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Hygiene in the non-clinical environment. Dirk Bockmühl. Hygiene at home ?. Gerd had rather spent more money in toilet cleaning agents …. Home hygiene: the consumer’s view. Hygiene threats are mostly found outside my home.
Hygiene in the non-clinical environment Dirk Bockmühl
Hygiene athome? Gerd hadratherspentmoremoney in toiletcleaningagents…
Home hygiene: the consumer’s view Hygiene threatsaremostlyfound outside myhome Accordingto a GfK surveyforthe „Apotheken-Umschau“ 2006
Notifiable infections in Germany (2008) Source: RKI
Household-associated infections Krause et al.: EmergInf Dis 13(10) (2007)
The key message • The domestic environment is one of the most important sources for infectious diseases • These infections are predominately food-borne
The riskofinfectionathome Risk Source: IFH 7
The riskofinfectionathome Risk Source: IFH
Dishwashershostblackyeasts Zalar et al. (2011)
? But is there a risk of infection?
Estimation of infection risk Pathogenicmicrobes? Routesofinfection? Exposition? Riskfactors?
Groups of higher risk: YOPIs Old Young Pregnant Immunocompromised
Antibacterialeffectofhanddishwashing Time neededtoreduce 99,9% ofSalmonella Water Soaking time [min] Water + Detergent Temperature [°C] Matticket al.: Int J Food Microbiol85 (2003) 213– 226
The „killer“ sponge 102 – 107 microbialcells per gramm SEM-photograph: A. Hinnemann, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences Enriquezet al. DairyFood Environ. Sanitation. 17:20-24.
Howtosanitize a kitchensponge Sharma et al. Food Control 20 (2009) 310–313
The dishwasher kills… …bacteria! Thus itis an importantmeanstoensuredecontaminationoffood-contactsurfaces
The riskofinfectionathome Risk Source: IFH
Infections and laundering Fungalinfections (Athlete‘sfoot, Candida) Viral infections (Noroviruses)
InactivationofNorovirus via laundering Detectionof viral RNA on fecallycontaminated textiles Lemm et al. Tenside, Surfactants, Detergents (submitted)
Challenge: lowtemperatures Medium washingtemperature T [°C] % Textiles washedat ≥60°C Survey on germanhouseholds Source: IKW Sustainability Report 2010
Hygiene in the wash- and use-cycle Wearing Storage Washing Drying
Hygiene in the wash- and use-cycle Input ofmicroorganisms Wearing Storage Washing Reductionofmicroorganisms Drying
Hygiene in the wash- and use-cycle Input ofmicroorganisms skinflora excretions biofilms cross contami-nation fungal spores dust Wearing Storage Washing Reductionofmicroorganisms Drying chemistry mechanics temp. dehydration dehydration temperature
Challenges Wichmicrobes? Quantity?
Challenges Machineimpact?
Challenges Impact ofdrying and ironing?
Whathappenswhenyouwashyourtowels? cfu/cm2 After use After laundering After drying Blümkeet al., EDC conference 2011
Whathappenswhenyouwashyourtowels? cfu/cm2 After use After laundering After drying Blümkeet al., EDC conference 2011
Whathappenswhenyouwashyourtowels? cfu/cm2 After use After laundering After drying Blümkeet al., EDC conference 2011
The washing machine as a reservoir for germs • Microbialcolonisationoftherinsingchamberisindependentofthechosentemperature • Contamination after themainwashcycle
Another real-lifestudy… Analysis ofLaundry in NurseryHomes
Analysis ofLaundry in NurseryHomes cfu / 100 cm2 After laundering After drying Beforelaundering Survey on 16 nurseryhomes in thedistrictof Kleve Bertelmann et al., DGHM conference 2012
Individual reductionfactors Log reduction (before/after laundering) Nurseryhome # Bertelmann et al., DGHM conference 2012
Impact factors on laundryhygiene Bertelmann et al., DGHM conference 2012
Impact factors on laundryhygiene Bertelmann et al., DGHM conference 2012
Impact factors on laundryhygiene Bertelmann et al., DGHM conference 2012
Impact factors on laundryhygiene Bertelmann et al., DGHM conference 2012
Impact factors on laundryhygiene Bertelmann et al., DGHM conference 2012
Analysis ofLaundry in NurseryHomes Verylowcounts after tumbledrying cfu / 100 cm2 After laundering After drying Beforelaundering Bertelmann et al., DGHM conference 2012
Do hygienerinsershelp? Hygiene + Source: Forum Waschen
Do hygienerinsershelp? Claim: Kill 99,9(99)% ofgerms Substantiated via suspensiontests Source: Forum Waschen
Efficacy in thewashingmachine? • Additional detergencyeffect • Textile effect • Different germs • etc.