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OUR NATIONAL DAYS. We have four National Days. National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. April 23, 1920 Atatürk opened the Turkish Grand National Assembly and Atatürk gave this day to children as a present. Children’s Day Celebration in Our School.
NationalSovereigntyandChildren’sDay April 23, 1920 Atatürk openedtheTurkish Grand National Assembly and Atatürk gavethisdaytochildren as a present.
Atatürk CommemorationandYouthand Sports Day May 19, 1919 Atatürk landed in Samsun andstartedtheTurkishIndependenceWar. Atatürk gavethisdaytoyoungsters as a present.
REPUBLIC DAY October 29, 1923 TheTurkish Grand National Assembly announcedtherepublicand Atatürk waselected as thefirstpresident.
Manypeople in TurkeycelebrateRepublicDay on October 29 byattendingperformancesandparticipating in traditionalprocessionswithflagsandmusicalbands. TheTurkishRepublic’sfounder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimedRepublicDay as Turkey’smostimportantholiday.
What do people do? • Manypeoplegotolocalstadiums on October 29 towatchperformancesdedicatedtoRepublicDay in Turkey. Suchperformancesusuallyconsist of theatersketches, poetryreadingsandtraditionalTurkishdances.
ManypeoplealsolaywreathstoAtatürk’smonumentsorvisitAtatürk’smausoleum in thecountry’scapital, Ankara.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.