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ICAL – 2013 FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS. ICAL. GGSIP University. ACADEMIC LIBRARY SERVICES THROUGH CLOUD COMPUTING. Conference Chair Prof Dilip K Bandopadhyaya Vice- Chancellor GGSIP University. ICAL -2013. Strategies to Move Libraries to the Web.
ICAL – 2013 FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS ICAL GGSIP University ACADEMIC LIBRARY SERVICES THROUGH CLOUD COMPUTING Conference Chair Prof Dilip K Bandopadhyaya Vice- Chancellor GGSIP University ICAL -2013 Strategies to Move Libraries to the Web INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACADEMIC LIBRARIES FEBRUARY 12-15, 2013 Chairman Organizing Committee: Dr. Bhaskar P. Joshi Registrar GGSIP University Venue: Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Sector 16 C — Dwarka New Delhi 11 00 75, INDIA Special focus on Academic Libraries in India, Asia, Asia-Pacific and the West www.ipu.ac.in/ical2012/index.htm
SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE • Inspired by the latest advances in virtualized computing resources on the global network, the 2nd International Conference on Academic Libraries, (ICAL-2013) seeks to explore how cloud computing could be applied for library applications, in particular for moving libraries to the Web. In addition, it seeks to understand how Web based computing resources could be harnessed to achieve the ICAL 2009 vision of 'globalizing libraries'. Being a new and emerging area, Cloud computing has generated much interest in library applications. Predictions are that within five years, all library collections, systems, and services will be driven into the cloud. Individual and standalone library systems such as Library Management Systems, Electronic Resource Management Systems may eventually be replaced by Cloud LMS, Cloud OPAC, Cloud ERMS, etc., thereby opening up fresh opportunities to libraries for ushering more meaningful opportunities for collaboration on the Cloud. The Conference will focus on innovative uses of cloud computing for strengthening library services with the ultimate objective of repositioning academic libraries into next generation libraries. The Conference will also focus on harnessing cloud computing for formulating action plan to give effect to ICAL-2009 roadmap on globalizing academic libraries. The conference aims to provide a forum for presentation of issues on virtualized computing resources on the global network through original presentations, and extending opportunities to exchange and present knowledge and out of box ideas at the highest technical level. • CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES • Cloud computing solutions for managing library functionalities and services over the Internet • Cloud computing approach for globalizing academic libraries • Systems and programs that facilitate implementation of cloud computing solutions • Systems and programs that facilitate adding new dimensions to academic library services • Systems and programs that facilitate collaborative approach to library education, training and research • Policy changes and strategies for program implementation • PROGRAMME STRUCTURE • Conference tutorial - a full day pre-conference programme on cloud computing • Inaugural function, plenary sessions • Technical sessions - at least three parallel sessions • Gold Speaker talk on three consecutive days • Panel discussions, proposals, Open House Session • Satellite group meetings CLOUD COMPUTING Clouds are defined as a large pool of easily usable virtualized computing resources (such as hardware, development platforms and/or services) on the Internet. Cloud computing is about a new model for delivering, sharing, and sourcing computing resources on global network, offering opportunities for centralization of information and computing resources in data centers. Cloud computing is visualized as the next stage of evolution of the Internet. Cloud computing comes in several different models - software, platform, and infrastructure as a service. Libraries can benefit from cloud computing by opting to sign up IT resources hosted on the Internet instead of owning them locally. Cloud computing solutions could be beneficial to libraries in three basic areas: technology, data and user community. Cloud OPAC and cloud ILS illustrate innovative uses of cloud computing. OCLC has joined vendors offering cloud-based ILS tools that complement their existing cataloging tools (e.g. WorldCat and FirstSearch). CONFERENCE BACKGROUND ICAL-2009, which was held in Delhi University, India, identified Globalizing Academic Libraries as the Academic Library Vision - 2020 for repositioning libraries into next generation libraries. In its outcome, ICAL 2009 outlined a roadmap for change management and identified strategic areas for the purpose. These include (i) moving libraries to the Web to encourage library collaboration (ii) sourcing ICT applications and services on the Internet as a service if it is not feasible for libraries to own them (iii) policies, programmes, and systems for ICT integration at library level and consortium level (iv) new and qualitative dimensions to academic library services (v) strategic and academic roles for libraries and librarians that add value to academic enterprise (vi) new digital resources that libraries should undertake to emerge as knowledge centres (vii) standards for qualitative performance in library services (viii) international collaboration on all library fronts (ix) talent development in priority areas of interest to libraries and (x) change management strategies. The ICAL-2013 plans to explore cloud computing technology for this purpose. • WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE • Academic fraternity in teaching, learning and research; • Library and Information Science professionals; • Students and Research Scholars; • Information Technology professionals; • Management Professionals, Knowledge workers; • Policy makers, Archivists; • Content and knowledge managers; • IT & Information Service providers; • Electronic publishing and virtual communities Major Themes- Cloud Computing Models & Services - Cloud Computing Solutions for Academic Libraries - Globalizing Libraries through Cloud Computing - Standards and Best practices for Library Services on the Cloud - Change Management Strategies, Issues, Policies, and Programs - Staff Training and Education www.ipu.ac.in/ical2013/index.htm
SUB-THEME 5 - Library Services on the Cloud - Standards and Best practices • data interoperability, data storage, data security, data validation, data preservation, data migration and backward data integration • content development • developing common library collections and resources, production and delivery of library services • quality upkeep and maintenance of library facilities • procurement, up-gradation, replacement and maintenance ICT infrastructure at consortia and client level • staffing global academic libraries at consortia level (the national level) and at client level (the university level); • norms for budget allocation at consortia and client level • SUB-THEME 6 - National Library Policy for Globalizing Academic Libraries • library participation in the global library environment, • collection building and services at national and university level; • collaborative models for building e-resources for globalized library services; • policy for creation, development and adoption of open source software at consortia and client level; • collaborative programs for education, training, and research. • SUB-THEME 7 : — Talent Development & Library Research Programmes • skill development issues in library and information science, ICT areas for library applications, and management • collaboration in library education, training and research at state, national, and global level • institutional framework planning for education, training and skill development; • incentives for training and skill development; • revamp LIS education, training and research facilities • SUB-THEME 1 -Status of Academic Libraries in the Higher Education System • in India, Asia, Asia-Pacific and the West • in central and state universities in India • parameters for comparative evaluation of libraries • factors responsible for current status of libraries • Note: Participants from Asia and the Asia-Pacific Academic Librarians may like to present studies on the status of academic libraries in their region • SUB-THEME 2 - Cloud Computing Models & Services • cloud computing technology and science • types of cloud services • cloud computing architecture • private and public cloud • security and risk issues • benefits , qualities, and limitations of cloud computing vis-à-vis other computing technologies, solutions • open source and cloud computing • cloud computing initiatives • SUB-THEME 3 - Cloud Computing Solutions for Globalizing Academic Libraries • case studies on library applications of cloud computing • collaborative models of library services • new dimensions to academic library services on the cloud • services that offer academic roles to the academic libraries and professionals • systems and technologies required for cloud computing applications • SUB-THEME 4 - Change Management Issues and Strategies • roles of corporate, academic, and public sectors in cloud computing development and implementation for academic libraries • issues, policies, programmmes, and strategies for change management through cloud computing • institutional framework required for change management • barriers to change management and to library ABOUT GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY- GGSIPis one of the renowned state universities in the country known for its academic excellence in teaching, research and extension work in the emerging areas of higher education with a special focus on professional education. Located in the south-west Delhi in its new and sprawling campus, the University has become the academic hub in Delhi attracting students from all over India and abroad. The University offers programmes for academic and professional education at undergraduate level, post-graduate and doctoral level in a variety of disciplines such as engineering, technology, architecture, management, medicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, nursing, education, law, journalism and mass communication, etc. Established in 1998 by the Government of NCT of Delhi under the provisions of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Act, 1998 read with its Amendment in 1999, the University has emerged as an affiliating and teaching university in India, duly recognized by University Grants Commission and is also accredited as "A Grade" university. The annual admissions to university programmes in education are through Common Entrance Test. OUTCOME EXPECTED FROM CONFERENCE - Cloud computing solutions for library services over the Internet - Cloud computing approaches to globalizing academic libraries - Innovative services in library sector - Factors influencing cloud computing solutions – Strategies for implementation of cloud computing solutions - Education, training and research on cloud computing in library sector - Policy changes required. www.ipu.ac.in/ical2013/index.htm
TIMELINE FOR PAPER SUBMISSIONS Paper submission : April 5 – Sept 5, 2012 Final version submission July 10 – Nov 5, 2012 Paper acceptance notification : June 5 – Oct 5, 2012 Slide Presentation copy by - Nov 25, 2012 ONLINE PAPER SUBMISSION: - Papers should be submitted electronically using EasyChair (https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=ical2013) submission system. Submission through EasyChair requires that an account in the system be created by a prospective author first. In order to create a new account, select the "I have no EasyChair account" option and follow the instructions given. PAPER SUBMISSION BY EMAIL: - Authors may submit papers by e-mail to ical2013.os@gmail.com, Ical2013.sm@gmail.com in case they are unable to use EasyChair Conference system. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Structure of the paper: Title of the paper - title should be concise and expressive of the content; a sub-title may be added if required - Name/s of author/s, Institution address, city and country - Abstract not exceeding 250 words. - Keywords up to 10 - Body of the paper - References (APA Style) 1. Length of paper: 3 – 10 pages (A4 size), single space, 12 point font size, Times New Roman, Word or RTF file format; 2. Tables and Figures may be incorporated into the text of paper as close to where they are first referred 3. Papers may be written and presented in English. The Conference offers no provision for interpreters. 4. Paper in language other than English language should be accompanied with English version 5. Avoid using unexplained acronyms, sets of initials, and phrases not understandable to international audience 6. Keep to timeline to see your paper in Conference website, and inclusion in the Conference papers CD 7. ICAL shall have the first publication rights to papers presented at the conference 8. Please attach a short CV on a separate page REGISTRATION OPENS April 5, 2012 Note: Asian /International Participants will remit in US Dollars Payment Method:International delegates may use Swift Account No. IDIBINBBTSY of Indian Bank, GGS Indraprastha University Delhi, branch code CBS 2029, with a specific A/C no. 927860555 payable to Registrar, GGS Indraprastha University – ICAL2013 at Delhi. Inland payments remittance be made by DD/ Cheque in favour of ‘Registrar, GGS Indraprastha University – ICAL 2013 A/C No. 927860555’ payable on ‘Indian Bank’ at Delhi. IFSC code IDIB000G082 of ‘Indian Bank – GGS Indraprastha University’ ADVICE: Please do not use Pay Pal System and Organizers will not be responsible for any such payments CONTACT ADDRESS ICAL 2013 Conference Secretariat SubhashDeshmukh Organizing Secretary, ICAL 2013 C/o Librarian, University Information Resource Centre, GGS Indraprastha University Sector 16 C – Dwarka, New Delhi 11 00 75 (INDIA) Phone : +91-11–25302218 M: +91 9873680484 Fax +91-11–25302111 Email ical2013.os@gmail.com Website : www.ipu.ac.in/ical2013/index.htm ACCOMMODATION: The Conference has limited arrangements for accommodation for the participants. However, we would extend help in booking accommodation in case participants so desire. Please send details, stating also your capacity to pay daily rent, to ical2013.os@gmail.comRadisson Blue hotel (http://www.radissonblu.com/) is about 16 km from Delhi International Airport and 2 km from the Conference venue. For hotel tariff and accommodation please visit http://www.hotelsdelhi.com Organization Committee: ICAL 2013 Dr. B P Joshi, Chairman (Registrar GGS Indraprastha University) Prof. P C Sharma (Prof. Biotechnology) Prof. Avinash C. Sharma (Prof. Basic and Applied Sciences) Prof. NeenaSinha (Prof. Management Studies) SubhashDeshmukh Organizing Secretary (Librarian) www.ipu.ac.in/ical2013/index.htm