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SEADATANET Joint Reasearch Activities 5: Mediterranean Products Marina Tonani & N. Pinardi, INGV

SEADATANET Joint Reasearch Activities 5: Mediterranean Products Marina Tonani & N. Pinardi, INGV. Objectives :

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SEADATANET Joint Reasearch Activities 5: Mediterranean Products Marina Tonani & N. Pinardi, INGV

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  1. SEADATANET Joint Reasearch Activities 5: Mediterranean Products Marina Tonani & N. Pinardi, INGV

  2. Objectives: • Preparation and dissemination of regional statistical products like mean, seasonal and monthly climatological fields and trends from all available historical and recent data collected over the Mediterranean for various use with special attention to: • Cross-Checks of the observation data: detection of residual problems in data by comparison with the gridded fields values; • Check of coherence between climatologies and statistics computed in the different regions, by using different methodologies

  3. Description of work: • JRA5.1: Coordination of the activity including recomandations for improving the methodology and for operating it in routine mode with emphasis on the regional priorities; -INGV, JRC, CLS- • JRA5.2: Preparation and dissemination of the best estimates of the annual and seasonal statistics and trends on grid point of the sea surface from co-located in situ and satellite data trasferred by regular snapshots of the interconnected transnational in situ and satellite platforms: temperature, dynamic height/altimetry, salinity (from 2007 when a satellite sensor will be available), wind and sea state; -IFREMER, CNR-ISAC, CLS- • JRA5.3: Preparation and dissemination of best estimates of the annual and seasonal statistics and trends on grid points and on the whole water column from in situ observations: temperature, salinity, current and biochemical parameters;

  4. JRA5.4: Quality checks and harmonization with the other regional data products; elaboration and implementation of the procedures for monthly/seasonaly climatologies; the procedures will include the run of the Mediterranean model with climatologies. –INGV, ENEA, OGS …- • The products will be specified, prepared and validated from existing practices, in cooperation with all the regional experts of the Mediterranean countries, with special attention to guidelines and requirements provided by ongoing programmes such as Mediterranean Forecasting Project. All the available in-situ and remote sensing data (at the ocean surface) will be used for computations, and in return, feedback will be given on the quality of data processed. The communication and harmonization aspects with other region will be taken charge of by JRC (P20) and CLS (P14).

  5. Foreseen and milestones: Month11: First test results presented to the Annual Workshop Deliverables: n. 1: Specifications for the Mediterranean products -JRA5.1- (M6) n. 2: Benchmark of surface and sub-surface products –JRA5.2, JRA5.3- (M11) MEETING to decide the specifications for The Mediterranean Products September (month6) 3 days of meetings: 4-5-6 or 6-7-8 of September 2006 in BOLOGNA (Italy) Joint meeting with JRA4 to develop the statistical tool for the Med (JRA4+JRA5)

  6. ANALYSES produced by the assimilation into a numerical model of SST and SLA data from satellite and in situ T and S profiles from XBT and ARGO buoys 1/8°x1/8° horizontal resolution and 31 vertical levels  from 01/09/1999 to 20/06/2005 1/16°x1/16° horizontal resolution and 72 Vertical levels  from 31/08/2004 up to now

  7. MONTHLY CLIMATOLGIES of T, S ON A REGULAR GRID FOT THE MED MEDATLAS M. Rixen et al. (2000) MED6 Brankart J.-M. and Pinardi N. (2001) Sea surface integral of salinity for the Mediterranean Sea MEDATLAS-MED6


  9. AUGUST: SSS shows relevant differences in the Northern Adriatic Sea and in the Aegean Sea.

  10. 1 PSU of difference in the North Aegean (MEDATLAS less salty) More than 1 PSU of difference in the North Adriatic (MED6 less salty) The signal of the rivers run off and exchange of water at the Dardanells is different between MEDATLAS and MED6. Except fot the Aegean, MED6 shows a stronger low salinity signal close to the river mouth

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