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Norse Pantheon. aEgir. Elyssa Epstein. Information. Aegir is God of the Ocean and King to the sea creatures. Usually represented as an old man with a long beard. Also known as Eagor , Hler , and Gymir . Has two brothers, Kari (God of wind) and Logi (fire giant).
aEgir Elyssa Epstein
Information • Aegir is God of the Ocean and King to the sea creatures. • Usually represented as an old man with a long beard. • Also known as Eagor, Hler, and Gymir. • Has two brothers, Kari (God of wind) and Logi (fire giant). • Married to Ran (Goddess of Death for those who perished at sea), who was also his sister. • Ran and Aegir had 9 daughters, the Waves. • Would sometimes destroy mortals’ ships and capture sailors with Ran. • Gods Thor and Tyr set out to get a kettle for Aegir for one of his parties. They traveled to Elivagar on Aegir’s chariot to get Hymir the Giant’s kettle. • Known for hosting parties for the gods.
Basic Information about Aesir • Aesir was a group of warrior gods led by Odin who inhabit Asgard. • The group includes Odin, Frigg, Thor, Baldr, and Týr. • The Aesir stayed forever young by eating the apples of Iðunn; however they were not immortal and could be killed. • Asgard, the place the Aesir lived, was a far-northern mountainous nation which is permanently glaciated. • The Aesir were blond-haired, blue-eyed and very good hunters and axe-wielding warriors. • The Aesirand Vanirwere two clans of gods that fought battles, concluded treaties, and exchanged hostages. • Fun Fact: Odin, one of the members of Aesir, wife’s name was Frigg and Friday was named after her.
Balder • Son of Odin and Frigg, married to Nanna, son is Forsetti • Gentle and wise god, loved by both gods and men • God of light, purity, beauty, wisdom, innocence and reconciliation • Dwells in the place called Breidablik, which is in heaven • Had little power • Known for the story of his death -had a dream of his own death, Loki made an arrow of mistletoe and gave it to Balder’s blind brother who inadvertently killed him, burned on a funeral pyre
Bragi Tyler Hughes
Bragi • Bragi is the son of Odin and is the husband of Idun • God of poetry and eloquence • Patron of poets in Norse mythology • There were runes carved in his tongue, and he inspired poetry in humans by letting them drink the Mead of Poetry • Was made the poet of Asgard • Is different from the other gods in that he is a speaker for peace, not war
Fjorgyn Bruce Durann
About her • Fjorgyn is one of the wives of Odin along with Frigga and Rind. • Her domain is the wilderness and earth itself. • Fjorgyn was the daughter of Annar (Onar) and a giantess, named Nott (Night). • Odin's first wife • Mother to Thor, who was the eldest son of Odinand Norse god of Thunder. • Also the mother of Meili, (the lovely one) brother of Thor. Meili who attested in the creation of Poetic Edda.
Basic Information • Main goddess of the Vanir (fertilitiy gods), as well as love, beauty, sexuality, gold, war, and death • She rides a chariot pulled by two cats • Daughter of Njord and Nerthius, husband of Óðr, sister of Freyr, and mother of Hnoss and Gersemi • No obvious enemies, but maybe Thor because Freya almost had to marry a man in order to get Thor his hammer back • No significant flaws, but she had many lovers, which may have led to her husband’s disappearance • When Freya and her army rides forth on their missions, their shiny armor causes the Aurora Borealis
By: Danielle Schechter FREYR
FREYR • God of sun and rain • Weather and farming are his main areas • Also thought of as a lord- god of peace • Wife- Gerd Son of Njord Sister- Freyja Rides on a chariot pulled by a boar It is said that Freyr was attractive – he was also worshiped
Frigga Norse Goddess
Goddess of marriage, childbirth, motherhood, wisdom, and weaving • Her named means “beloved one” • Queen of Aesir, husband to Odin • Associated with the weaving of cloud and the threads of fate (Wyrd) • Mother of Balder and Hodr • She was known for being a strong mother but was unable to save Balder from his death • Sacred birds: Ravens, hawks, and falcons • Sacred plants: Frigg’s grass (sedative), mistletoe
Gefion Chloe Rigogne
Gefion • “Giver” • Goddess of fertility, vegetation, and unmarried women • Associated with the plow • Bringer of good luck and prosperity • Married to King Skjold or Scyld (son of Odin) • 4 Oxen sons, helped her plow the island of Zealand and created “The Lake” out of King Glyfi’s land • Descendants supposedly kings of Sweden
Heimdall Katie Holmes
Heimdall • Son of nine mothers • Often identified with Rig • The creator of three races of men • The watchman of the gods • Can hear the grass grow • Smart and tough • Strong and silent type of guard • Has a horn to signal the end of the world • Horn is called Gjall
Hel • Hell-also known as Hella, Holle or Hulda, was the Norse and Teutonic Goddess, Queen and Ruler of the Underworld, which was known as Niflheim, or Helheim, the Kingdom of the Dead. • Hel –”one that hides” or “one of covers up” • She is described as half black and half flesh-colored with a gloomy, depressed appearance. • Daughter of Loki and Angrboda • Grew up in Giantland with her siblings • She was banished from the underworld by Odin for being an ugly daughter of Loki • So she made the place of her own called Hel of the Helheim • It’s a very sad melancholy place filled with pessimistic spirits • Her job became judging people’s souls, and then granting them the type of existence within her realm that she felt they deserved; which might have been anything from a heaven to hell
Hermod Hermóðr
Information • Quick and nimble god • Was a son of Odin and Frigg • Messenger god • He is sent to save Baldr • Rides to Hel on Sleipnir (Odin's horse) • Jumps over Hel’s gates • Hermod carries a magical staff called Gambantein
Also known as Hodur • Son of Odin and twin brother of Balder • Hod was the blind god of darkness and winter. • He accidently killed his brother Balder. • Loki tricked Hod into shooting a mistletoe arrow at Balder. • Nothing could harm Balder except mistletoe and Loki used that against him. • After Hodhit Balder with the arrow, Odin and the giantess, Rindr, gave birth to Váli, who grew into an adult within a day, and then killed Hod.
Loki By: Nick Roda
Basic Information • The sly, trickster of the Norse gods. • Loki is the son of Fárbauti and Laufey, and the brother of Helblindi and Býleistr. • Wife Sigyn. • Loki sometimes assists the gods or causes problems for them. He is a shape shifter and in incidents, has appeared in the form of a salmon, mare, seal, a fly, and possibly an elderly woman. • His positive relations with the gods end with his role in engineering the death of the god Baldr. • He is eventually bound by the gods with the entrails of one of his sons.
Nidhogg Nick Guarna
Nidhogg • A dragon who gnaws at a root of the World Tree • Famous for chewing the corpses of the inhabitants of Náströnd, those guilty of murder, adultery, and oath-breaking • Believed the tree is trapping him in the underworld • World Tree had many inhabitants eating at it but Nidhogg from underneath • Also a name for a sword
The Norns:Urd, Skuld, and Verandi Aidan LeClair
Information • Urd “fate”; “what once was” • Skuld “being”; “what shall be” • Verandi “necessity”; “what is coming into being” • Three divine women who have control of destiny throughout the cosmos • Dwell within the Well of Urd beneath Yggdrasil, the great ash tree that stands at the center of the universe which hold the nine worlds • They carve runes into the trunk of the tree, or weaving destiny like a web or tapestry • Similar yet different to the Greek Fates, because their form of destiny can change and is not set in stone • Control destiny of gods and men • Other Norns who go to a newborn child and try to determine its future
Odin/Óðinn Steph Medina
Basic Info • God of poetry, battle and death • Domain: Asgard • Relationships: Husband to Frigg, king of the Aesir, father to Thor and many others • Odin’s steed is actually Loki’s son, Sleipnir. • Has two wolves named Freki and Geri • Self sacrificed his eye in Mimir’s well in exchange for a drink from it. • Flaws: Likes to cause conflict and shifts of power
Skadi Goddess of Winter and the Hunt By: Jared Ponzio
Skadi • Skadi lives at Thrymheim in the remote area of Jotunheim. • When skadi picked her husband she was only allowed to see the feet of the potential candidates. • She chose the feet of Njord the sea god. • Their marriage wasn’t the best because she really wanted to marry Balder. • A flaw of skadi would be that she is very aggressive. • Something I thought was interesting about skadi is that her name means damage or shade.
BASIC INFORMATION • Sleipnir is the eight legged horse of Odin (The major god in Norse Mythology) • Sleipnir is the child of Loki and Svaðilfari the horse of a stone mason named Blast. It’s a long story • He is considered the best horse and is able to travel over land, sea and through the air
Thor Rebecca Brill
What you need to know about Thor… • A.k.a – “Thunder God” and “Charioteer” • God of the Sky, thunder, and fertility • Associated with the law in Asgard(One of the nine worlds in Norse Mythology) • Son of Odin and Earth • Husband of Sif – daughter: Þrúðr (Thrud) • Lover of Járnsaxa – son: Magni • Father of son: Móði(Módi) – unknown mother • Step-father of God Ullr • Origin of the weekday “Thursday” (Thor’s day) • Viking Age: a priest is assigned to a god and is to offer up a sacrifice • Thor’s sacrifice was held when plague or famine threatened
Thor’s hammer • Can hit any target, then returns • Send out lightning bolts • Revive people and animals • Shrunken to fit in shirt • Used in ceremonies of birth and death • Forged by Brokkr and Eitris • Once stolen by JotunTrym • To get back, Freya lost fertility Facts
TYR • God of war, lawgiver to the gods, and god of justice • Led the Norse Pantheon • Sacrificed his hand • Son of odin
Váli By Eric Breiner
About Him: - Vali is the son of Odin and Rind, a foreign female giant. His sole purpose was to kill Höðr, who killed his beloved brother Baldr. - Vali had fully grown in one day, and avenged his brother the next night. - He was a brother to Thor, Loki, Baldr, and all of Odin’s other sons. - Vali is skilled in marksmanship, and is also fated to survive Ragnarök, which is an apocalypse-like event in which many major Gods are fated to die. - Vali’s arrows are compared to the rays of sun in spring when the days grow longer.
Valkyries Sean Russell
In Norse mythology, a Valkyrie (from Old Norse valkyrja "chooser of the slain") is one of a host of female figures who decide which soldiers die in battle and which live. • Selecting among half of those who die in battle the valkyries bring their chosen to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin. There, the deceased warriors become einherjar. When the einherjar are not preparing for the events of Ragnarök, the valkyries bear them mead. • Valkyries also appear as lovers of heroes and other mortals, where they are sometimes described as the daughters of royalty, sometimes accompanied by ravens, and sometimes connected to swans or horses. • Another name for the valkries were “Swan-Maidens” • Brynhild was the most famous of all the Valkyries
Vanir By Drew Blair