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ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Training Workshop for FTUB A3-51906 Decent Work for Migrant Workers (Mae Sot, Thailand: 15-19 December 2008). Workshop Orientation. Aims of This Orientation. 1/To understand the objectives and expected outputs of this programme ;
ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Training Workshop for FTUB A3-51906Decent Work for Migrant Workers(Mae Sot, Thailand: 15-19 December 2008) Workshop Orientation
Aims of This Orientation 1/To understand the objectives and expected outputs of this programme; 2/To confirmthe timetable of the course,and make necessary finetuning to it.
Background • Unions all over the world are going thru difficult times in this age of economic liberalization & globalization – however, the situation of Burmese workers is even more difficult; • Conditions of work outside Burma for the Burmese workers is not good either - Being ‘non-citizens’, their rights as ‘workers’ are not protected in the host countries; • As migrants, most Burmese workers are engaged in 3D jobs, mostly in informal economy, under exploitative conditions; Any attempt to organize or seek rights as workers leads to threat of imprisonment & deportation;
Background • Challenges before FTUB • How to organize & ensure social protection & other basic TU rights to the Burmese workers – inside & outside Burma - is a major challenge before FTUB • Promote Democracy, Social Dialogue & Workers Rights in Burma • It is in this context that ILO-Actrav seeks to work with FTUB – to strengthen its capacities to promote Democracy & workers rights in & outside Burma
This workshop is an opportunity for the participants to study and share experiences on organizing migrant workers, dealing with abuse & exploitation of migrant workers and strategies against trafficking. The workshop will also focus on the role of international workers organizations & the ILO to support efforts of FTUB & its unions to promote workers rights, including Decent Work for migrant Burmese workers.
Objectives of the Workshop • Identify main challenges before FTUB unions in organizing & social protection of workers, especially in regard to migrant workers; • Promote awareness on the rights-based approach of ILO for Decent Work for migrant Burmese labour; • Discuss various aspects & extent of trafficking of workers and children, & what role unions can play in curbing trafficking & rescue of Burmese workers;
Objectives of the Workshop • To update & train FTUB representatives on Core International Labour Standards, in particular on freedom of association & forced labour and developments in regard to Burma with in the ILO • To explore with FTUB the role that international labour movement & ILO can play to support workers rights in Burma as well as of Burmese migrant workers • Assist in development of FTUB action plan for organizing & promotion of Burmese workers rights
Key Issues to be discussed • Burmese labour situation & the main challenges before FTUB in and outside Burma • Globalization, Decent Work, Burma & Role of Trade Unions • Freedom of Association & other core labour standards & case of Burma • Migration & Trafficking: ILO policies & initiatives & FTUB actions to address trafficking of Burmese workers
Key Issues to be discussed • Role of the ILO & international labour movement in promoting workers rights in Burma • Challenges & Strategies for organizing workers, including migrant Burmese workers • FTUB Action plan on Organizing & Promotion of Rights of Burmese Workers, including Migrants
Methodology of the workshop • participatory approach with active intervention by all participants. • Exchange of ideas, experiences & information. • Presentations and group work.
Evaluation • End of the Course Evaluation • Feedback is welcome on daily-basis