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Diabetes Complications in Egypt: Prevalence and Impact Analysis

Study on diabetes complications in Egypt, including fertility rates in diabetic females, hyperglycemia levels, hypertension, DKA incidence, hypoglycemia, cardiac issues, retinopathy, neuropathy, foot complications, and insulin treatment.

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Diabetes Complications in Egypt: Prevalence and Impact Analysis

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  1. Diabetes in Egypt(2003) Prof. Morsi Arab


  3. Alex 1 Menoufeya 2 El Menia 3 Assiut 4 Mansoura 5 El Behira 6 Kafr El Sheikh 7 Matrouh 8 Other Govern. 9

  4. Age and Sex ( percent )

  5. Type of Diabetes

  6. BMI Increased BMI and Gender

  7. Fertility; Abortions and Labour in Diabetic Females . (among 1060 diabetic females) - The average number of normally born children / pt = 3.6 - The average number of aborted children / pt = 0.9 - The frequency of abortions among all pregnancies = 21.5% - The average frequency of Caesarian labour = 4.7 %

  8. Parental History of DiabetesDiabetic Mother in : 29.1 % Diabetic Father in : 22.3 % Both parents in : 7.8 % Neither Parents in :39.3 %

  9. Fasting Hyperglycemia - Controlled (< 120 mg/dl ) = 19.8 % - Total Uncontrolled = 80.2 % Hyperglycemic 121-150 mg/dl = 15.6 % Marked hyperglycemia 151-200 = 31.3 % Severe hyperglycemia 211-220 = 12.5 % Very severe hyperglycemia > 220 = 20.8 %

  10. Post Prandial Hyperglycemia - Controlled < 160 mg/dl = 13.5 % - Accepted 161-180 mg/dl = 7.9 % Total =21.4 % - Uncontrolled >180 mg/dl = 78.6 % * Moderate 181-220 mg/dl = 17.4 % * Severe 221- 260 mg/dl = 16.0 % * Very Severe > 260 mg/dl = 45.2 % TOTAL = 100 %

  11. Uncontrolled Diastolic Hypertension

  12. Uncontrolled Systolic Hypertension

  13. Diabetes KetoAcidosis (DKA)- Incidence ( among all patients at all frequencies at any time of the duration of diabetes ) = 12.2 %.- The mean age in patients who developed DKA ( at least once in life ) = 42.5 years- The mean age in patients who never developed DKA = 53.1 years

  14. Hypoglycemia- Incidence of Hypoglycemic episodes at any frequency and at any time during the course of Diabetes. Among 1588 patients was = 20.5% - The mean age of patients who developed hypoglycemic episodes at any time = 50.8 years - The mean age of patients who did not experience hypoglyceamic episodes = 52.1 years

  15. Serum Cholesterol and Hypercholsterolemia

  16. Cardiac ComplicationsAngina = 15.0 % Positive E.C.G. Changes : 7.9 % Signs of Cardiac Dysfunction: 21.3 % (C. H.V. and or arrhythmia )

  17. Retinopathy ( in 1173 patients )- Free 68.9 % - Back ground 22.6 % - Proliferative 9.5 %

  18. Serum Creatinine

  19. Ankle Reflex as early indicator of neuropathyn 1833 pts., AR was : - present in 44.5 % - absent in 55.5 %

  20. Prevalence of foot complications among diabetic patients Among 2000 patients : 1- Fungus infection = 22.0 % 2- Foot ulcers = 6.8 % 3- Evident Ischaemic changes = 9.7 % 4- Amputations = 3.0 % 5- Deformities = 1.0 %

  21. Treatment by InsulinI- Out of 2000 diabetic patients : - 882 are insulin recipients ( 44.1 %) - 199 are on animal insulin ( 23 % ) - 683 are on Human insulin ( 77 %)II- The average total daily dose = ( 45.5 units) - 34.1 % of pts on ( one ) injection - 58.4 % of pts on ( two ) injections) - 7.5 % of pts on multiple injections III- The form of insulin received is - Intermediate in 83.0% - Mixed in 14.6 % - Short in 4.2 %

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