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Skills to drive innovation and change. Cedefop. Current challenge: being responsive and thinking ahead. Short term goals: widen and upgrade skills to retain people in jobs for recovery meet current skills shortages in other jobs/sectors supplement and support work-based learning
Skills to drive innovation and change Cedefop Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Current challenge: being responsive and thinking ahead Short term goals: • widen and upgrade skills to retain people in jobs for recovery • meet current skills shortages in other jobs/sectors • supplement and support work-based learning Strengths: • flexible labour market and VET have cushioned impact on employment (in EU GDP- 4.9%, employment -1.9%; in ES down by ~7pps) Risks: • disadvantaged at the end of the queue; high youth unemployment (EU: 20.2%; ES 41.7%), long-term unemployed, low-skilled • fail to notice accelerated change in composition of jobs, skill needs and supply matching short-term success with long term goals and challenges Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Announced job losses for the EU Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Announced job creation for the EU Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Beyond recovery: skill strategiesto drive innovation and change Long-term goal: education and training throughout people’s lives • an investment and a shared responsibility • empowers people to develop and use their potential to manage change • fit for the job, to adapt, to innovate, move to other jobs, develop skills,at home and abroad • make informed choices to adjust learning and career paths to the labour market’sand their own needs • combine different education and training types and levels, work and life experienceand have them assessed and recognised • qualifications easily understood, reflect and value varied learning experiences • their knowledge, skills and competence are their capital/ ‘currency’ Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
More jobs require medium-and high-level qualifications Towards knowledge- andskill-intensive occupations Long-term trends matter for education/training and employment Employment trends, 1996-2020, by qualification EU-25+ Negative scenario. Source: Cedefop, 2008 Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Dynamic sectoral developments Changing shares of qualification needs in sectors • Green jobsand • green skills • across occupations and sectors • gaining in importance EU-25+ Negative scenarioSelected examples. Source: Cedefop, 2008 Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Thinking beyond recovery: facing tomorrow’s job needs Impact on jobs and skills:More elderly and an older workforce 50+: from 1/3 in 2007 to nearly 1/2 of the population in 2020(highest share of low-qualified) 40+: those with highest share of medium-level qualifications young people: more highly qualified than ever will supply meet longer-term needs? Change in population and labour force 2007-2020 by age groups in thousands EU-25; Source: Cedefop, 2009 (estimates from StockMOD) Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
NB: Labour force supply, 2007 and 2020, by age, gender and qualification; Labour force aged 25 and more.EU-25 without Malta, plus Norway; Source: Cedefop, 2009 Thinking beyond recovery: longer term employment challenges • mismatch: despite the crisis, 4 million vacancies were unfilled in 2008 • unemployment likely to rise to 10% • in 2010 despite slight recovery • women: better qualified than men but still lower activity rates • people with migrant background: low qualifications and employment; but also unrecognised skills • make better use of existing skills, expand, upskill and reskill adults Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Thinking beyond recovery: unleash Europe’s potential Lifelong learning participation : • still below 10% • less than 4% of the 77 million low-qualified (1/3 of the labour force) Most of the learning of employed people is non-formal Higher participation in courses provided by enterprises than in on-the-job training Percentage of employed population aged 25 to 64 participating in formal and non-formal education and training Percentage of employees participating in courses and on-the-job training provided by enterprises Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Future needs already pressing today Acting now and thinking beyond recovery: • acting anti-cyclically, create supply to fuel demand • broadening and reinforcing adults’ skills and competence • anticipating jobs and skill needs • matching skills and competence with emerging realities • making routes to skills and competence more flexible and integrated (flexication) • capturing and recognising all types of competences acquired in various learning settings • informing, encouraging, supporting potential learners, enterprises and providers • partnership, partnership, partnership…….. foresight and flexibility Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Broadening and reinforcing adults’ skills and competence • offering more and varied VET to people in different employment statuses • overcoming the Matthew effect: low skilled, older workers, migrants • adapting legal provisions, collective agreements, funding and incentives • adapting capacities and delivery • flexible learning environments, methods adjusted to learner needs • validation and recognition of prior learning and newly acquired skills and competence to manage transitions and career Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Shaping the future: anticipating jobs and skill needs for better matches Matching skills and competence with emerging realities: • understanding composition of jobs and skills (e.g. ‘white’, environmental) • defining a language common to work and education/training:focus on learning outcomes to reconcile job requirements and skills provision; adapt standards and curricula • better skill mix: - key competences + transferable occupational + specialised skills - more focus on intrapreneurship/capacity to manage change - combining skills from different occupational areas dynamic process of matching skills and jobs;more holistic qualifications policy; qualification frameworks becoming a European reality Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Routes to skills and competence: flexible and integrated • breaking linear approach to learning and workcombining different types of learning: formal, work and life • breaking barriers between formal education/training programmes and levels • access, progression and qualifications through several routes including recognition of prior learning • work-based learning opportunities for all types and levels of VET • fully-fledged and partial qualifications at the same or different levels • modularised programmes accompanied by support schemes focus on learning outcomes to design more individualised learning paths supported by: documentation (Europass), formative and summative assessment, recognition guidance and counselling, credits for prior learning (ECVET, ECTS) Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Informing and motivating potential learners, enterprises and providers • making citizens, businesses, social partners and support services awareof the benefits of putting skills to use • HR policy geared to make better use of people’s skills and talents • learning conducive environment and work organisation;challenging tasks in learning and work • competence-based assessment • training and support of teachers and trainers, guidance staff, social partners • quality assurance and funding/incentives linked toperformance for VET providers and training companies Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Thinking learning and working new to meet the goals of today and tomorrow • less linear approach to learning and work • flexible interplay of VET for young people and adults • more holistic qualifications policy, dynamic matching skills and jobs • linking all qualifications into national qualification framework • holistic guidance and counselling services • recognition of skills and competences as mainstream path to qualifications • the crisis as catalyst to • accelerate modernisation of VET • implement European tools and principles Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
Meeting the goals of today and tomorrowthrough partnerships • consistent cooperation between VET providers and enterprises • wider partnerships: VET providers, HE providers, social partners,guidance, employment and support services; accreditation/certification bodies • complementarity between central and regional/local authorities • shared responsibility of governments, employers and individuals • better links, coherence and synergy between education and training,employment, social and economic policies and tools • management of crisis highlights success of partnerships; crisis as catalyst to accelerate modernisation of VET Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad
NO need to reinvent the wheel European principles and tools linking present and future Thank you for your attention! www.cedefop.europa.eu ECVET EQARF validation key competences guidance EQF NQF learning outcomes Europass Retos para una formación innovadora: Calidad y Competitividad