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Understanding Systems and Control Basics

Explore the concept of systems - sets of interconnected devices working together to achieve specific functions through input, process, and output mechanisms. Learn about subsystems, input sensors, processors, and output devices in control systems.

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Understanding Systems and Control Basics

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  1. Systems and Control

  2. What is a System? A system is a set of devices or things which are connected and work in conjunction with each other in order to perform a specific function.

  3. INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT All systems have

  4. Example:


  6. INPUT Door sensor INPUT Window sensor OUTPUT Siren Flashing light PROCESS INPUT Panic button A system is sometimes made of subsystems joined together. Burglar Alarm

  7. INPUT Input sensors usually convert a change in light, movement, temperature or humidity into changes in electrical signals. The inputs are often tiny changes of voltage, current or resistance.

  8. PROCESS The process or processor is the part of a control system which reacts to the inputs. The changes to the inputs are usually too small to operate output devices like buzzers or motors, so they have to be amplified to give a large enough change to operate the output devices.

  9. OUTPUT Output devices are those which convert electrical signals into sound, light or movement.

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