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Introducing the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme in [name of local authority]

[Meeting details]. Introducing the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme in [name of local authority]. [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number] Email: [relevant email address]. What will this presentation cover?.

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Introducing the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme in [name of local authority]

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  1. [Meeting details] Introducing the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme in [name of local authority] [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number] Email: [relevant email address]

  2. What will this presentation cover? • What is the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme? • What types of businesses will be given a rating? • How will ratings be calculated? • How will customers find out about ratings? • What safeguards are there to ensure ratings are fair? • What are the benefits for businesses and their customers? • When will the scheme be rolled out? • What should businesses be doing now?

  3. What is the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme? • When environmental health officers undertake food hygiene inspections of premises, they score them. • Food hygiene rating schemes convert these scores into a simplified food hygiene rating and publish it. • Currently more than 200 local authorities in the UK operate hygiene rating schemes. • The National Scheme for England, Wales and Northern Ireland is a local authority/Food Standards Agency partnership initiative.

  4. What is the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme? • Scheme will provide consumers with information about hygiene standards in food premises at the time they are inspected. • This will allow them to make informed choices about the places where they eat or buy food from thereby encouraging businesses to improve their hygiene standards. • A single scheme in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be better for consumers and for businesses.

  5. Proliferation of local schemes

  6. What is the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme? • Scheme being developed by the Food Standards Agency. • Advice and guidance on development provided by a UK-wide Steering Group. • Steering Group (and its Working Groups) include food industry representatives from: • the British Retail Consortium; • the British Hospitality Association; • the British Beer and Pub Association; • the Association of Convenience Stores; and • the Forum of Private Business.

  7. What is the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme? • The objectives are to have a scheme that: • is clear and easy to understand by consumers; • provides businesses with recognition and an incentive to improve hygiene standards; • is simple and practical to operate by local authorities so that it may be applied consistently; and • includes the safeguards necessary to ensure that businesses are treated fairly and equitably.

  8. What is the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme? • Framework for the scheme: • covers premises supplying food direct to consumers; • six ratings to reflect the inspection findings; • publication of ratings; • safeguards for businesses.

  9. What types of businesses will be given a rating? • Restaurants, takeaways, cafés, sandwich shops, pubs, hotels, supermarkets and other retail food outlets, and any other business where consumers can eat or buy food. • Certain exemptions apply: • 'low-risk' establishments which are not generally recognised by consumers as being food businesses; and • certain establishments operating from private addresses – e.g. childminders. • Under certain circumstances, exempted businesses can request to opt in to the scheme.

  10. How will ratings be calculated? • Numerical scores are given for three criteria: • how hygienically the food is handled – safe food preparation, cooking, re-heating, cooling and storage; • the condition of the structure of your premises – cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities; and • how you manage and document food safety. • Numerical scores are then converted to a food hygiene rating.

  11. How will ratings be calculated?

  12. How will ratings be calculated? • The rating given depends on: • how well the business does overall - the total numerical score; but • also reflects the numerical score for the criteria for which the business’ performance is poorest - the highest of the three scores.

  13. How will customers find out about ratings? • Symbols & descriptors will be used to represent the six different ratings. • Ratings will be published on a national website, so your customers can look it up. • We will also give you a certificate or sticker showing your rating to display in a place that your customers can easily see it when they visit your premises. • The aim is that, in time, consumers will come to expect such certificates and stickers to be displayed.

  14. What safeguards are there to ensure ratings are fair? • We will notify you of your rating within 14 days of the inspection. • You can appeal the rating if you think it is unfair. • Standard appeal form available from website. • Appeals will be considered by the Lead Officer for Food (or nominated deputy). • You will be notified of appeal outcome within seven days. • Rating will not be published on the website until you have been notified of the appeal outcome. • You will have a ‘right to reply’ on the website.

  15. What safeguards are there to ensure ratings are fair? • You can request a re-visit when you have taken action to rectify non-compliances identified at the inspection when you were given a rating. • Generally, no re-visits will take place during the first three months after the inspection. • Re-visits will be unannounced. • Re-visits will look beyond the non-compliance identified at the previous inspection. • Ratings may go up, down or remain the same.

  16. What are the benefits for businesses and their customers? • A good rating will be a good advertisement - good food hygiene means a good hygiene rating, and a good hygiene rating is good for business. • The scheme will provide consumers with at-a-glance information to help them to make informed choices about where they buy and eat food.

  17. When will the scheme be rolled out? • Initial notification to businesses that will receive a rating & data verification [month]. • Seminars for businesses held during [month]. • Scheme launched in [month] using a gradual approach. • Businesses rated as and when they receive their next planned inspection: • certificates and stickers issued; and • ratings published on national website.

  18. When will the scheme be rolled out? • Initial notification to businesses that will receive a rating & data verification [month]. • Seminars for businesses held during [month]. • Businesses notified of exact launch date and supplied with certificate and sticker in [month]. • Launch takes place [number of weeks] weeks later when: • Businesses asked to display certificates and stickers; and • Ratings published on national website.

  19. What should businesses be doing now? • Look at your last food hygiene inspection report to check that you have taken all of the actions needed to ensure that you meet legal requirements. • When you receive your next routine inspection ask about your current rating or future rating. • If you have any queries about the improvements you need to make to get a better rating, then the food safety officer should be able to provide advice.

  20. Further information and questions? • Further Information: • on Food Standards Agency website at: www.food.gov.uk/hygieneratings • from Food Safety Team [Officer’s name and telephone number]

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