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“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius. OBJECTIVES. Conduct a targeted job search and create a job search portfolio Ensure a professional electronic image Identify references to be used in your job search Identify sources for job leads

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“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius

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  1. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius

  2. OBJECTIVES Conduct a targeted job search and create a job search portfolio Ensure a professional electronic image Identify references to be used in your job search Identify sources for job leads Define networking and create a professional networking list

  3. THE JOB SEARCH Successful job search strategy identifies Type of job you will be looking for Needed tools and resources How to use tools and resources Goal of job search is to secure an interview and job offer

  4. INDUSTRY RESEARCH Identify and Target Industries that require your key skills Specific jobs in identified industries Desired work environment

  5. THE TARGETED JOB SEARCH Leads you through process of identifying open positions at target employers

  6. PREPARATION Electronic Image: image formed when someone is communicating or researching you through electronic means Conduct internet search on self Delete defamatory photos, writings, or other negative material Maintain professional e-mail address and voice mail Avoid text slang in written communications

  7. TALK IT OUT What type of photos, writings, or materials do you think are inappropriate for a potential employer to see?

  8. JOB SEARCH PORTFOLIO Job Search Portfolio: collection of paperwork used for job searches and interviews. Keeps job seeker organized and prepared while job searching Use binder with tabs Keep original and two copies of each item Place original documents in page protectors Interview Portfolio: contains items that will be taken on an interview (addressed in chapter 15)

  9. JOB SEARCH PORTFOLIOItems to include:

  10. SOURCES OF JOB LEADS Directly from target company Internet search Message boards and job-search sites Industry journals Industry associations Current employees of target industry/company Posted job positions Your professional network Government career assistance centers

  11. SOURCES OF JOB LEADS Visiting a company for open positions Treat as interview Dress professionally Have extra copies of résumé Display confidence Bring interview portfolio Be polite and respectful of other job seekers

  12. SOURCES OF JOB LEADSUnsolicited Cover Letters and Resumes Send two copies One to the human resource manager One to the manager of your target job Prior to sending, call company to secure names of both managers Correct spelling Correct gender Increases the opportunity to secure an interview

  13. PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING Networking: the act of creating professional relationships

  14. Person 3 tells Person 2 tells Person 6 tells Person 7 tells Person 5 tells Person 4 tells you tell Person 1 tells Andthisnetworkcontinues PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING Building a Professional Network

  15. PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING People to include in network: Coworkers Supervisors Instructors Family Friends

  16. PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING Network list: a written list of all network contacts. Include contact’s: Name Address Telephone number E-mail address

  17. KEEPING THE RIGHT ATTITUDE Keep job search confidential Do not quit current job before accepting a new job Do not bad-mouth your company or anyone that works for your current or former employer

  18. SUMMARY Conduct a targeted job search and create a job search portfolio Ensure a professional electronic image Identify references to be used in your job search Identify sources for job leads Define networking and create a professional networking list

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