initiatives to manage patient behavior and costs, including options and costs and benefits of a universal enrollments system for all TRICARE users
Appropriate command and control structure with DoD
Adequacy of military health care procurement systems
Appropriate mix of military and civilian personnel to meet readiness requirements and high-quality service requirements
Beneficiary and government cost-sharing structure to sustain military health benefits over the long term
Programs focused on managing the health care needs of Medicare-eligible military beneficiaries
Efficient and cost effective contracts for health care support and staffing services, including performance-based requirements for health care provider reimbursement10 Key Areas
Wellness and disease management initiatives
Education programs focused on prevention awareness and patient-initiated health care
Ability to account for true and accurate cost of military health care
Alternative health care initiatives to manage patient behavior and costs, including options and costs and benefits of a universal enrollments system for all TRICARE users
Appropriate command and control structure with DoD
Adequacy of military health care procurement systems
Appropriate mix of military and civilian personnel to meet readiness requirements and high-quality service requirements
Beneficiary and government cost-sharing structure to sustain military health benefits over the long term
Programs focused on managing the health care needs of Medicare-eligible military beneficiaries
Efficient and cost effective contracts for health care support and staffing services, including performance-based requirements for health care provider reimbursement
5. Members of Task Force Department of Defense Members
Gen John D. W. Corley, USAF (co-chair) Vice Chief of Staff, Headquarters U.S. Air Force
MG Nancy Adams, USA (Retired) Former Commander Tripler Army Medical Center and Former Acting Director, TRICARE Regional Office, North
RADM John Mateczun, USN Deputy Surgeon General of the Navy
Lt Gen James Roudebush, USAF Surgeon General of the Air Force
Maj Gen Joseph Kelley, USAF, the Joint Staff Surgeon
Shay Assad, Director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, Office of the Undersecretary for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
Gen Richard B. Myers, USAF (Retired) Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
6. Members of Task Force Non Department of Defense Members
Dr. Gail Wilensky (co-chair), Senior Fellow at Project HOPE; elected member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies and its governing council
Robert J. Henke, Assistant Secretary for Management, Department of Veterans Affairs
Dr. Carolyn Clancy, Director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Department of Health and Human Services
Robert F. Hale, Senior Fellow at the Logistics Management Institute and member of the Defense Business Board; formerly Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller
MG Robert Smith, USAR (Retired), Past President of the Reserved Officers Association and Former Global Controller, Ford Motor Company
Larry Lewin, Founder of The Lewin Group and currently Executive Consultant on Clinical and Technology Effectiveness, Health Promotion
Dr. Robert Galvin, Director of Global Healthcare, General Electric
7. Activities of Task Force Gather Information
Task Force meetings and visits
Direct and written testimony
Subject matter expert briefings
Review of reports and studies
Draft and Submit Interim Report Until interim report completed, TF decided to act in plenary manner; Work on interim report – outline, research, discussion of guiding principles, initial assessments, drafting
Until interim report completed, TF decided to act in plenary manner; Work on interim report – outline, research, discussion of guiding principles, initial assessments, drafting
8. Activities of the Task Force Admin Meeting
21 Dec 06
Public Meetings Held
16 Jan 07
6, 20 Feb 07
7, 28 Mar 07
Information Visit
20 Mar 07 United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) on its health plan operation Initial meeting – personnel/ethics, orientation, background materials
Co-Chair was elected by non-DoD members—Dr. Gail Wilensky
Initial meeting – personnel/ethics, orientation, background materials
Co-Chair was elected by non-DoD members—Dr. Gail Wilensky
9. 16 Jan 07 Public Meeting USD (P&R) and ASD (HA) discussed the military health care system and background for statute directing establishment of task force
Informational briefings
Current MHS financing
MHS cost drivers
Overview of Defense Health Program
Military health care system developments, immediate future and long view perspective
Mr. Middleton briefed on how the MHS is currently financed
Mr. Kokulis briefed on MHS cost drivers and legislation that was proposed last year to sustain the benefit
Dr. Winkenwerder briefed on the overview of the Defense Health Program, system impression and management issues
Dr. Chu briefed on the military health care long view, recent developments and immediate futureMr. Middleton briefed on how the MHS is currently financed
Mr. Kokulis briefed on MHS cost drivers and legislation that was proposed last year to sustain the benefit
Dr. Winkenwerder briefed on the overview of the Defense Health Program, system impression and management issues
Dr. Chu briefed on the military health care long view, recent developments and immediate future
10. 6 Feb 07 Public Meeting Informational briefing regarding Pharmacy Benefits Program, including cost sharing structure by Pharmaceutical Ops Directorate
Informational briefing on managed care contracts from Health Plan Ops
MG Smith (Ret) back-brief on discussions with advocacy group representatives Beneficiary and Government cost sharing structure required to sustain military health benefits over the long term (briefed by Rear Admiral Thomas J. McGinnis, R.PH. USPHS Chief, Pharmaceutical Operations Directorate)
1a. Cost sharing under Pharmacy benefits program (briefed by Captain Patricia Buss, Medical Corps, USN Tricare, Deputy Chief Medical Office)
2. Managed Care Contracts (briefed by Jean Storck, Chief, Health Plan Operations)
3. Meeting with advocacy groups (briefed by MG (Ret) Smith) Beneficiary and Government cost sharing structure required to sustain military health benefits over the long term (briefed by Rear Admiral Thomas J. McGinnis, R.PH. USPHS Chief, Pharmaceutical Operations Directorate)
1a. Cost sharing under Pharmacy benefits program (briefed by Captain Patricia Buss, Medical Corps, USN Tricare, Deputy Chief Medical Office)
2. Managed Care Contracts (briefed by Jean Storck, Chief, Health Plan Operations)
3. Meeting with advocacy groups (briefed by MG (Ret) Smith)
11. 20 Feb 07 Public Meeting Direct Care System Overview by Surgeons General and Joint Staff Surgeon
Military health care system
Deployed medicine
Back-brief from task force co-chairs regarding meetings with members/staff from SASC and HASC - Dr. Wilensky commented that she and Gen Corley briefed both SASC and HASC personnel subcommittees on the focus of the Task Force and our intent to stay in contact with them as we proceeded forward to make sure that we were carrying out the intent and will of the Congress in our Task Force activities.
- Interim report requirement was last minute add-on from House- Dr. Wilensky commented that she and Gen Corley briefed both SASC and HASC personnel subcommittees on the focus of the Task Force and our intent to stay in contact with them as we proceeded forward to make sure that we were carrying out the intent and will of the Congress in our Task Force activities.
- Interim report requirement was last minute add-on from House
12. 7 Mar 07 Public Meeting Presentations from industry experts and beneficiary group representatives regarding cost sharing structure to sustain military health benefits over the long term
Focus on industry practices for management of health care with emphasis on pharmacy aspects UnitedHealthcare
Association of Retail Chain StoresUnitedHealthcare
Association of Retail Chain Stores
13. 28 Mar 07 Public Meeting Presentations by regional TRICARE contractors on managed care support contractors
Included beneficiary and Government cost sharing structure, and assessments of operations – quality, costs, efficiencies, etc. TriWest – Dave McIntyre
Humana – Dave Baker
HealthNet – Steve ToughTriWest – Dave McIntyre
Humana – Dave Baker
HealthNet – Steve Tough
14. 20 Mar 07 United Mine Workers Association of America (UMWA) Information Visit A Group of Task Force members received informational briefing from UMWA regarding management and operation of its health fund for its beneficiaries, with emphasis on the pharmacy benefit and outreach programs for UMWA retirees
15. 9-10 Apr San Antonio Visit Commanders briefing on military markets
Elicit military health care benefits feedback from spouses, officers (O-5 and below), Guard/Reserve, retirees, and enlisted
Panel formats
16. Upcoming Milestones Interim Report
Final Interim Report due to SECDEF, SASC and HASC by 31 May 2007