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Day 1 (4/17/14). Look at examples from Dare to Dream book Discuss with group: First share with your group about the person in your paragraph Discuss what your 4 (or 5) people have in common Discuss what prompts/leads people to stand up or speak out for something Discuss project due dates.
Day 1 (4/17/14) • Look at examples from Dare to Dream book • Discuss with group: • First share with your group about the person in your paragraph • Discuss what your 4 (or 5) people have in common • Discuss what prompts/leads people to stand up or speak out for something • Discuss project due dates
Day 2 (4/18/14) • Discuss keyword searches to research person • Brainstorm on computer a person to use for project • Decorate folder to store all of your research information • If extra time, login to Easybib.com (in Chrome!) to show Mrs. Clack that you know how to get in tomorrow. GOAL: • Have person to research selected • Have folder to hold research decorated with your name somewhere on it.
Day 3(4/21/14) • Login to Easybib.com (in Chrome!), pull up my website & open the Online Research Library icon. • Review taking notes and options • Take notes for project using the database: Biography in Context GOAL: • Have 5-10 notes taken
Day 4 (4/22/14) • Work on notes • Make sure you create your citation in Easybib.com for Biography in Context. • Move on to 1st draft of paragraph if notes are cleared by Mrs. Clack. GOAL: • Have 10-15 bulleted notes finished (due tomorrow).
Day 5 (4/23/14) • Finish notes-Turn in to Mrs. Clack! • Make sure you create your citation in Easybib.com for Biography in Context. • Move on to 1st draft of paragraph if notes are cleared by Mrs. Clack. GOAL: • Turn in notes & begin working on 1st draft of paragraph
Day 6 (4/25/14) • Continue working on the 1st draft of your paragraph. • If you finish, put your name at the top and print. Hand in to Mrs. Clack. • Start working on poem. See book for examples. GOAL: • Have most of your 1st draft paragraph complete to turn in tomorrow • Start editing paragraph using checklist (see below). Editing • Could you create any compound, complex or compound-complex sentences? • Did you include a quote by your person? • (It’s not too late to find one now) • Use the synonym feature in Word or look for synonyms on Google to switch up some words in your paragraph.
Day 7 (4/28/14) • Turn in 1st draft if you haven’t. Late grade after today. • Edit paragraph and fix for final draft. DON’T PRINT just SAVE! • Work on poem. GOAL: • Turn in 1st draft of paragraph for a grade. • Work on Poem.
Day 8 (4/29/14) • Finish working on poem & type into Word document with your paragraph. • Email Word document with paragraph and poem to Mrs. Clack if you don’t have an email account. • If you have an email account, follow the submission instructions on my website. GOAL: • Have poem and paragraph typed in a Word document
Day 9 (5/1/14) • Email Word document with paragraph and poem to Mrs. Clack if you don’t have an email address. • Trace arm on butcher paper and cut out. • Get Power Point slide with paragraph checked off by Mrs. Clack. • Record your poem onto your arm and attach paragraph to the bottom. • Add artwork if you have time. GOAL: • Email paragraph and poem to Mrs. Clack • Start working on arm.
Email to Contest • Send your entry by email to: • daretodreamchangetheworld@gmail.com • Subject line of email : • “DARE TO DREAM Writing Contest.” • Be sure to include: • Your age • First name only • Your email address • Your parent’s email address • Your school • State of residence
Day 10 (5/5/14) • See Mrs. Clack if you didn’t email paragraph and poem to her yesterday. • Finish working on arm. GOAL: • Have arm finished.