Helena Diodati Reilly welcomes you to the Sound Energy Research Voice Analysis Hydration System, (VAHS).VAHS is the first technology capable of creating personalized geometrically perfect structured water. This is the next step in Energy Medicine. Now you can combine the benefits of super hydration with your healing Voice frequencies. In 1996, Helena authored the book Sound Energetics. Based on the ground breaking work of her mentor and partner, Robert Lloy, this book describes the process of change, utilizing Scalarwave technology to remove emotional, physical, and mental blockages. In private practice until 2002, Helena applied the work of Sound Energy Research and Sound Energetics in the treatment of individuals and groups. During this time she was a frequent radio and television guest and lecturer at key metaphysical events, discussing her experiences with the use of sound and Scalarwave technology as applied to the transformation of blocked energy patterns.
Welcome to Sound Energy ResearchVoice Analysis Hydration System (VAHS)
Our software program is really about consciousness Sound Energy Research is dedicated to creating transformational tools that inspire and encourage the development of human potential. After 4 years and over 40,000 lines of proprietary hand polished code and breakthrough Algorithms, Sound Energy Research, is happy to announce the release of our "Voice Analysis Hydration System", complete with new breakthrough Holographic Sound. Unlike other technologies our system does not simply beat two frequencies. We generate a complicated interference pattern comprised of more than 6 waveforms. The interference pattern thus generated exhibits dynamic shifting in four dimensional space (the three spatial dimensions plus time). By the use of a proprietary phasing equation we are able to manipulate the Scalarwave energy construct so that it maximizes the impact on the receiving system – the user. As an industry leader in energy medicine Sound Energy Research pioneered many new approaches. Our new VAHS is an extremely refined detection system. It captures and analyzes 1,522,008,064 bits of information in 15 seconds with 147 decimal points of resolution. Our programmer broke new ground with his brilliant approach to Capturing the Integrity of "Intent“. Our breakthrough proprietary VAHS source code has allowed us to apply for new patents.
Where did our bliss go? VAHS is dedicated to the release of deep rooted stresses that cause us to repeat emotional programs over and over again. The billion and a half bits we capture from the voice sample contain information related to the mental, emotional and physical body. Capturing a voice sample based upon laughter will yield the greatest experience. Finding the stresses and strains that prevent your joy is the reason we ask our clients to repeat a few simple vowel sounds. The process, generally encourages smiles and laughter along with a whole brain voice sample. We lower the voice sample information down to the Alpha-Theta-Delta levels and use our proprietary algorithms to generate the necessary frequencies. As the tones are played we incorporate conventional stimulation and rest cycles that allow the awareness to be lively but undirected. As the mind settles down, so does the body. This encourages the release of deep stress. We use the weakness and strengths of the voice sample to determine it’s relationship to the periodic table of elements. Our proprietary formula based upon the resonate frequency of an atom in saline solution at body temperature determines the frequencies of the elemental pairs. We re-introduce the seven balancing elemental pair frequencies at the end of the session.
How do we do it Robert Lloy, an inspired inventor created his first true Scalarwave Coil some 30 years ago. Our patent pending breakthrough moved us from linear to dimensional sciences. Over the years we used this wonderful technology as a delivery system to release the deep rooted “Choice Point Energy”stress. Many books have been written about our technology. As a pioneer in energy medicine we created and used everything from inert gases, sound, light and color to negate stress. Scalar transcends these limitations. Structuring Water We did not start in the water business. Pioneers came to us looking for ways to improve their products. Our work was in the field of cellular memory and during that time we applied our technologies to upgrade their process. Pioneers in water clustering took a homeopathic approach using herbs. We utilize ceramic oscillators, sacred geometry, inert gases, proprietary minerals and frequencies delivered through Scalarwave technology. The herbal homeopathic approach requires stabilization to prevent growth from occurring within the water.Our structured water is free of any additives. It is absolutely pure Hexagonal Scalarwave Structured Water™.
Passage of water molecules through the aquaporin The aquaporin (water pore) is necessary for making the cell absorb water. Notice that the clock wise/counter clock wise motion is the same configuration as our Patent Pending Quantum Scalarwave coils. These similarities support our positive approach to imprinting information on a quantum level. 2003 Nobel Laureates Peter Agre and Roderick MacKinnon, have contributed to fundamental chemical knowledge on how cells function. They have opened our eyes to a fantastic family of molecular machines: channels, gates and valves all of which are needed for the cell to function. A number of diseases can be attributed to poor functioning in the water and ion channels of the human body.Water molecules worm their way through the narrow channel by orienting themselves in the local electrical field formed by the atoms of the channel wall.
Masaru Emoto author of Messages from Water and Robert Lloy create "EMLLOY“ structured Water line “On February 12, 2003 I traveled to Oxnard, California to attend a meeting with Robert Lloy to discuss Scalarwave Technology and Scalarwave Structured Water. At this historical meeting, I presented Mr. Lloy with the crystal photography of his structured water formulas. Later that year I invited Robert Lloy to form a partnership which I named EmLloy, in honor of our surnames, Emoto and Lloy. Mr. Lloy has invented a complex technology and corresponding manufacturing facility which is capable of imprinting coherent frequency information into water using his zero point energy field technology.” Masaru Emoto (quote from Masaru Emoto’s personal newsletter March 2003) Masaru Emoto has seen and photographed every type of water on the planet but he selected our technology to create his water.
Concentrates created for Japan HC Water - original Imprinting water we created for Japan Hado Centers. “Water We Thank You” - water we created for Dr. Emoto's World Peace Mission "EMLLOY - Indigo" formula created for Dr. Makoto Shichida's Schools. Dr. Makoto Shichida, world renowned founder of over 350 Preschool Child Academies in Japan who teach the importance of right brain stimulation. Indigo is also sold through the Hado.net web site in the USA. Indigo will also be released in 2007 as a ready to drink water.
Creating geometrically perfect water When our "base concentrates" are added to clean distilled water the process of “Water Memory Transfer” allows the frequency information to become transferred. The result is a highly potent Intelligent Water. We restructure and convert distilled water into geometrically perfect water with our proprietary Hexagonal Scalarwave technology. We need to start with water that has been stripped of memory. When you mix DISTILLED WATER with our concentrate it is converted from unstructured water to sweet tasting structured water. Our Hexagonal Scalarwave Structured Water™ formulas are based upon the research and observation of thousands of voice samples. We have observed repetitive patterns over the years and developed our existing formulas to deal with these issues. Along the way we produced world champions, won awards and made clients happy. Please join us as we bring future sciences into everyday life.
Enjoying the Voice Analysis Hydration System On our soundenergy.net web site you can read how our process continues to take the client to deeper levels, through brain entrainment, while setting the stage for the body to go into a state of self repair. We also generate a special imprinting program based upon the voice sample and its relationship to the periodic table of elements. Adding personalized Scalarwave structured water addresses the problems associated with cellular hydration. Our Voice Analysis Hydration System (VAHS) encourages brain wave coherence and the release of stress through the principles of resonance and the dumping of stored toxins via a months supply of cellular structured water. Imprinting Coil and Light Pad
You supply the computer we supply the rest • Proprietary VAHS software • Power amplifier for Imprinting Coil • Scalarwave Imprinting Coil c/w new Monochromatic LED Light Pad • Voice frequency microphone • Sub woofer speaker system c/w mid and high range speakers • All connecting cables • ½ case (25 bottles) of imprinting water • Instructions • power strip • Operator Listing page on Web Site • Ability to purchase Imprinting and Structured water at low Operator prices • Promethion Manual • The VAHS is available for home or clinic......$4995 • We have added "GoToMeeting" a virtual connection through the internet that allows demonstrations of our software and personal training for our clients and customers. Our virtual internet classroom allows us to instantly interact with our Voice Analysis Hydration System operators anywhere in the world.
Monochromatic LED Body Pad Dr. Harry Whelan, professor of pediatric neurology and director of hyperbaric medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin. "The near-infrared light emitted by LEDs boost energy to the cells and accelerate healing." We are the first to use LED's to carry personal frequencies into the body. These pulsing frequencies rejuvenate and stimulate. Mounting super bright 660nm monochromatic Red LED's on a mirrored surface provides deeper penetration and more beneficial stimulation. 660 nm has 33% more energy per photon. Monochromatic means that it contains no other color wavelength. This color spectrum is non-dangerous to the eye or any other part of the body. The wave length emitted by healthy cells averages between 600 and 725 nanometers. The light increases the blood circulation in the area that it penetrates. This increased circulation results in a warm, soothing feeling. When monochromatic light is applied to a point on the meridian it physically travels along that entire pathway to the corresponding meridian organ within the body.
Voice sampling includes two choices • The first is the half hour VAHS session that comes complete with personalized structured water and a support/relaxation frequency CD for home use. • The second is the half hour VAHS session that comes complete with personalized structured water and a support/relaxation frequency CD that also has the Eternal OM MASKED over the low brainwave frequencies. These CD's are extremely effective. They continue to support your experience while you consume your months supply of personalized water. • Client can also order other generic waters. Both programs include a 5 page printout showing the various energy displays, plus a printout of your voice sample and how it relates to the periodic table of elements.
We really are unique • We have true Scalarwave Imprinting Technology • Our structured waters put us in a class by ourselves. Masaru Emoto (messages from water) has seen them all but created EMLLOY and selected us to make his waters. • We have trademarked the phrase; The Key is in the Geometry™. • Our proprietary software and unique approaches has allowed us to be the first company to use our structured water as a medium to carry healing frequency information to our cells. • We have patents pending based upon the unique new breakthroughs in Code used for Sampling, A/D conversion, Scalar Design and the Water Imprinting process we created for our Voice Analysis Hydration System. • Our system results in amazing transformations that encourage word of mouth advertising and referrals. • Very low startup costs for operators allows them to focus on promotion and distribution.
Finally – Self Power Together we can build an environment where many people can enjoy the benefits of wellness and happiness. Through the use of our system, many more people can be reached and given the chance to experience the compelling changes brought about by our award winning technology and Scalarwave structured water. Our technology has the ability to remove and change “Choice Point Energy”. I do not know of any other technology that can circumvent Planck's constant. (physical constant characteristic of the mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of particles and waves on the atomic scale). True Scalar can accomplish this and we have true Scalar technology. When you quiet the mind you set the stage for the release of stresses and strains from the nervous system. One begins to feel better. As their thinking becomes clearer, they naturally make better choices. Feeling good is good. Unlike other technologies VAHS is a technology based upon the Divine Sciences. Sciences that do not rely on the skills or beliefs of the operators. Incorporating Nature’s natural laws allows us to set the stage for the nervous system to release the stresses that prevent your joy. Your voice simply leads the way.
Benefits of Structured Water Anti-aging and Weight Loss Hexagonal water decreases with age. In 1986 Dr. Mu Shik Jhon proposed an entirely new theory called the molecular water environment theory. “Aging is a loss of hexagonal water from the organs, tissues and cells, and an overall decrease in total body water.” Today there is considerable evidence that rejuvenation may be as simple as re-hydration. According to Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, “Replenishing the hexagonal water in our bodies can increase vitality, slow the aging process, and prevent disease.” The amount of water in the human body declines with age. Newborn infants are over 90% structured water. 70% by one year old and not uncommon for the elderly to be less then 50% water. The movement of water (turnover) in and out of cells, slows with age. This reverses the osmotic potential at the cell membrane and makes it very difficult to re-hydrate the cell. Hexagonal water is a nutrient. Without proper water, even the best vitamins and minerals could not be absorbed for cellular processes. Hexagonal water hydrates the cells while delivering nutrients and removing wastes more efficiently. This has been evaluated using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Hexagonal Water - The Ultimate Solution by MJ Pangman, Msc.
Donald Mayfield, NMD, DOM - on Structured Water “Hexagonal water helps to improve a number of measurable parameters in the human body. In my experience, even though many of my patients are drinking the recommended amount of daily water, they are still dehydrated. Hexagonally-structured water hydrates the body more rapidly by encouraging faster water uptake. I have been able to observe that the intracellular/extra- cellular water ratio begins to normalize within 10 – 15 minutes. Because of its link to so many functions, hexagonal water also appears to “jump-start” numerous bodily functions – even to enhance the water-protein communication network in the body.”
Biokineticist Stefan Schoeman - on Structured Water “In my experience, it takes a serious effort over a period of time to re-hydrate the body and blood. With that in mind, I have been extremely surprised to discover that within a very few minutes after drinking hexagonal water, the Rouleau effect begins to resolve. I believe in a total change in lifestyle; becoming alkaline requires changes in diet and drinking hexagonal water daily. Rouleau effect limits the surface area of red blood cells which also limits nutrient and oxygen exchange. After drinking 16 ounces of hexagonal water a separation of the red blood cells and the capacity for greater oxygen uptake and more efficient nutrient utilization takes place. Schoeman photographed live blood samples before and 10 minutes after drinking hexagonal water.Page 19, Hexagonal Water - The Ultimate Solution by MJ Pangman, Msc.
Some Final Thoughts on Structured Water • Hexagonal Structured Water will enhance and improve the benefits of any water based products. • Hexagonal Structured Water will improve cosmetic lines, while improving its ability to hydrate the skin. • Hexagonal Structured Water will improve construction products such as cement, tiles and building blocks. The cement will setup faster, dry harder, be UV resistant and produce healthy structures. • Hexagonal Structured Water will improve the quality of life of all birds and animals. • Hexagonal Structured Water will improve the quality and growth of all plants, fruits, vegetables and grains. • Hexagonal Structured water is the food for all life. Sound Energy Research is the first company to create patent pending technology that allows practitioners to make personalized hexagonal structured water for their clients.
Our Peace Project We are encouraging our Voice Analysis Hydration System (VAHS) operators to play a special relaxing program everyday at noon hour. Guests are invited to join in this 1/2 hour meditation program. While the program is playing a bottle of concentrate will be imprinted using our Scalarwave coil. Upon completion, this special water will be mixed with distilled water and served free of charge to all guests. This is a fun project whose benefits will be felt the moment you close your eyes and join in the group meditation. Feeling good is good. There is a natural law that says coherence begets coherence. Everyone will benefit from exposure to coherent energy fields. The natural benefits obtained by hydrating the body after the group meditation have long been established. By your presence you are contributing to the collective consciousness of the group and its desire to help make the world a better place. A saint once said that if they could get the square root of 1% of the world population to meditate they could make the world a better place. It is our hope that as thousands upon thousands of VAHS operators join "Our Peace Project" we will generate enough coherent energy to fulfill this statement.