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Crossing Origins by Crossing Formats

Crossing Origins by Crossing Formats. Jonas Magazinius, Andrei Sabelfeld – Chalmers University of Technology Billy K. Rios – Cylance Inc . About. PhD Student, Chalmers until Nov 1st then Dr. Magazinius Securing the mashed up web 10:00 HA4 – Hörsalsvägen , Chalmers

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Crossing Origins by Crossing Formats

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  1. Crossing Origins by Crossing Formats Jonas Magazinius, Andrei Sabelfeld – Chalmers University ofTechnology Billy K. Rios – CylanceInc.

  2. About • PhD Student, Chalmers • until Nov 1st then Dr. Magazinius • Securing the mashed up web • 10:00 HA4 – Hörsalsvägen, Chalmers • Co-leaderof OWASP Gothenburg • Part of Cure53 • @internot_ • Father– as someofyoumightremember

  3. Language-based security • Using programming language theory for finding and mitigating security vulnerabilities • Static vs. dynamic analysis • Information-flow monitoring • Declassification • Decentralized • Crossing origins by crossing formats • Byproduct of research • Joint work with Billy K. Rios • Greatly inspired by the work of Julia Wolf

  4. Background • GIFAR – content smuggling attack • Billy Rios (@XSSniper), Petko D. Petkov (@pdp) • Attacker uploads GIF/JAR file • Cross-origin CSS attack • Chris Evans (@scarybeasts) et al. • Attacker injects fragments of CSS into HTML • Content-typesniffing attacks • Adam Barth (@adambarth) et al. • Attacker uploads PS/HTML file

  5. Things in common… • … mixing formats • … re-interpretation of the content

  6. Polyglot • Definition: • ”…a person who speaks several languages.” • ”…a program that is valid in multiple programming languages.” • Content that can be interpreted as multiple formats • Example 1 – HTML / JavaScript • data:text/html,alert('<script src="%23"></script>') • Example 2 – C / Pascal / PostScript / TeX / Bash / Perl / Befunge98 • (*a/*/ % #)(PostScript)/Helvetica 40 selectfont 9 400 moveto show%v"f"a0 true showpage quit%#) 2>/dev/null;echobash;exit #*/);int main()/*>"eb"v %a*0)unless print"perl\n"__END__*/{printf("C\n");/*>>#;"egnu">:#,_@;,,,< *)begin writeln(*\output={\setbox0=\box255}\eject\shipout\hbox{\TeX}\end *)('pascal');end.{*/return 0;}

  7. Malicious Polyglots • Two formats (or more) • One benign • One malicious • GIFAR – GIF/JAVA • Cross-origin CSS – HTML/CSS • Content-type sniffing – PS/HTML • Preferred format characteristics • Widespread, commonly used format • Error tolerant parsing, or other ways to hide foreign syntax • Cross-origin communication

  8. Polyglot attacks • Infiltrate • Syntax injection – Cross-origin CSS attack • Content smuggling – GIFAR • Embed • Context based re-interpretation • The content-type provided by the server is overridden • Tags that allow re-interpretation of content: • CSS – <link>-tag • Java – <applet>-tag • Content sniffing – <iframe>-tag • <object> and <embed> allows arbitrary interpretation based on type attribute

  9. Attack vectors – Syntax injection • A vulnerable webservice reflects parameters into content • Fragments of syntax is injected resulting in a polyglot • Polyglot is embedded under the origin of the attacker • The polyglot has origin of, and can communicate with vulnerable service • Visitors of the attackers domain are exploited • Known attack instances • Cross-origin CSS attack • (Cross-site scripting) vulnerable.com (1) (2) attacker.com (3) (4)

  10. Attack vectors – Content smuggling • A vulnerable webservice allows users to upload content • Attacker uploads a polyglot to the vulnerable origin • Polyglot is embedded under the origin of the attacker • The polyglot has origin of, and can communicate with vulnerable service • Visitors of the attackers domain are exploited • Known attack instances • GIFAR • Content sniffing attack vulnerable.com (2) (3) attacker.com (4) (5) (1)

  11. Payloads – Exploiting the origin • Cross-origin information leakage • Request sensitive user information • Leak to attacker across origins • Cross-site request forgery • Traditionally, issue requests with the credentials of the victim • Protect using tokens • Impact is far greater if it is possible to read the response • Extract token • Make request

  12. Portable Document Format • Display text • Render 2D/3D graphics • Animations • Forms • Launch commands (restricted) • Execute JavaScript • Embed Flash – just fantastic • Issue HTTP-request • With cookies!! • Standardized document format – ISO32000-1 • Container format • Embed related resources • Contain foreign syntax by design • Error tolerant parsing • Powerful capabilities

  13. DocumentStructure • Cross-reference xref 00000012 0000 n endxref • Trailer • startxref105 • trailer << /Root 1 0 R >> • %%EOF • Header %PDF-1.7 • Objects 1 0 obj<< /Length 14>>stream Contentstream endstream endobj

  14. Minimal PDF (accordingtoSpecification) 5 0 obj<< /Length 35 >>stream endstream endobj 6 0 obj[/PDF] endobj xref 0 7 0000000000 65535 f 0000000009 00000 n 0000000074 00000 n 0000000120 00000 n 0000000179 00000 n 0000000300 00000 n 0000000384 00000 n trailer<< /Size 7 /Root 1 0 R>> startxref 408 %%EOF %PDF-1.4 1 0 obj<< /Type /Catalog /Outlines 2 0 R /Pages 3 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj<< /Type Outlines/Count 0>> endobj 3 0 obj<< /Type /Pages /Kids [4 0 R] /Count 1 >> endobj 4 0 obj<< /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Contents 5 0 R /Resources << /ProcSet 6 0 R >>>> endobj

  15. Minimal PDF (Accordingto Interpreter) Adobe Reader Google Chrome PDF Reader %PDF 1 0 obj<</Pages<<>>>> trailer<</Root 1 0 R>> …or evenshorter… %PDF trailer% 1 0 obj <</Root 1 0 R/Pages<<>>>> …or evenshorter… %PDF trailer<</Root% 1 0 obj<</Pages 1 0 R>> %PDF-1. trailer<</Root<</Pages<<>>>> …or executing JavaScript… %PDF-1. trailer<</Root<</Pages<<>> /OpenAction<</S/JavaScript /JS(app.alert(’PDF’))>> >>

  16. Error tolerant Parsing This text wouldalso be a valid %PDF-1. With the conditionthat the trailer %begins on a new line and thatthereisn’t <</too /much /garbage /in /Root<</Pages<<>>>> the dictionary.

  17. Communication • JavaScript • Inherits the originof the document • Uses the cookies of the browser • launchURL() – Redirects the browser • getURL() – Redirects the browser • submitForm() – POST request via the browser • XML ExternalEntity • Two-waycommunication • Patched in latest version of Adobe Reader (FINALLY) • PDF • URL Action – Redirects the browser • Embedded Flash • Inherits the originof the document • Two-waycommunication • Usesitsown set of cookies %PDF-1. trailer <</Root <</Pages<<>> /OpenAction <</S/URI/URI(javascript:alert(location))>> >>>>

  18. PDF polyglots Syntax injection Content smuggling • Mixes well with just about any format • Server can verify benign format • Impact • CSRF • Cross-origin leakage • Easy to inject • Token-set overlaps with HTML • Context dependent • Can extract sensitive information • CSRF protection token • User information • Impact • CSRF • Cross-origin leakage

  19. PDF-based Syntax injection attack

  20. PDF-based Content Smuggling Attack

  21. Potential targets Syntax injection Content smuggling • PDF as the malicious format • User provided contentofany kind • PDF as the benign format • CV database • Conference systems • Usersuppliedcontentreflected • XSS vulnerabilities • JSON • XML

  22. DEMO http://internot.noads.biz

  23. Evaluation • Syntax injection • Approach • Alexa top100 • Results • Content smuggling • Approach • Results • Responsible disclosure

  24. Alexa top100

  25. Mitigation approaches Forward notification approach • Determine context • Send expected content-type as header • Content-Type: application/pdf • Content-Type: image/* • Server decides whether content matches expected content-type • Gives server control the interpretation of contents • Error code (404, 500) • Alternate content

  26. MitigationApproaches Server side (application) Client side • Browser • Strictenforcementof server provided content-type • Disallowtype-attribute • Interpreter • Strict(er) parsing? • Limit communicationmethods • Syntax injection • Filtering? In general, no! • Content-smuggling • Serve content from a sandboxeddomain (googleusercontent.com)

  27. PDF mitigation approaches Server side Client side • Improvements in latest version • Matchingfirst bytes againstknowmagicvalues • Alreadyfound a bypass!  • Limit worstcommunicationmethod • Filtering • PDF tokens and keywords { <, >, trailer } • Content Security Policy • DO NOT!!!

  28. DO NOT!!! Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="fname.ext” Content-Type: application/octet-stream ”If this header is used in a response with the application/octet- stream content-type, the implied suggestion is that the user agent should not display the response, but directly enter a `save response as...' dialog.” • This is NOT respected by Adobe Reader

  29. Summary • Polyglot attacks – New breed of cross-origin attacks • Syntax injection • Content-smuggling • PDF-based polyglot attacks • Flexible error tolerant format • Powerful beyond necessity • Mitigation approaches • Forward notification approach • Specific approaches

  30. Thank you!

  31. Cross-origin CSS attack • Minimal amount of CSS-syntax injected in target HTML-page • {}#f{font-family:’ • … arbitrary HTML content … • ’} • Attacker uses HTML-page as style-sheet in his page • Victim visits attackers page • Attacker can extract the arbitrary content from imported style-sheet

  32. GIFar – Content smuggling attack • GIF-image • Parsed top-down, content after trailer ignored • JAR-file • Based on ZIP-archives • Parsed bottom-up, content before header ignored • GIF + JAR = GIFAR • copy /b benign.gif + malicious.jar gifar.gif • The GIFAR is uploaded to a vulnerable service, • The GIFAR is embedded from the vulnerable service on attackers page as an applet • Any visitor to the attackers page will execute the applet

  33. ContentSniffing attack • Browser performs content sniffing when server provides unknown content-type • Content is matched against a series of signtures • If a match is found the content is interpreted as the matched type • Attacker creates a “chameleon” file • Benign format + HTML • The file is crafted to match HTML signature • The chameleon is uploaded to a vulnerable service • The chameleon is embedded in an iframe on the attackers page • Any visitors will trigger the content sniffing and render the HTML

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