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Call for Papers and Posters

The 7 th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management “CDM: Building Disaster Resilience – A Shared Responsibility“ Hilton Rose Hall, Montego Bay, Jamaica – December 3 rd – 7 th , 2012. Call for Papers and Posters. INTRODUCTION

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Call for Papers and Posters

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  1. The 7th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management “CDM: Building Disaster Resilience – A Shared Responsibility“Hilton Rose Hall, Montego Bay, Jamaica – December 3rd – 7th, 2012 Call for Papers and Posters

  2. INTRODUCTION We are pleased to announce the staging of the 7thCaribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management to be convened at the Hilton Rose Hall, Montego Bay, Jamaica from December 3rd – 7th, 2012. • The Annual Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management is the region’s premier event on disaster risk management. Organized by the Coordinating Unit of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), in collaboration with its partners, the Conference is our region’s largest gathering of professionals in the fields of disaster management and professionals from sectoral and thematic fields who have specific responsibilities in this area. • Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) is the Caribbean brand of Disaster Risk Management and contributes to the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015, a blue print for global actions in Disaster Risk Reduction. In that regard, the Conference is a regional event of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) global platform and is structured to promote best practices, share lessons learnt, discuss ongoing research and chart the way forward for the advancement of CDM in the Caribbean. “CDM: Building Disaster Resilience – A Shared Responsibility“

  3. THEME • 2012 marks the 10th year of implementation of the Caribbean Regional Strategy on Comprehensive Disaster Management. Over this period the strategy has evolved to embrace a programmatic framework with a results-based approach. One of the critical aspects which has remained consistent in the philosophical approach to CDM has been the foundational tenet of ‘shared responsibility’. This year’s Conference is, therefore, continuing in this vein and will be convened under the theme “CDM: Building Disaster Resilience – A Shared Responsibility.” TARGET AUDIENCE • If you’re a disaster management practitioner or a professional from sectoral and thematic fields with specific responsibilities in the area of disaster management or disaster risk reduction, then you should not miss this Conference. Delegates include personnel from national and regional institutions, international agencies, the scientific and academic community, public and private sector, risk insurance and financial institutions, community based organizations and donor and development partners. • Attending this event is an excellent opportunity to improve disaster risk management awareness and exchange information on best practices, while building stronger professional networks. “CDM: Building Disaster Resilience – A Shared Responsibility“

  4. CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES The major objectives are as follows: • To demonstrate and facilitate exchanges on shared responsibility for Comprehensive Disaster Management at the individual, community, sectoral, national and regional levels • To facilitate consensus building on the Regional Strategy on Comprehensive Disaster Management beyond 2012, including preparations for post HFA • To build and reaffirm commitment for and promote the goals of CDM • STRUCTURE OF THE CONFERENCE • The Conference programme revolves around • the theme: “CDM: Building Disaster Resilience • - A Shared Responsibility.” • It will feature the following sessions and events: • Professional Development Sessions • Concurrent Sessions built around thematic presentations • Opening Ceremony • Plenary Sessions • Panel Discussions • Poster Presentations • Conference Exhibition • Youth Session • Conference Tour • Film Festival “CDM: Building Disaster Resilience – A Shared Responsibility“

  5. GUIDELINES FOR ABSTRACTS Abstracts of not more than 250 words are requested for papers and posters.  TOPICS There are limited opportunities available for persons to present at CDM 7. Presentations should be based on the Conference theme and relevant to one of the following areas: • Redefining Community Resilience to disasters through shared responsibility • Women and Girls – the (in)Visible Force of Resilience: Building Disaster Resilience through Gender Mainstreaming – The CDM Perspective • Volunteerism – Shared CDM Responsibility in Action: Toward an effective regional volunteer mechanism • Disaster Resilience at the Sectoral Level – Fisheries, Health, Tourism sectors • Pathways to Building Disaster Resilience – The Responsibility of the Education Sector • ABSTRACT FORMAT • All submissions should specify consideration for a paper or a poster presentation and clearly identify the Conference focus area as listed under the section “Topics” • All submissions must be no more than 250 words and submitted in electronic format to conferencecoordinator@cdema.org. • Submissions received by fax or hardcopy will not be accepted. • A presentation summary outlining major points and benefits to delegates • Brief biographical sketch on professional training and experience of the author(s), along with a photo(s), must accompany the abstract. • Submissions must be in English. • Abstracts must be titled and include the author’s name, institution/agency and full contact details. • Confirmed speakers will be required to submit a • PowerPoint presentation along with their paper • or poster. “CDM: Building Disaster Resilience – A Shared Responsibility“

  6. PRESENTATION FORMAT CONCURRENT SESSIONS Each presenter will have a maximum of 15 minutes for presentation. There will be 10 minutes for questions and discussion after the last presentation. POSTER PRESENTATIONS These will be scheduled daily and allow for delegates to engage in one-on-one discussions with the presenter. Each presentation will be for 10 minutes. There will also be 10 minutes for questions and discussion after the last presentation. Commercial presentations will not be accepted. SELECTION CRITERIA The Conference Programme Committee will review all abstracts. Selection will be based on the following: • Topic and relevance to the theme and objectives of the Conference • Relevance to the targeted audience • SELECTION CRITERIA (Cont’d) • Focus on key sectors, current trends, lessons learned and • any recommended solutions • Presenter’s knowledge and expertise • Demonstration of best practices • Absence of commercial sales content for services or • products • IMPORTANT DATES • Deadline for receipt of Abstracts: October 12, 2012 • Notification of Selection:October 23, 2012 • Submission of Final Papers: November 16, 2012 • Submission of Final Presentations: November 23, 2012 • Special Conference Package for Presenters** • Limited support may be available to presenters from • CDEMA Participating States to attend the Conference. • Requestsmust be made through the local Disaster • Office and reach the Conference Secretariat no later than • Friday, October 26, 2012. Requests for support may be • for full or partial funding. • ** This in no way constitutes a firm offer for funding. “CDM: Building Disaster Resilience – A Shared Responsibility“

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