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People are purchasing the Dinar in large quantities for pennies per unit, with the dream of receiving multiple dollar returns on the pennies invested.
A bad economy, and hope for a better tomorrow, have contributed to people looking for mystic solutions to the financial woes of the day. Thousands find refuge in the currency of Iraq (the Dinar), as their passport to fortune. They are awaiting a re-evaluation (RV) of the Dinar. The RV is the vehicle to take them into the promised land of milk and honey. People are purchasing the Dinar in large quantities for pennies per unit, with the dream of receiving multiple dollar returns on the pennies invested.
Miracles have taken place throughout time, and prayerfully others will come to pass. However, logic does not dictate the Iraqi RV as one. We would love to see it happen. Sure, be a believer if you like, just don't become totally dependent on it.
It is of great concern that so many people have accepted this potential "RV," as a reality. They are just sitting back and waiting for it to happen, What if it doesn't? What if it does, but no financial increase is there? Lots of believers could be mentally and financially devastated. The Boy Scout's (BSA), embrace the motto of "Be Prepared." So be a Scout and prepare yourself for the outcome, be it good or bad.
Do your own research and make sure that the decision to invest your hard-earned money is from sound reasoning and not from hope and emotion. A great deal of sound reasoning is found in a "Forbes Magazine," article called, "You Can't Fix Stupid: The Iraqi Dinar Scam Lives," by contributor Jay Adkisson (7/30/2012). You may also review the publication "iraq-business news.com," found online. The RV hope has been strong for many years. Yet, today the anticipation still looms, with no change in the reality that nothing has happened to bring about the awaited promise of wealth.
Hope is wonderful and dreams are what make reality exist. Just be aware that things might not happen as we hope they will. Often people buy a Lottery ticket, but they don't quit their job when they do so.
There is a litany of legitimate opportunities to invest your time and money. Insure your future by seeking more proven strategies to wealth. Finding a way to go into business for yourself is one. A great option is to explore the facets of the "Health and Wellness," industry. There is the potential creation of thousands of millionaires in this arena. And the magic is in working with a workable system, one that you can control.
Let's just keep it real people! Treat your Dinar investment as you would a lottery ticket. Be prepared. If you win, awesome! If you lose, then you buy another ticket and wait on the next drawing. But don't sell the farm to buy the ticket, and "Don't quit your day job." Resources: http://www.gidassociates.com/ http://ezinearticles.com/?Iraqi-Dinar---Be-Prepared&id=7925624