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The Postwar Years at Home chapter 20 notes

During the postwar years at home, America experienced economic prosperity, technological advancements like TV and polio vaccine, and social changes such as suburban growth, conformity, and the rise of the Beat Generation. The era also saw shifts in youth culture, music with the rise of rock and roll, and challenges to traditional gender roles. Political developments included the Fair Deal, civil rights initiatives by Truman, and the presidency of Eisenhower. Explore how these changes reshaped American society in the mid-20th century.

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The Postwar Years at Home chapter 20 notes

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  1. The Postwar Years at Homechapter 20 notes

  2. The Postwar Years at Home • For the first time in 15-20 years, Americans have surplus income and products are available for purchase • The U.S. economy experiences one of its greatest periods of growth • The GDP and per capita income double, but so did inflation

  3. Technology • TV begins to replace radio and movies as the main form of entertainment. • People would gather to watch TV as a family.

  4. Medicine • Polio Vaccine – Jonas Salk and Thomas Francis • Many surgical advances from WWII • Many advances in fighting bacterial infections

  5. Other advances • We see the beginning of the computer industry in America. • America begins to use nuclear power for the first time to power their homes

  6. G.I. Bill of Rights • Allowed G.I.’s to: • Go to college • Buy homes cheaply

  7. Changes in the Workforce • Many WWII veterans go to white collar jobs rather than blue collar ones. • Advances in the highway system, the purchase of new cars, and the demand for new homes led to an explosion in suburban growth “LEVITTOWN”

  8. The Suburbs • 16 million GI’s became men in the war, and need a new place to live. • During this time period, America sees an explosion in housing growth, especially the suburbs. • Baby Boom

  9. Rise in Conformity • A society that used to admire trailblazers and individuals now began to gravitate towards conformity, or “sameness”. • Americans began to treasure comfort and security. • This attitude was enhanced by images that Americans saw on TV

  10. The Beat Generation • Was a counter culture in response to the rise in American conformity. • Goatees, dark clothes, “playing it cool” • “Led” by Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsburg • Pre-cursor to the counter culture of the 1960’s.

  11. Lousy Beatniks!

  12. Youth Culture • Young people began to stay in school until completion in greater numbers. • People were marrying younger (especially girls).

  13. Conformity was also the norm for young people.

  14. Rock and Roll • Came from R&B • Exuded “sexual energy” • Kids loved it • “The Man”… HATED it, and so did parents. • “Elvis the Pelvis”, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, and more…

  15. Rebellion • Teen angst • Showed the rift between the WWII generation and the baby boomers.

  16. Rise in Religion • “One nation, under God…” and “In God we trust” appear for the 1st time. • These phrases were used in response to Communism, which was an atheistic culture. • Illustrated the idea of “God-less Communism” vs. “Christian Democracy”

  17. Roles of Men and Women • America settles into very different roles for men and women. • Men are the breadwinners, while the women stay at home. • Women are still in the workplace in large numbers • Both of these roles are glorified. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibugG89odt0

  18. Government • Post war strikes • As inflation rose, goods became more expensive • Taft-Hartley – The President could force strikers back to work if the strike affected national security • Attempted Civil Rights Legislation, but was blocked by Congress. • Truman Desegregates the Army.

  19. What was the New Deal?

  20. The Fair Deal • Attempted to extend the New Deal • Raise minimum wage, Unemployment Benefits, National Health Insurance, and other measures • Truman lost support among Democrats • Conservative Democrats • ***Most people thought he would lose the election because of this loss of support, but he did not.***

  21. Truman and Civil Rights • Appoints a biracial committee on Civil Rights. • Desegregates the Army in 1948. • Bans Discrimination in Federal hiring.

  22. 1952 Election • Nixon came under fire for allegedly accepting fund from wealthy Republican donors. • The “Checkers Speech” • Nixon - "...the kids, like all kids, love the dog, and...regardless of what they say about it, we're gonna keep it." • The American Public forgave Nixon, and he and Ike got a huge publicity boost because of this speech.

  23. Eisenhower (Ike) • 1st Republican President since Hoover • More comfortable working behind the scenes. • Some saw him as a do-nothing president.

  24. Ike continued… • ***Republicans wanted to get rid of all New Deal and Fair Deal legislation, but Ike wanted to take a middle road.*** • Created the Interstate Highway System.

  25. Ike continued… • Cuts spending, lowers taxation, and tries to shrink the government. • This dynamic conservatism was called “Modern Republicanism”.

  26. Ike, NASA, and Education • Our response to the expanding space race. • Increased funding to teach math and science. • Increases financial aid to college students. Sam, American space monkey

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