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ITOMS Accruals

This training module guides you through the Accruals module in the Regional Business Application (RBA) Integrated Task Order Management System (ITOMS). Learn to generate, calculate and manage accruals efficiently.

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ITOMS Accruals

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  1. ITOMS Accruals GSA Training Module

  2. Accruals Training Module Overview Description: This training module will take you step-by-step through the Accruals module in the Regional Business Application (RBA) Integrated Task Order Management System (ITOMS) component. Navigation:If the tutorial opens up in your web browser, simply click your mouse or your space bar to advance to the next slide. Use the “Backspace” key to go back. If the tutorial opens in the PowerPoint application, click on “F5” to view the tutorial. Use the spacebar or click your mouse to advance to the next slide. To go back, click on the “Backspace” key.

  3. ITOMS Accruals Glossary

  4. Accruals Accruals are projected expenses and projected income Once an invoice is received the accrual amount is liquidated (zeroed out) because the projected amount becomes the actual amount

  5. ITOMS Accruals Privileges

  6. Within the Post-Award Workflow Context Accruals need to be generated prior to invoice processing on orders with the order type LAB and FFP Accruals are only generated on orders with the order type LAB or FFP

  7. ITOMS Homepage / Fund Manager 2 role Accruals can be generated for an order after the 7th calendar day of the month of the current service month if accruals have not already been generated for that order and service month Orders requiring Accruals are displayed as an action item in the Generate Monthly Accruals Action Folder

  8. ITOMS Generate Monthly Accruals Action Folder / Fund Manager 2 role Select from the drop-down lists and click Retrieve to filter orders Select an order then click Generate Accruals to display the Generated Accruals page Users can only generate accruals for one order at time. Selection of multiple orders within the Generate Monthly Accruals Action Folder is not allowed. Users do not have the ability to generate accruals in the background.

  9. Generate Accruals link on the Orders Navigation link / Fund Manager 2 role Alternatively, users can access the Accruals module by selecting an order and clicking the Generate Accruals link on the Orders navigation link

  10. Formula for Calculating Task Item Expense Accruals Expense Accrual = Minimum (GA, CapE) where GA = General Accrual = DAR * Variance Factor * Days Elapsed where DAR (Daily Accrual Rate) = Task Item CPA / (Accrual End Date – Accrual Start Date) Task Item CPA = Contractor Proposed Amount for the Task Item Variance Factor = a percentage value used to estimate the percentage of total service value that is expected to be billed (LAB TaskItem: 90% default, FFP TaskItem: 100% default) Days Elapsed = the number of days, from beginning of the month (Accrual Start Date for the first accrued month) through the end of the accrued month (Accrual End Date for the last accrual month) CapE = Task Item Cost To GSA – Task Item Invoiced Amount – Outstanding Expense Accrual

  11. Formula for Calculating Task Item Income Accruals The formula for calculating the task item income accrual depends on the type of charge for the task item: • If the Task Item Type of Fee is Surcharge then Income Accrual = Expense Accrual * (Surcharge Rate + 1) • If the Task Item Type of Fee is Flat Fee then Income Accrual = Expense Accrual + Flat Fee applied to the first service month

  12. Formula for Calculating Outstanding Task Item Accruals • Formula for calculating Outstanding Expense and Income Accruals for a LAB task item for a service month/year: If Invoice has been received for the Service Month/Year then Outstanding Accrual (LAB) = 0 Else Outstanding Accrual (LAB) = Accrual for that service month • Formula for calculating Outstanding Expense and Income Accruals for a FFP task item for a service month/year: If Invoice has been received for the Service Month/Year then Outstanding Accrual (FFP) = 0 Zero out outstanding accruals for every service month prior to that service month Else Outstanding Accrual (FFP) = Accrual for the service month

  13. Formulas for Calculating Total Outstanding Accrual Amounts

  14. Generated Accruals / Top 1/2 of form / Fund Manager 2 role Click on the ACT Number link to go to the Accrual History page View order level information including the Total Outstanding Income and Expense Accrual amounts Indicates if the order is incrementally funded

  15. Generated Accruals / Top 1/2 of form / Fund Manager 2 role View a summary of invoice and billing information for each task item View accrual-related information for each task active task item

  16. Generated Accruals / Top 1/2 of form / Fund Manager 2 role Accruals are generated for each awarded LAB and FFP task item based on the task item Accrual Start Date and Accrual End Date. Each task item Accrual Start Date defaults to the task item POP From Date. Each task item Accrual End Date defaults to the task item POP End Date. Users can edit the Accrual Start Date and Accrual End Date for each task item however the Accrual Start Date cannot precede the task item POP Start Date and the Accrual End Date cannot exceed the task item POP End Date.

  17. Generated Accruals / Bottom 2/2 of form / Fund Manager 2 role The Service Months that require Accruals section displays all service months that do not yet have accruals generated for them. Click on a Month/Year link to view the accruals for that selected service month/year. Accruals will be generated for all task items whose Accrual Start/End date fall within the service month/year(s). The generated accruals for each service month/year will be displayed in the Accruals for Service Month/Year datagrid.

  18. Generated Accruals / Bottom 2/2 of form / Fund Manager 2 role Accruals are generated for active, awarded task items per the Service Month / Year, based on the task item accrual start/end date. Monthly Accruals are not generated for COM or FEE task items. For each task item accrual, users can edit the generated Expense Accrual, Income Accrual, and Variance Factor prior to validating to NEAR. Default variance factor for LAB task items: 90% Default variance factor for FFP task items: 100%

  19. Generated Accruals / Bottom 2/2 of form / Fund Manager 2 role Click on a task item within the Accruals for Service Month/Year datagrid to populate the Task Item Details datagrid with all previously generated accruals (for all service months) for the selected task item The Total Order Accruals datagrid displays all previously generated accruals summarized for each service month/year

  20. Generated Accruals / Bottom 2/2 of form / Fund Manager 2 role Click Validate to NEAR to validate the generated accruals. Upon successful validation, accruals flat files will be generated, and the service month/year for which accruals were successfully generated will be removed from the Service Months that require Accruals list. Click Cancel to cancel all edits and revert values back to their original values.

  21. Generated Accruals Results / Fund Manager 2 role The user is displayed a confirmation page with the success or failure results of the accruals validation Click on the ACT Number link to go to the Browse NEAR Hold Files module

  22. Accrual History / Top 1/2 of form / Fund Manager 2 role Accrual History form displays accruals records that have already been validated and sent to NEAR The top of the Accrual History form provides that same information as the top of the Generated Accruals form Clicking the ACT Number link on the Accrual History form opens the Generated Accruals form

  23. Accrual History / Bottom 2/2 of form / Fund Manager 2 role Users can edit the Accrual Start Date and Accrual End Date for each task item When the user clicks on a task item on the Task Item Summary datagrid the Task Item Details datagrid will refresh with all previously generated accruals for the selected task item. Users can edit the Outstanding Expense Accrual and Outstanding Income Accrual amounts per task item per service month/year. The Total Order Accruals datagrid displays order-level accrual information for each service month/year

  24. Accrual History / Bottom 2/2 of form / Fund Manager 2 role Click Validate To NEAR to validate edited data and create accrual adjustment flat files for transmission to NEAR. If the user only edits Accrual Start or Accrual End dates then clicking Validate To NEAR will save the accrual date edits – accrual adjustment flat files will not be created and sent to NEAR since there were no edits made to the actual accrual data. Click Cancel to cancel all edits and revert the values back to their original values

  25. Next Steps • Invoices can be processed against orders with Order Types FFP or LAB

  26. Questions & Support • For questions regarding AAS Policy please contact randy.matlack@gsa.gov, gale.greenwald@gsa.gov, or robert.niewood@gsa.gov • For questions regarding the ITOMS Accruals RBA training module, please contact RBA Technical Support. • Phone: (877) 243-2889 • Email: helpdesk@gsarba.com

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