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Learn about agro-fuel, ecosystem, sustainable development, and more. Understand how these terms relate to land grabbing issues.
Training on land grabbing Fr. John Paul Pezzi, MCCJ VIVAT International associate www.jpic-jp.org - www.vivatinternational.org
No.6/2 Module No. 6. LG jargon: what’s behind the words?
Learning Objectives. No.6/3 Through this session we want you to : • Become familiar with key terms and concepts that are frequently used in relation to LG; • Understand how this terminology relates to LG
Content of the session No.6/4 1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: 1.1. Agro fuel 1.2. Ecosystem 1.3. Sustainable development 1.4. Greenhouse 1.5. Water Grabbing 1.6. Climate Change. 2-. Working group N° 6. 3-. Conclusion. PP. Shake & carry on Mapourdit. Makingo batic & printing on t-shirt
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/5 1.1-. Agro-fuel • Agro-fuel is the name given to fuel produced from agriculture and forestry products (plant, waste biomass). • It is drawn from Jatropha, palm oil, sugar cane, maize but also rice, cassava, millet, canola, wood etc. • This name refers also to production techniques. • Agro-fuels or bio-fuels? • They are synonymous. • But “bio” means life, while this production threatens the ecosystems’ life. • For this reason the name “agro-fuels” is preferred.
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/6 1.1-. Agro-fuels. Problems • The large-scale cultivation of agro-fuels: • is usually accompanied by intensive use of water, • implies the use of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides. • These practices often result in polluting and depletingwater resources and fertile soil, therefore threatening food resources. Contaminated drinking water in South Sudan – no solution in sight https://www.dw.com/en/contaminated-drinking-water-in-south-sudan-no-solution-in-sight/a-46278678
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/7 1.1-. Agro-fuel … the good one • Process • Collect all kinds of household or office waste: paper, cardboard, sawdust, scrap wood, rice hulls, fruit waste, grass, leaves; kitchen, agricultural, forest or industry waste. • Cut, grind and add water to obtain a pulp. • Press the pulp to extract liquid and allow this to dry in the sun for two or three days. • Biomass briquettes: • Alternative to firewood and charcoal.
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/8 1.2-. Ecosystem: • It is the biological environment, i.e. of terrestrial or aquatic life; • In this environment live all organisms of that particular area; • These organisms are linked together • They are united through the cycle of nutrition and energy flow. Exemple • Look carefully • Ecosystem is the whole combination of a space - desert or pond - and all beings which live there. In it there are two components: • living beings • the physical environment. • Biosphere is the ecosystem of the earth and all living beings that inhabit her.
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/9 1.2-. Ecosystem: • The Biosphere (Greek bios = life, sphaira, sphere) is the layer of the Earth where life develops. This layer includes • heights as far as birds can reach on their flights (up to 10 km above sea level) and • water depths (the Puerto Rican trench is more than 8 km deep). Ecosystems make up the biosphere • These are the extremes: the layer of the Earth where life can fully develop is thin; the upper layers of the atmosphere have low oxygen and low temperatures; the lowest depths to 1,000 m are dark and cold. • The biosphere is as thin as apple peel.
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/10 1.3-. Sustainable development 1. This should be the guiding principle for long-term global development. • 2. It consists of three pillars: • economic development • social development • ecological development • 3. Sustainable development is when • It meets the needs of the present generation • It does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs. • The three pillars are complemented satisfactorily
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/11 1.3-. Sustainable development • basic needs • They are: food, water, clothing, housing, employment, education, health. • If they are not satisfied there is poverty and, with poverty, the world is heading for humanitarian disasters. • What limits basic needs • The technological level of society, • Environmental Resources • Social injustice and inequality • The ability of the environment to absorb human activity, which is of two types: • Sustainable: Cutting trees is sustainable if we keep planting new and appropriate ones. • Unsustainable: Oil consumption is not sustainable: oil can't be grown
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/12 1.3-. Sustainable development • The 4 basic conditions for sustainable development are: • Conservation of the environment. • Development for everyone. • Peace, equality, human rights. • Democracy. The exploitation and use of resources such as is done today, for the medium and long term is not sustainable
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/13 1.4-. Greenhouse effect (GHG) The Earth depends on the sun for its heat: if the sun's rays that reach the earth are insufficient the Earth freezes; if they are too fierce the Earth burns. Nature has always managed to find its balance although it has taken centuries and has gone through cataclysms.
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/14 1.4-. Greenhouse effect (GHG) 1-. Nowadays this balance has been broken. • water vapor • carbon dioxide • methane • nitrous oxide • ozone. 4-. Greenhouse gases 2-. The gases that in the atmosphere absorb and emit infrared radiation have increased • 5-. Effects that occur: • the temperature of the Earth changes • the oceans and the atmosphere warm up • the rhythms of the seasons are modified • The temperature suitable for life becomes unbalanced. 3-. This makes the climate warmer: greenhouse effect
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/15 1.5-. Water grabbing. What about it ... • Governments and individuals, people, domestic and transnational companies divert water resources and watershed basins. • Watersheds collapse by excessive water consumption. • People and the ecosystem run out of water for their livelihoods. • Water grabbing is linked to land grabbing: • Agro fuels uses large amounts of water • Mining exploitation exploits huge quantities of water and pollutes The world hoarding of water: basic Roadmap http://www.tni.org/es/primer/el-acaparamiento-mundial-de-aguas-guia-basica
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/16 1.6-. Climate change (CC) • We speak of CC when the weather experiences severe variations from the normal historical record in the world or in one particular region. • Such changes occur at different scales of time and in all weather parameters: temperature, cloud cover, air pressure, rainfall, etc. • We can say that these changes have always been present and in theory, they are due to both natural causes and anthropogenic causes, that is, caused by humans. • The term CC nowadays refers, not appropriately, only to extreme climate changes taking place in our present time; it is used as synonymous with global warming caused by human activity.
1-. An introduction to recurring technical terms: No.6/17 1.6-. Climate change (CC) • CC and global warming are closely related phenomena: the controversy is centered on human responsibility and on a countries’ responsibility where the phenomenon occurs. • CC becomes global warming if there is a significant and lasting increase in local or global weather patterns. • The causes of global warming are the same as CC: • natural: variations in energy received from the sun, volcanoes eruptions, ocean circulation, biological processes • anthropogenic: caused by human activities: release of heat-trapping gases (CO2 + other), change in the use of large size of land. Climate change does exist. Yes, now we need a global change of mind to combat it.
2-.Working Group No. 6 No.6/18 • Introduction to the group work by the facilitator (5 min.) • Participants break into groups (20 min.) • Make a list of other technical terms you have heard about • Discuss them to see the connection between these terms and AT. • The group focal person keeps the answers and presents in plenary.
3-. Assembly: Questions and answers. No.6/19 • Assembly: Questions and answers. • Conclusion. PP. Shake & carry on