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Senior English 10/29/12. " Moral education, which ought never, in any circumstances, to be rational." BNW ch . 2 Why shouldn’t moral education be rational? What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost? Ubiety – thereness . Being in a place. The opposite of absence .
Senior English 10/29/12 • "Moral education, which ought never, in any circumstances, to be rational." BNW ch. 2 Why shouldn’t moral education be rational? • What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost? • Ubiety –thereness. Being in a place. The opposite of absence. Goals – Read BNW silently. If you have completed the book ask the teacher for the “alternative assignment.” Homework – Don’t forget the reading comprehension quiz on Wednesday, Ch. 11-13. Don’t forget to study for Vocab. Quiz 10 on Friday.
Senior English 10/30/12 • "It makes me feel as though…" he hesitated, "as though I were more me, if you see what I mean. More on my own, not so completely a part of something else. Not just a cell in the social body. Doesn't it make you feel like that, Lenina?“ BNW Ch. 6. What makes you feel more like yourself? • Why did the cowboy buy a dachshund? • Philogynist– lover of women. The Goals – Discuss BNW Update on reading challenges. Discuss treatment of subs. Homework – Be prepared for reading comprehension Ch. 11-13.
Senior English 10/31/12 • "Talking about her as though she were a bit of meat." Bernard ground his teeth. "Have her here, have her there." Like mutton. Degrading her to so much mutton.” BNW ch.3 Identity. Why is Bernard so sensitive to this? Do we have a problem with people not seeing each other as individuals today? • How does the man on the moon get his hair cut? • Ciplinarian – One who teaches disorder. The opposite of a disciplinarian. Goals – Think and Read. Chapter 11-13 comprehension test. Homework – Read to catch up/ keep up.
Senior English 11/1/12 • “And I was so ashamed. Just think of it: me, a Beta – having a baby: put yourself in my place. The mere suggestion made Lenina shudder.” Ch 7. Society. What are the attitudes about birth and motherhood in our society? • What do you get if you cross an alley cat with a Chinese cat? • Sedentes – the opposite of migrants. People who stay in one place. Goals – Continue to read and think. Homework –
Senior English 11/2/12 • Five minutes to study for vocabulary quiz #10. • How do pigs talk? • Apricate – to sunbathe. To bask in the sun. Goals – Complete vocabulary study for week 10. Poem of the week? Homework – Get through chapter 16 by Monday.