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Crossing Points. Lakeland Regional High School District Ringwood School District/ Wanaque School District and A.W.A.R.E. A.S.A.P . The Alliance of Wanaque and Ringwood for Education and Awareness For Substance Abuse Prevention Photos not local…. A.W.A.R.E. A.S.A.P.
Crossing Points Lakeland Regional High School District Ringwood School District/ Wanaque School District and A.W.A.R.E.A.S.A.P. The Alliance of Wanaque and Ringwood for Education and Awareness For Substance Abuse Prevention Photos not local…
A.W.A.R.E. A.S.A.P. • The Alliance of Wanaque • And Ringwood • For EDUCATION • And AWARENESS for Substance Abuse Prevention • Started in 1988
You can FIND THIS PPT. FILE: • http://www.lakeland.k12.nj.us/Page/2243 • ON the Lakeland Regional website FACULTY PAGES • FOR • Raymond Danziger Under Crossing Points info
“4. Why Teens Use” • Many factors and situations affect teen’s choice whether or not to use • Fitting In • Sex • Socializing • Emotional Pain • Transitions
A 15 year old’s brain image: Not a drinker A 15 year old’s brain image: a drinker
Being drunk may be your excuse… But it doesn’t change what happened!!
IF YOU WEREN’T DRINKING: WOULD YOU? Get in the car with someone who has used alcohol or other drugs? Kiss someone you didn’t think you would? Take off some clothing? Do things with others you usually would say “no” to? [throw stuff, fight, cheer for others to do stupid things, lie to PARENTS, tell secrets you swore you wouldn’t, etc.]
According to a report from PRIDE surveys, parents dramatically underestimate alcohol and drug use by adolescents as young as 11 years of age. • Sixth-graders reporting useParents saying sixth-grader uses • 21% reported alcohol use 5% said there was alcohol use • 8.3% reported drug use 0.9% said there was drug use • Twelfth-graders reporting useParents saying twelfth-grader uses • 68% report alcohol use 41% said there was alcohol use • 36% report drug use 15% said there was drug use • Source: Pride Surveys National Summary for Grades 6-12, 2004-05
What does your child see? How much is ever left? “I’ve had enough…” “yeah, you can dump the rest”
Parent MessagesMAJORLY IMPACTFUL“It’ll never happen to ME!” is magical thinking…Each of us is “somebody else”PARENT DISAPPROVAL [discussed over time] &Fear of Police/School troubleshown to be the most important factors for youth to say “NO"
A large majority of young teens -- 12 and 13 -- believe that their folks would strongly disapprove of substance abuse, but not quite as many older teens -- 16 and 17 -- believe their parents would strongly disapprove, according to a 2007 report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Keep sending the message that you disapprove of substance abuse throughout your child’s teen years. From National Institute of Drug Abuse [NIDA]
BUT…ITS JUST MARIJUANA And it’s almost legal now, or should be, And no one ever died from it, And I’m just being a teenager and having fun, And no one gets addicted to it anyway. And I know parents who get high, So WHY SHOULD ANYONE CARE?!!
LRHS student conversations with Student Assistance Counselor Ray Danziger: Well, as we kept talking, she admitted she knew her personality had changed due to smoking marijuana, she had dropped friends, she was nasty at home, and she didn’t care as much as she used to about school. Here‘s what other students have told me regarding smoking marijuana and their reactions: “Now that I’ve been clean for four weeks, I feel that my head is clearer, I can think straight again.” “I can’t believe I can do math now…I thought I was stupid, but it was just the weed in my brain” “I have more energy now when I wake up; I actually want to do things” “At least I’m not gaining weight anymore from the munchies!”
“My parents are beginning to trust me again…I’ve stopped lying and it just feels so much easier” And from a 14 yr. old girl who was still a very active user: “Dr. D: I’m sorry, but I don’t remember what we were just talking about…I guess it could be the weed” “Since I’ve stopped, I’m not fighting with my parents much anymore. I’m surprised, but we’re actually getting along most of the time” May 2, 2011: “I actually like being this way better. I had a lot of fun at Bamboozle; if I had gotten high I would only remember that and not all the good music and fun I really had.”
“I just broke up with my girlfriend, and I guess since I was getting high for the past two years to deal with my feelings, I don’t know how to handle this” 2012: a young man: I’m getting along better now with my parents. Weed is just stupid. I thought the school was just trying to mess with my life, but now I see you really were trying to help. I’m actually happier now. How long have you been clean: about 2 wks. “I feel clearer; my mind is just clearer; its better.” “When I think of the hundreds of dollars or more that I smoked away…I could be buying clothes or something”
Rx/OTC Medicines Being Abused • Rx pain relievers (Vicodin ,Percocet, OxyContin) • Rx stimulants (Adderall, Ritalin) • Rx anti-anxiety/anti-depressants (Xanax, Valium, etc.) • OTC cough/cold with ‘DXM’ (Robitussin, Coricidin)
What about parents’ perceptions? • Street drugs are generally considered more dangerous • Parents are less familiar with “pills” – they often have no frame of reference since these types of drugs of abuse didn’t exist in their youth • There’s a lack of urgency around Rx/OTC
Time To Act Website • www.drugfree.org/timetoact • Dynamic, interactive site that allows parents to follow one of two tracks – What to do if: • I think my child is using • I know my child is using
www.mpoweredparent.com www.madd.org/laws/social-host-1 www.shelbysrulesfoundation.com
PLEASE Give us your email address for future information sharing, and AND, please fill out the EVALUATION FORM!! We need your feedback to develop effective programs, [and to be accountable for our grant from the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse]
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/awareyaasa WEBSITE http://yaasa.org/ Also: http://www.wpunj.edu/uppc Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse: GCADA http://gcada.nj.gov/