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Behavioral Extensions of Institutions. Andrei P opescu Grigore Ro şu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Motivation. Many algebraic formalisms have been enriched with behavioral or observational equivalence Hidden algebra logics (Goguen et al.)
Behavioral Extensions of Institutions Andrei Popescu GrigoreRoşu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Motivation Many algebraic formalisms have been enriched with behavioral or observational equivalence • Hidden algebra logics (Goguen et al.) • Observational logic (Bidoit, Hennicker et al.) • Swinging types (Padawits) These beh. logics build upon powerful formalisms Challenges • Can we capture abstractly the essence of behavioral equivalence and behavioral satisfaction of a property? • Provide logic-independent framework for these concepts Formal recipe to extend behaviorally existing formalisms
Our results Given institution I, build institutionIbeh • Capture visible signatures and sentences • Define (behavioral) satisfaction in Ibehas satisfaction in Iin appropriate quotient models • Deduction in Isound in Ibeh • Ibehexhibits many known relevant properties of particular behavioral logics • Satisfaction in Ibeh reduces to satisfaction in Iin the same model, via (abstraction of) experiments • Novel properties unexpectedly discovered
Overview • Basic notions • Institutions, behavioral equivalence • Behavioral extension of an institution • Logic-independent behavioral concepts and properties • Related work and conclusions
Institutions Set Sen Sign ╨ Catop Mod |= Mod(S) Sen(S) φ Mod(φ) Sen(φ) |=’ ’ Mod(S’) Sen(S’)
Behavioral / hidden logicsHidden Signature • Standard algebraic signature in which sorts are split into visible and hidden Hidden signature • Tuple := (V, H, ) • Sorts S = V H • V = visible sorts (stay for data: integers, reals) • H = hidden sorts (stay for states, objects, etc.) • = S-sorted algebraic signature
Behavioral / hidden logicsHidden Algebra • Loose-data approach • Unconstrained models and morphisms • Fixed-data approach • Fix the “visible” signature ↾V, say Ѱ • Fix some Ѱ-algebra D (data algebra) • Hidden algebra.-algebra A with A↾Ѱ = D • Hidden morphism. h : A → B with h↾Ѱ = 1D Coalgerbraic nature of hidden algebra Under restrictions on (one hidden argument), categ. of -algebras is a categ. of coalgebras
Behavioral / hidden logicsContexts and experiments Context = a term with a hidden “slot” Experiment = a context ofvisible result Visible sort if context is an experiment Operations in z : h
Behavioral / hidden logicsBehavioral equivalence Behavioral equivalence on A • a ≡ a’iff Ac(a) = Ac(a’) for any experiment c Hidden congruenceon A: • congruence relation, identity on visible carriers a a’ Coinduction: ≡ is the largest hidden congruence However, final models may not exist!
Behavioral / hidden logics Behavioral satisfaction Abehaviorally satisfies(X) t = t’, written A |≡ (X) t = t’ iff θ(t) ≡ θ(t’) for any map θ : X → A • Other properties of behavioral logics will be recalled as they are “institutionalized” Equivalent definition: A |≡ e iff A↾≡ |= e
Behavioral Extension of an InstitutionFramework Framework • InstitutionI = (Sign, Sen, Mod, |=) • Fixed data: ѰSign, DMod(Ѱ) • Loose data under investigation; overall simpler • Quotient systems on model categories • Dual to inclusion systems; unique quotients • Directed colimits of models, and these colimits are preserved by model reducts
Signatures: morphisms φ : Ѱ Σ One can constrain these to inclusions, but not needed Sentences: precisely the -sentences of I Models: the fiber categoryMod(φ)-1(D) Behavioral Extension of an Institution Construction of Ibeh Ѱ D φ A↾φ= D A Modbeh(φ)
Behavioral Extension of an Institution (Behavioral) Satisfaction in Ibeh Data-consistent quotient (φ : Ѱ Σ,D Mod(Ѱ)) A,B Mod(Σ),e : A B quotient, e↾φ = 1D Intuitively, Ajgives the behavioral equivalence on A Proposition. The category of data-consistent quotients of A has a unique final objectA Aj Definition. Call Aj the φ-quotient of A Satisfaction inIbeh : A |≡ ρ iff Aj |= ρin I
Behavioral Extension of an Institution Subtlety: Signature morphisms Definition of signature morphisms in Ibehis subtle Digression: Signature morphisms in hidden logics ξ : (V H, Σ) (V H’, Σ’) • ξ identity on V • ξ(H) H’ • ’ ∊ ξ(Σ) for each ’ ∊ Σ’ with an argument in ξ(H) Faithful to encapsulation and yields institution Can we capture this intricate definition institutionally?
Behavioral Extension of an InstitutionSignature morphisms in Ibeh ξpreserves all the j’-quotients Answer: Yes, yet quite elegantly! ξ Σ’ Σ j’ j Ѱ One can show that in concrete situations this definition captures precisely the three conditions above
Important Result Theorem • Ibehis an institution • There is a natural morphismIbeh I • Takes φ : Ѱ Σin SignbehtoΣ in Sign • Takes A in Modbeh(φ)to AjinMod(Σ) • Keeps sentences unchanged
Logic-independent behavioral concepts and properties Deduction in I is sound in Ibeh E |= ρ implies E |≡ρ Strict and behavioral satisfaction coincide for sentences over visible signature: ( φ : Ѱ Σ, D Mod(Ѱ) ) if ρ∊Sen(Ѱ) then A |≡ φ(ρ) iff D |= ρ
Logic-independent behavioral concepts and properties (ii) Visible φ-sentences: strict and behavioral satisfaction coincide, i.e., A |= ρ iff A|≡ρ • Equivalently, preserved and reflected by data-consistent quotients Quasi-visible φ-sentences: behavioral satisfaction implies strict satisfaction • Equivalently, reflected by data-consistent quotients Definitions ( φ : Ѱ Σ, ρ ∊Sen(Ѱ) )
Stronger properties for restricted types of sentences • One cannot expect all properties of behavioral equational logics to hold in arbitrary institutions • E.g., if FOL is the starting logic (e.g., Bidoit & Henicker), then the following are not true: • behavioral satisfaction expressible as strict satisfaction of an (infinite) set of sentences • any sentence reflected by model-morphisms (just use negations to obtain simple counterexamples) • Fortunately, one can distinguish certain types of sentences abstractly, in institutions.
Institution-independent sentence constructs • Basic sentences (Diaconescu 2003) A |= ρ iff there exists Tρ A • In concrete situations, Tρ is a quotient of initial algebra • In FOL and EQL, ground and existential ground atoms are basic • φ-quantification (Tarlecki 1986): ( φ : Σ’ Σ, ρ∊Sen(Σ), A’∊Mod(Σ’) ) A’ |= (φ) ρ iff A |= ρ for all φ-expansions A of A’ (Similarly for the existental quantifier) • Logical connectives (, , ) defined in the obvious way • Positive sentences: obtained from basics by • connectives , • universal and existential φ-quantifications
Stronger properties for restricted types of sentences (ii) Proposition. Visible and quasi-visible sentences • preserved by signature morphisms • closed under positive connectives and under quantification (visible closed under negation too) • coincide if positive Proposition. Under Birkhoff-styleconditions (closure under subobjects and homomorphic images), sentences are behaviorally reflectedby model-morphisms: A B and B |≡ρ imply A |≡ρ
Stronger properties for restricted types of sentences (iii) ( φ: Ѱ Σ, D Mod(Ѱ), AModbeh(φ) , ρ∊Sen(Σ) ) Proposition. Satisfaction of basic sentences equivalent to data-consistent factorizing: A |≡ ρ iff (A/ρ)↾φ = D ( A/ρ is “A factored by ρ”, formally A ∐Tρ )
Digression: behavioral versus strict satisfaction in behavioral logics • Behavioral satisfaction reducible to strict satisfaction without changing the model A |≡ (X) t = t’ iff A |= (X var(c)) c[t] = c[t’] for all experiments c
Stronger properties for restricted types of sentences (iv) Proposition. IfI has model-theoretic diagrams (Tarlecki 1986, Diaconescu 2004) and ρ is a universally quantified basic sentence, then there exists a set of sentences Eρ such that for any A A |≡ ρ iff A |= Eρ Specifically, Eρ={() | quasi-visible, ρ |= ()} All sentences in Eρ are quasi-visible
Very related work Burstall & Diaconescu 1994 • institution-independent • morphism between (their) Ibeh and I Burstall & Diaconescu 1994 has several limitations • Does not cover the cases of hidden constants (e.g. formal automata) or non-monadic hidden operations • Assumes data from “outside” the original institution to guide the construction • Does not define signature morphisms; instead, they just assume just assume them • Does not prove any property of Ibeh
Related work • Sannella & Tarlecki 1987: Observational equivalence, sketch of an institutional approach • Bidoit & Tarlecki 1996: Quasi-abstract treatment of behavioral satisfaction (concrete model categories) • Hofmann & Sannella 1996: Behavioral satisfaction in higher-order logic • Bidoit & Henicker 2002: The institution of first-order observational logic
What we’ve done A construction I Ibeh • Provided logic-independent concepts • behavioral equivalence • behavioral satisfaction • hidden signature morphism • visible sentence • Proved logic-independent results • soundness of strict deduction for behavioral logic • relation between strict and behavioral satisfaction • closure properties for visible sentences • relation between behavioral equivalence and data-consistent factoring • Captured several existing behavioral logics (including those with hidden constants and non-monadic ops)
Future plans • Cover the loose-data case too, possibly using Grothendieck constructions • Explore more deeply the consequences of our general results in concrete cases • our universally quantified basic sentences include second-order - sentences • our assumptions about the institution accommodate infinitary logics too, etc. • Logic-independent relationship between behavioral abstraction and information hiding
Thank you This is joint work with Andrei Popescu